Pwnto-driver is a reimplementation of pwntools in C instead of python. The goal is to fix some pwntools issues. Pwnto-drivers will
- provide ability to exploit drivers.
- provide ability to create worm from imported pwnto-driver library.
As the dev have some experience with the old pwntools, the new tool aims to fix some known issues:
- windows program and drivers support. More than pwntools.
- Linux driver support (more than pwn++ that is written in C++ instead of C).
choco install --yes python --version 3.8.0
choco install --yes swig
In order to build pwnto-driver including swig bindings, you must specify your python path. For example, if you installed python 3 with the command choco install --yes python --version 3.8.0
, the you could build with:
make all PYENV=C:\Python38
clean with
make clean
choco install --yes doxygen.install
choco install --yes doxygen.portable
choco install --yes swig
Each set of .h/.c of file you create MUST be followed by another .i file with the same name containing swig binding definition.
It will then autogenerate binding so that our c program with c perf and c syntax will be available by importation in most of the languages including python.
Watch the swig doc for more informations.