This Xiot agent is intended to control a fan that offers 3 rotation speeds as well as an oscillation mode.
To use it, you'll preferrably also need the iotinator master module (, or you can just use it's REST API to integrate to your own designs.
You will find here all the information to install your dev environment.
The goal is to transform this 25 year old fan into an iot-equipped fan to control its speed and optional oscillation:
The controls are a bit oldish, hope they'll stand the transformation...
Here is the module prototype, with 4 leds to simulate the 4 static relays that will control the fan speed and oscillation:
Here is the power module, with the power down circuit, 4 static relays, and connectors
Here is the full device, with the power module, the esp8266 module, and the oled screen:
Here is the working device, not yet properly attached and not yet with a window for the screen.
My advice: use connectors everywhere you can.
Here is the fan, now featuring a screen.
The screen is just taped for now, but I'll 3D-print a slim case to hold it.
And, yes, I should clean this old fan :(
And here is the module control panel in the webApp (below it you can see the control panel for the switch module, available here and described there