Kamodo originated as a CCMC tool for access, interpolation, and visualization of space weather models and data in python. Kamodo allows model developers to represent simulation results as mathematical functions which may be manipulated directly by end users. This general approach allows observational data to be represented functionally, through the use of interpolators. Kamodo handles unit conversion transparently and supports interactive science discovery in a low coding environment through jupyter notebooks. These features allow Kamodo to be used in other fields of study and as a teaching tool for working with real world physical data.
This repository hosts the core Kamodo libraries under a permissive NASA open source license. The core library supports function registration, composition, unit conversion, automated plotting, LaTeX I/O, and remote procedure call (RPC) interfaces.
Space weather simulation readers are implemented as subclasses of the Kamodo base class and are developed and maintained by the Community Coordinated Modeling Center, located at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. CCMC's Kamodo readers may be found here https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Kamodo/
Suppose we have a vector field defined by a function of positions in the x-y plane:
from kamodo import kamodofy
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 25)
y = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 30)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x,y)
points = np.array(list(zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel())))
@kamodofy(units = 'km/s')
def fvec(rvec = points):
ux = np.sin(rvec[:,0])
uy = np.cos(rvec[:,1])
return np.vstack((ux,uy)).T
The @kamodofy decorator lets us register this field with units to enable unit-conversion downstream:
from kamodo import Kamodo
kamodo = Kamodo(fvec = fvec)
When run in a jupyter notebook, the above kamodo object will render as a set of equations:
We can now evaluate our function using dot notation:
array([[-0.84147098, 0.54030231]])
We can perform unit conversion by function composition:
kamodo['gvec[m/s]'] = 'fvec'
kamodo automatically generates the appropriate multiplicative factors:
array([[-841.47098481, 540.30230587]])
Kamodo also generates quick-look graphics via function inspection.
import plotly.io as pio
fig = kamodo.plot('fvec')
pio.write_image(fig, 'images/fig2d-usage.svg')
Head over to the Introduction page for more details.
Kamodo may be installed from pip
pip install kamodo
Kamodo is now maintained by Ensemble Government Services. To get the latest version, install from the Ensemble git repo:
pip install git+https://github.com/EnsembleGovServices/kamodo-core.git
We strongly recommend using the conda environment system to avoid library conflicts with your host machine's python.
Download and install miniconda from here. The advantage to using miniconda is that each new environment includes the bare-minimum for a project. This allows you to keep many different projects on a single work station.
Create a new environment for kamodo
conda create -n kamodo python=3.7
conda activate kamodo
(kamodo) pip install kamodo
!!! note
The leading (kamodo) in your prompt indicates that you have activated the kamodo
From here on, anything you install will be isolated to the kamodo
If you want to run any of the notebooks in docs, you will need to install jupyter
(kamodo) conda install jupyter
Navigate to the top-level of the kamodo repo, then point jupyter to docs/notebooks
(kamodo) jupyter notebook docs/notebooks
This should open a browser window that will allow you to load any of the example notebooks.
The following (minimum) requirements are obtained by running pip install kamodo
- decorator>=4.4.2
- numpy
- scipy
- sympy==1.5.1
- pandas
- plotly
- pytest
- hydra-core==0.11.3
- Flask==1.1.2
- flask-cors
- flask-restful==0.3.8
- antlr4-python3-runtime==4.7
- python-forge
- requests
- incremental
- pycapnp
- pyOpenSSL
The antlr package may be necessary for rendering latex in a notebook
conda install antlr-python-runtime
Plotly-orca may be needed for proper image export
conda install -c plotly plotly-orca (for writing images)
!!! note plotly version in flux
Kamodo's unit tests are run with pytest. To install pytest with code coverage
python -m pip install flake8 pytest
pip install pytest-cov
Then, from the base of the git repo:
pytest --cov kamodo.kamodo --cov kamodo.util --cov plotting kamodo/test_plotting.py kamodo/test_kamodo.py kamodo/test_utils.py
This will generate a test report and coverage of the kamodo
To run RPC tests, you must first generate a self-signed certificate.
python kamodo/rpc/gen_self_signed_cert.py certfile
# certfile.key and certfile.cert will be placed in your local directory
pytest kamodo/rpc/test_rpc_threaded.py