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RFC: Relative Links and Routes #5127

ryanflorence opened this issue May 16, 2017 · 116 comments

RFC: Relative Links and Routes #5127

ryanflorence opened this issue May 16, 2017 · 116 comments


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ryanflorence commented May 16, 2017

We intend to ship Relative Routes and Relative Links soon. I'd like to hear people's comments on something I'm not totally sure about yet.

What are Relative Links and Routes?

Instead of <Route path={match.path + '/more/stuff'}/> you could simply do <Route path="more/stuff"/> and Router will use the lack of / at the start of your path as a hint that you want to just use whatever path is above you. Relative!

Same with links. Instead of <Link to={match.url + '/more/stuff'}/> you can just do <Link to="more/stuff"/>.

The Problem

Going "down" as shown in the quick example up there is easy. But we're not sure what ".." should mean. There are two options for what it means: go up a URL segment, or go up a matched route.

Go up a URL segment

With plain anchors tags, .. means "up a URL segment". Given the following URL, an anchor tag with the following HREFs results in the following URLs:

href url
payments /clients/invoice/123/payments
. /clients/invoice/123
.. /clients/invoice
../ /clients/invoice
../.. /clients
../../ /clients

(As far as I can tell, feel free to double check!)

So I think everybody's intuition around this is to just do exactly that and be done with it. Ship it.

However, I have this gut instinct that our intuition right now might be keeping us from a better meaning of ".." in a React Router app?

Go up a matched Route

Maybe your app is something like this:

    <Route exact path="/" component={Home}/>
    <Route path="/clients" render={() => (
          <Route exact path="." component={ClientList}/>
          <Route path="invoice/:invoiceId" component={Invoice}/>

Maybe we want ".." to mean "go up a matched route" rather than "go up some url segments".

So now the "relative" portion of the Link's to prop is the parent Route's path, not the current location.

to prop link's url
.. /clients
../.. /

Notice .. doesn't go to "invoice" because that's not a route that will ever match.


  • When you change a parent Route's path prop, the relative links below don't need to be updated
  • You can't link to something that doesn't have UI (probably, see cons*)


  • *Since any ol' route can match a location w/o a relationship with other Route's that match, a Link in one place can potentially have a completely different href than a link somewhere else--even though they have the same to prop 😬. It all depends on the Route's path the Link is rendered within.
  • It's against most people's intuition

What do you think?

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I think the expected behavior is better because expected with that syntax. The route walking behavior could be useful but I'd suggest looking for another syntax.

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ryanflorence commented May 16, 2017

Ah so maybe <Link to="../projects"/> works on URL segments and <Link to="^^/projects"/> could work on the parent route's path. Interesting.

Not excited about inventing syntax though.

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What about a separate prop that is mutually exclusive with to? Something like <Link upOneRoute>? Then you can avoid overloading the API. (another option: <Link up={count}>, to traverse more than one level)

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1000hz commented May 17, 2017

I think going up a matched route would be a bad idea. 2 reasons I can think of off the top of my head:

Notice .. doesn't go to "invoice" because that's not a route that will ever match.

  1. I don't think you can make this claim when routes in v4 can be anywhere in the component tree.

  2. What happens when you decide to add a <Route path="invoice" /> a few weeks later? Now you've inadvertently borked all your relative links.

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BTMPL commented May 17, 2017

I think your assumption in first post is wrong, @ryanflorence

Given URL like /clients/invoice/123 the behavior is:

href url
payments /clients/invoice/payments
(empty href attribute) /clients/invoice/123
. /clients/invoice
.. /clients
../.. /

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pshrmn commented May 17, 2017

@BTMPL Resolving here is going to be slightly different than how the browser treats hrefs. Before stripping the last segment, we ensure that the pathname ends in a trailing slash. That way only an empty string is stripped and we can treat /clients/invoice/123 the same as /clients/invoice/123/ (we get the segments ['clients', 'invoice', '123']).

The only tricky thing with that is that we have to keep track of if the original path had a trailing slash. I dealt with that in #4459 with this code and these tests (which I think are correct, but I haven't reviewed them in a couple months).

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BTMPL commented May 17, 2017

@pshrmn I understand that this is a decision aimed at new developers that might be unfamiliar with the URI syntax, but that's a step away from the specs.

