My dotfiles for Linux and OSX.
- clone this repository
make dotfiles && make dependencies
- fuzzy file search with preview by fzf
- prompt customize with powerlevel10k
- monokai like color
- tmux + tmux-themepack
- neovim - grep with preview by fzf.vim
- neovim - with LSP
This dotfiles installation is managed by Ansible and Makefile.
make dotfiles
create symbolic links in home directory.
Files are created as symbolic links and directories are created as directories.
make dependencies
installs packages and plugins.
These implementations can be found in the ansible directory.
The following script in .zshrc
allows you to write machine-specific settings in the .zshrc_local
file, such as a proxy.
if [[ -e ~/.zshrc_local ]]; then
source ~/.zshrc_local
The same is true for vimrc.
Run lint (shellcheck, ansible-lint, vint)
$ make lint
Test .bashrc and .zshrc, check zsh plugin installed.
$ make test
$ docker run --rm -it -u ubuntu reireias/non-root-user-ubuntu:22.04 bash
$ sudo apt update
$ cd
$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
$ make dotfiles
$ make dependencies
$ zsh
# onliner
$ sudo apt update && cd && git clone && cd dotfiles && make dotfiles && make dependencies && zsh