Also, Ryan's example was based on anchor tags, so I assumed spec compliant, not react-router variant and should follow the RFS -

Is there a real need for relative links other than not having to access props.match.url ?

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mcrawshaw commented May 17, 2017

The composability of React and RR4 are great. I think when @ryanflorence mentions the second option he is targeting 1st class support for this concept. Allowing a component to ignore implementation details of its owner/parent, etc.

Conceptually, I think it's useful to classify path segments in 2 seperate ways. Navigation and parameter. An example /list/page2/item1/tab2. For the sake of discussion, list and item1 are probably navigation segments (resulting in route matches and a rendered component), and page2 and tab2 are parameter segments (passed to the matching component). I argue that navigation segments are often what we want to work with when discussion relative paths. Parameter segments are often optional and can cause headaches.

I'm not sure what the exact solution is, but my most common needs are as follows:

  • Navigate down the tree, easy in any method, just append path to the existing one. This is already possible with match.url, if a little verbose.
  • Navigate up the tree, almost always I want to go the parent match, never up one segment (possibly an parameter segment). Option 1 sounds great, until you try to deal with optional parameter segments. Think of trying to go up the tree from /list (page1 is the default) vs /list/page2. There is currently no support for this in RR4.
  • Change parameter segments the same position in the navigation tree (i.e. component match). Without getting the parent involved (e.g. send a rootPath prop) we need reference to a base match without parameter segments. For example to="./page2" would always go to /list/page2 regardless if coming from /list or /list/page1. We can reconstruct a new path with only knowledge of the current components domain. There is currently no support for this in RR4.

I believe this description keeps cohesion within the component.

The unfortunate thing about this discussion is that you might have a completely different view if you use RR4 differently within your app. But hoping this makes sense to as most people as possible.

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In my head <Link to="" /> directly corresponds to <a href="" />, so I would the expect the to prop to behave in the same way as the a's href. If a relative link behaves differently in react-router than the html counterpart, then that is something and you'll probably will be explaining over and over and over again.

Could the alternative behaviour be implemented in a dedicated component?

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mcrawshaw commented May 17, 2017

I agree @thomasvm, except for needing a separate component.

Especially with .. as it has such an intuitive use (remove a single segment from the current url). Changing it would require massive userland instruction.

I don't believe . has the same familiarity.

I think @davidascher suggestion is worth considering.

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pshrmn commented May 17, 2017

Relative links would be completely for convenience (i.e. not having to use match.url and string concatenation).

I think that as long as the resolving behavior is well documented, I'm okay with being slightly different from how anchors resolve. The current URI spec seems mostly inspired by static file servers, where trailing slashes are normal (e.g. /somewhere/ is really /somewhere/index.html). When they aren't, linking to child pages is annoying.

for example, with window.location.pathname = '/user/123',
you have to include the user id in a relative link
<a href='123/edit'>Edit</a>

If we automatically insert a trailing slash, then we get the behavior that I feel like the resolving was originally built around. Maybe I'm just assuming that intention because it fits my argument, but RFC 1808 was written over 20 years ago.

Also, while this behavior is different from how anchors resolve, it is consistent with how the terminal apears to resolve with cd (they may be appending the trailing slash, but visually the terminal does not show it).

~/code $ cd forks
~/code/forks $ ls
react-router history
~/code/forks $ cd react-router
~/code/forks/react-router $ cd ../history
~/code/forks/history $

Anyways, I'm more of a fan of the segment-wise double dot resolving because it is more predictable. I can certainly see the appeal to match based resolving, but I feel like that might lead to weird edge cases.

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BTMPL commented May 17, 2017

I would be a fan of this solution if react-router would enforce traling slashes but I don't think enforcing anything like that is what the devs want. Maybe adding a separate link component or a prop on the link component to change it to relative mode is the solution?

Maybe I'm just assuming that intention because it fits my argument, but RFC 1808 was written over 20 years ago.

Sure, but it's still in use today, and a lot of webdevs are used to how it works ;)

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lewisdiamond commented May 24, 2017

Given /clients/invoice/123, a link to payments should definitely go to /clients/invoice/payments, not what is suggested in the first post.
Given /clients/invoice/123, . should not go to /clients/invoice but rather /clients/invoice/ (trailing slash, same goes for your .. example)

Why not follow standards?

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binki commented Jun 1, 2017

I came to this bug researching how to write relative <Route/> with react-router because I don’t get how nesting would make sense without support for relative routes. I was surprised that this is not a feature yet.

Maybe links could just not support ... If you’re trying to navigate to a different page in the app which requires going up, that means your <Link/> implies it knows the structure of its parent components. Requiring components to know where they will be called from seems to work against the ideal react components data flow.

By disallowing .., you could encourage in the docs for authors to pass down absolute link generators which may themselves be built from relative contexts. For example, a demonstration of a component knowing only about <Routes/> it manages and passing the necessary information to other components which might want to link to routes it manages:

<Route path='a/:aParam1/:aParam2' render={routeProps => <SubComponentA aParam1={routeProps.match.params.aParam1} aParam2={routeProps.match.params.aParam2}/>}/>
<Route path='b' render={routeProps => <SubComponentB buildALink={(aParam1, aParam2) => routeProps.match.url + '/' + ['a', aParam1, aParam2].map(encodeURIComponent).join('/')}/>}>

I think this sort of pattern enables you to write components that can use <Route/> without knowing about the structure of any components containing them. If you change any <Route/> in this component, you can immediately see all dependencies on that <Route/> and fix your link builders from one spot. This pattern is not enforced if the concept of .. is supported by relative <Link/>s because developers will take that shortcut.

Sorry if this isn’t coherent or isn’t quite on topic. My demo also probably uses react-router incorrectly.

P.S., I also find it confusing that baseUrl=/clients/invoice/123 with url=payments resolves to /clients/invoice/123/payments. Everyone expects browser/standard URI behavior such as is supported by all the URI libraries out there:

> require('url').resolve('/clients/invoice/123', 'payments')
> require('url').resolve('/clients/invoice/123/', 'payments')

However, route-relative URI support for <Link/> needs to be supported somehow for the feature to be useful. I’d like if a relative <Link/> were to always be relative to the full matched route plus a /. As long as the documentation for relative <Link/> clearly states that it is relative to matched route plus /, I think that it won’t be too confusing. That way it would match the behavior of relative <Route/>, making it easy to build links to relative <Route/>. Just don’t tell people that relative <Link/> it is relative to the URI they see in their browser, say there’s an implicit / and ensure it’s easy to get the version of the URI with that implicit / from the match object that, e.g., includes optional parameters (by just placing extra consecutive /) if there isn’t already an API for that (match.url does not do this, so it is unusable for building relative links).

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binki commented Jun 1, 2017

I realized I made a mistake in my hypothetical relative <Route/>s demo, sorry for spam. In rendering SubComponentB I need to refer to this.props.match when generating the URI builder, not routeProps.match. This way, the URI is relative to the example component rather than to my b route. Here’s the corrected version:

<Route path='a/:aParam1/:aParam2' render={routeProps => <SubComponentA aParam1={routeProps.match.params.aParam1} aParam2={routeProps.match.params.aParam2}/>}/>
<Route path='b' render={routeProps => <SubComponentB buildALink={(aParam1, aParam2) => this.props.match.url + '/' + ['a', aParam1, aParam2].map(encodeURIComponent).join('/')}/>}>

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@binki I struggled a little to understand your example, but I agree with your point that we don't want sub-components making assumptions about their parent. As for removing a relative '..' as an option, that would be a little draconian for me.

@ryanflorence Have you had a chance to read the above comments? Has your thinking progressed since opening this issue?

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pshrmn commented Jun 9, 2017

The fact that history already supports relative pathnames (I guess I knew that it does, but I never see it used, so I wasn't thinkingn about it before) means that there could be inconsistent behavior for relative links. Of course the point of React Router adding relative links is that we produce an absolute URI, but there isn't a great way to infer the difference strictly looking at the pathname string.

/* current */
// location = { pathname: '/user/12345', ... }
// match = { path: '/user/:id', url: '/user/12345', params: { id: '12345' }, ... }
<Link to={`${}/details`}>User Details</Link>
// <a href='/users/12345/details'>User Details</a>


With that approach, you still have to use the match properties to generate the relative link. For me, that defeats the point of implementing relative links.

The two solutions that come to mind are to make a separate <RelativeLink> component or to add a prop to <Link> to differentiate between spec relative routing and segment relative routing. If we chose the former we would also need to write a <RelativeNavLink> which is not ideal.

Instead I think that we could add a spec prop for people who want relative paths to be resolve according to spec. You could also have a relative prop that does segment relative routing when true. Both approaches have their benefits, and maybe I'm just being stubborn, but I would prefer to have segment relative routing be the default. I think that overall it looks cleaner.

// location = { pathname: '/user/12345', ... }
// match = { path: '/user/:id', url: '/user/12345', params: { id: '12345' }, ... }

// when adding additional segments, it is simpler to just write
// the desired segment to add
<Link spec to={`${}/details`}>User Details</Link>
<Link to='details'>User Details</Link>
// both produce <a href='/users/12345/details'>User Details</a>

// when going to different segment on the same level, it is slightly simpler to
// just write the segment value
<Link spec to='67890'>Other User</Link>
<Link to='../67890'>Other User</Link>
// both produce <a href='/users/67890'>Other User</a>

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AFAIC we've already got a great story around relative <Link> and <Route> just using the match object.

// Relative links build their to value using match.url
<Link to={match.url + '/sub/path'}>relative link</Link>

// Relative routes build their path using match.path (or match.url if they don't care about parent route's params)
<Route path={match.path + '/sub/path'} .../>

I agree these aren't perfect yet because the string concat can get messy when there's a trailing / in the URL, but it's very explicit which I like.

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sohrabsaran commented Jul 28, 2017

Avoiding match.url in case of <Route path={match.url+'/sub/path'} will be great.

Instead of the above, if we were able to just say:

<Route path='sub/path' matchEnd will be easier (where 'matchEnd' is a keyword that the 'Route' component can read and process).

I ran into this 'path does not match unless prefixed with match.url' issue and resolved it through a careful look at

I then went about removing all explicit pass-downs of props via:

    return <outerComponentTag {...this.props}  >  ...   </outerComponentTag> 

(Before going through the example in detail, I had earlier tried to do prop pass-downs to check whether they somehow resolved the issue of the Route component not working).

....but now after the cleanup of these explicit/brute-force prop pass-downs (they were generating errors in the browser console about unwanted props being passed to various components), the component where I render my Route, now complains that it cannot find 'match'!!!

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svicalifornia commented Aug 12, 2017

Back in May (sorry, I'm late to this party), @lewisdiamond suggested that . should go up a single URL segment but leave a trailing slash:

Given /clients/invoice/123, . should not go to /clients/invoice but rather /clients/invoice/

I think he's right. This would mirror how regular web links work. As he also suggested, .. would go up yet another level (e.g. /clients/), still leaving a trailing slash.

I also see and desire the benefit of going up a whole matched route, as @ryanflorence proposed. But rather than using .. for that (which would break people's expectations of how relative paths work), I suggest that we use ... to traverse up a whole matched route.

In summary, my proposal would be:

  • .: Remove characters from end of URL pathname until reaching a slash; leave the slash.
  • ..: Same as ., but then remove the next token from the end of the URL, leaving the previous slash.
  • ...: Remove the last matched route (which may be absolute or relative to its own parent route).

If we leave trailing slashes for . and .. as proposed above, then routes should also have an option (perhaps true by default?) to allow exact to match with or without a trailing slash.

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@svicalifornia not too sure whether '.' being used to remove part of the url matched so far, would really be an intuitive syntax in general...
Regarding the '...' syntax suggestion, do you mean to say that in place of:

<Route path={match.url+'/sub/path'}

...we should be able to say:

<Route path={'.../sub/path'}

If that's the case, then I like the suggestion; it looks nicer than the 'matchEnd' keyword suggestion I mentioned previously.

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svicalifornia commented Aug 12, 2017

@sohrabsaran Not quite. As @ryanflorence proposed at the top of this thread:

Instead of <Route path={match.path + '/more/stuff'}/> you could simply do <Route path="more/stuff"/>

So you wouldn't need any prefix for that. Just simply use "relative/path".

My suggestion of ... was in response to his request for comments:

Going "down" as shown in the quick example up there is easy. But we're not sure what ".." should mean. There are two options for what it means: go up a URL segment, or go up a matched route.

(See his post at the top of this thread for more context.)

My proposal (echoing @lewisdiamond) is that . and .. should behave exactly as web links have worked for the last ~25 years:

  • .: Remove characters from end of URL pathname until reaching a slash; leave the slash (i.e. go to the "current directory" of the URL).
  • ..: Same as ., but then remove the next token from the end of the URL, leaving the previous slash (i.e. go to the "parent directory" of the URL).

And to support the use case offered by @ryanflorence to go up a whole matched path, I propose that we use ...:

  • ...: Remove the last matched parent route (which may be absolute or relative to its own parent route).

For example, imaging we have a route /users with a component of Users. We would write that as:

<Route path="/users" component={Users} />

Now imagine that Users contains a long Switch of many user routes, including /users/:id/profile/relationships. Since we have already matched /users in the parent route, we could write a relative route like this:

<Route path=":id/profile/relationships" component={UserRelationships} />

Then inside the render function of UserRelationships, we might want to link back to Users. So we could use ... to remove the last matched route (:id/profile/relationships), returning us to /users:

<Link to="...">Users</Link>

Or we could link to a different user's profile:

<Link to={`.../${}/profile`}>{}</Link>

This is a somewhat contrived example, and you might structure the routes differently, but hopefully this shows how ... would work and the benefit of having it in addition to . and ...

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svicalifornia commented Aug 12, 2017

@sohrabsaran If you still doubt that . should behave as @lewisdiamond and I propose, then try this in any web page:

<a href=".">Click Here</a>

Open that file locally in Chrome and click the link, and you'll see that it removes the filename from the URL and takes you up to the directory path. It works the same way on a web server, and the web has worked that way since the 1990s.

Following the existing conventions for relative paths in URLs will minimize developer confusion and increase adoption of this feature (as well as React and React Router). It's the right way to go.

And with ..., we can still traverse up matched routes and have the best of all worlds!

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@svicalifornia thanks for summarising the context of the thread. I came here while looking for a way to avoid having to mention match.url in '<Route path='. I saw the last answer from @mjackson, that may have confused me about the exact scope of the opening post. I'll be more careful next time. So far I've avoided the need for '<Link to=' by using a custom component that calls history.push().

Agreed that 'no prefix' quite logically and concisely means that the given path is relative to match.url (the part of the url matched so far).

Further, as suggested in the opening post, a Link's 'to' attribute when a relative path, is relative in the exact same way as a Route's 'path' attribute when a relative path. They are both considered as prefixed with match.url.

So, I feel that it is logical and intuitive to consider a starting '..' as removing the end from match.url. I can't seem to visualise any alternate interpretation!
In summary, per my intuition:

<Link to="../sub/path"

...resolves to:

<Link to="/match/dot/url/../sub/path"

...that in turn resolves to:

<Link to="/match/dot/sub/path"

This is like the expected behavior of the 'cd' command on linux; given that the current directory contains two directories 'a' and 'b', if we say

cd a/../b

...we see that the current directory changes to 'b'. This may be tried out at a linux command prompt.

So @svicalifornia, can the following concern in the original post please be elaborated with an example (I take it that unlike me, you've understood the concern):


  • *Since any ol' route can match a location w/o a relationship with other Route's that match, a Link in one place can potentially have a completely different href than a link somewhere else--even though they have the same to prop 😬. It all depends on the Route's path the Link is rendered within.
  • It's against most people's intuition


Do note that in the examples you've given, examples were given for '...' but not for '..'. Sorry for the bother, just trying to help to close out this one...

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svicalifornia commented Aug 13, 2017

@sohrabsaran In traditional web links, the behavior of . and .. at the start of a link href depends on the current page URL, specifically whether the current page URL ends in a slash:

If the current page URL is then . goes to and .. goes to
(file path; no trailing slash)
/some/directory/ /some/
(directory path; trailing slash)
/some/directory/ /some/
(directory path; no trailing slash)
/some/ /

When the current URL path ends in slash, . goes to the same path, and .. removes the last part of the path, as you said. However, when the current URL path does not end in slash, then . removes the last part of the path, and .. removes the last two parts of the path.

This behavior of relative links is defined in Internet standard RFC 1808, published in 1995. Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer implemented relative web links this way back in the '90s, and web browsers have handled relative links exactly the same way since then.

For traditional web sites, HTTP web servers usually take care standardizing directory URLs by redirecting any request to a directory URL without the trailing slash to the same URL but with the trailing slash added. This has the effect of adding a trailing slash to the web browser's address bar, so that all the relative links on the page will behave according to the URL ending in a trailing slash. This makes it easier for web developers to know how their relative links will work, because directory URLs will always end in a slash.

It would be great if React Router could do something similar. While our routes don't correspond to directories on disk, they often do correspond to collections of items in a similar semantic sense. For example, we would expect a route with path /products to render a component listing a collection/directory of products. Semantically, this is very similar to a directory in the traditional web. Since we are using URL routing (with the same URL syntax defined by the traditional web), then we should probably use trailing slashes in our collection/directory routes, as in /products/.

React Router could standardize our collection/directory URLs for us in much the same way that HTTP servers do, via a new Route property called collection or directory. This property would allow collection routes to match with or without the trailing slash and automatically add the trailing slash to the match URL (and perhaps to the browser's address bar, using history.replace).

For relative links to be successfully adopted in React Router, they should behave exactly as relative links do on the traditional web, as defined in RFC 1808. To simplify this and avoid having to think about whether match URLs have trailing slashes, we should add a new collection / directory property on Route so that it can add the trailing slashes for us on the appropriate routes.

Following these conventions will ensure that we are implementing relative links the same way that they have worked for over 20 years. Changing the expected behavior, even slightly, will introduce confusion and stumbling blocks for current and new developers alike, and I see no reason to do things differently when the existing conventions are known by millions of people and fairly easy to implement in React Router.

The use case offered by @ryanflorence to go up a whole matched path (which may be one or more URL parts, absolute or relative to its own parent route) has no analogue in the traditional web. Therefore I think React Router should introduce a new path prefix ... for this particular behavior. Many developers will never use this, since they are already familiar and happy with .. and how it works on the web. But I can also see myself wanting to traverse up to the route of the parent component, without having to worry about how many URL parts were matched from there to the current component, and ... would be a great addition to allow us to make that traversal with confidence.

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Keep existing URL semantics is my vote.

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sohrabsaran commented Aug 15, 2017

No description provided.

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sohrabsaran commented Aug 15, 2017

No description provided.

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karevn commented Aug 28, 2018

Btw, I sent a PR for basic implementation based on guys' earlier work here: #6307

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penx commented Nov 7, 2018

I'm cross posting this from
#5291 (comment) as it solves similar problems to relative links, and may work for some people in this thread.

It doesn't implement relative links directly, but allows a nested browser router so that a basename can be set on a descendent of a BrowserRouter.

Having a nested BrowserRouter (or equivalent) may be a common requirement in large applications that are separated in to modules.

In our case, this is solely so that:

  • We are able to set a basepath on a descendent of a BrowserRouter, that affects the behaviour of descendent react-router components
  • React Router applications can be distributed as modules and live within parent applications that also use React Router

I looked in to the issues described by @timdorr above and think I have a solution.

I created a NestedBrowserRouter component that uses the parent router's history but adds a basepath:

I have put a demo usage here:

        <Link to="/">Home</Link> | <Link to="/sub">Sub app</Link> |{" "}
        <Link to="/sub/sub">Sub sub</Link>
          <Route exact path="/" render={() => <h2>Home</h2>} />
            render={() => (
              <NestedBrowserRouter basename="sub">
                  <h1>Sub app</h1>
                  <Link to="/">Sub Home</Link> | <Link to="/sub">Sub Sub</Link>
                    <Route exact path="/" render={() => <h2>Sub Home</h2>} />
                    <Route exact path="/sub" render={() => <h2>Sub Sub</h2>} />


  • This requires React Router @4.4 which is still in beta
  • I've only proven a basic use case here, would be interested in feedback and to hear if this works for all use cases. We are planning to use this in production on a large scale, modularised React application that lives across multiple repositories.
  • I'm not yet sure how to link from the sub app/router back up to the parent app/router

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stale bot commented Sep 10, 2019

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yordis commented Sep 10, 2019

Bot DansGame

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@ryanflorence I've used the withRouter together with match.path to create my nested routes for a while now, however I've just now switched to v5.1 trying to remove the HOC's. Is there still a solution to create the same behaviour with the new hooks? Using useLocation() you'll always get the current route match instead of the 'parent route'.

For example:

const NestedRoutes = () => {
   // Before I would use match.path here wrapped via withRouter.
   const {pathname} = useLocation();

  return (
        <Route path={`${pathname}/bar`}><Component /></Route>
        <Route path={`${pathname}/baz`}><AnotherComponent /></Route>

const Main = () => {
  return (
        <Route path="foo"><NestedRoutes /></Route>

If I use the HOC withRouter, the path would always say 'foo', even if I directly land on a sub page. However, with the new useLocation() hook it will always give the path of the page you landed on (which makes sense). But I'm now looking for a way to get the path of the parent route, without using the (almost deprecated) HOCs.


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MeiKatz commented Sep 30, 2019

@JeroenReumkens @mjackson Maybe we should add the feature that path could also be a function like we do with to for <Link />, but pointing to the parent route match. Not sure about the consequences.

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JeroenReumkens commented Sep 30, 2019

Or maybe it could be an option to render a <Route> with its own context provider, which holds all the 'route data', like the path. That context you can then consume in the child route via useParentRoute() or something like that?

Also not sure about performance impact by rendering all these providers.

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dndrsn commented Sep 30, 2019

@JeroenReumkens I think this is the "unsanctioned" method to get what you are looking for...

import { Switch, Route, __RouterContext } from 'react-router';


const { match } = useContext(__RouterContext);

I believe that will allow you to use the same approach.

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mjackson commented Oct 1, 2019

Just a quick update here for anyone who's following along: right now the plan is to make relative routing the default behavior in v6, similar to how it currently works in @reach/router today. Manually interpolating match.path into child <Route>s and <Link>s is tedious at best.

We will be introducing a version of <Switch> soon in v5 that makes relative routing the default behavior so that all <Route>s beneath it are relative to their parents. We are introducing the API in v5 so you can migrate your code to the new API one piece at a time w/out migrating everything to v6 at once.

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Hi @mjackson Thanks for the updates! Will the Embedded Routers from @reach/router be supported in v6?

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IronSean commented Oct 24, 2019

@mjackson Where can we track the progress on that new relative version of <Switch>? Or where can I help out with this effort?

@stale stale bot added the stale label Dec 23, 2019
@timdorr timdorr added fresh and removed stale labels Dec 23, 2019
@remix-run remix-run deleted a comment from stale bot Dec 27, 2019
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Sowed commented Jan 11, 2020

We are introducing the API in v5 so you can migrate your code to the new API

@mjackson, is this functioanlity now available in "react-router-dom": "^5.1.2" or should we await v6?
Porting a project with ReachRouter to ReactRouter v5, but relative routes are such a pain to sub string manually.

Happy 2020 everyone.

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mjackson commented Feb 4, 2020

Relative routes and links are the default in v6. I'm not very optimistic that we can introduce relative links in v5 because some people are probably already relying on their <Link to> values resolving like normal <a href> values do, which isn't how we are doing it in v6. So this would be a breaking change for them.

I wrote up a section about relative links and routes in the v5 to v6 migration guide if you want to read more about how it works. But we can't change this in v5 w/out breaking some apps.

@mjackson mjackson closed this as completed Feb 4, 2020
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MeiKatz commented Feb 4, 2020

Relative routes and links are the default in v6. I'm not very optimistic that we can introduce relative links in v5 because some people are probably already relying on their <Link to> values resolving like normal <a href> values do, which isn't how we are doing it in v6. So this would be a breaking change for them.

I wrote up a section about relative links and routes in the v5 to v6 migration guide if you want to read more about how it works. But we can't change this in v5 w/out breaking some apps.

It would be great if there were not only the one style for nested routes, but also the style with the leading ./. For me this is better understandable.

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mjackson commented Feb 4, 2020

Including support for ./ as the <Route path> prefix opens the door for using <Route path="../something"> which doesn't make any sense.

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MeiKatz commented Feb 4, 2020

Including support for ./ as the <Route path> prefix opens the door for using <Route path="../something"> which doesn't make any sense.

Right, but I don't think that it is an problem to throw an exception if there is more than one leading dot.

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mjackson commented Feb 4, 2020

Sure, @MeiKatz. We can include support for one leading .. I think probably enough people will expect it to work that it's worth including. But I'll also include a warning for ...

mjackson added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 4, 2020
This lets people do stuff like <Route path="."> and <Route

It's a little confusing because <Route path> can't ever have .. but
there's a warning for that too.

See discussion here: #5127 (comment)
@lock lock bot locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Apr 4, 2020
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