The Maybe
type, a.k.a. Option
in F♯, Optional
in Java 8, is conceptually similar to the type { value?: T }
. Except that its value is properly encapsulated i.e. not directly accessible. Instead, the Maybe
type offers higher-level but still intuitive behaviors that enforces the quality of the code on the client side.
💡 It's really a well designed type. It's due to its mathematical foundations (functor and monad) and to functional programming principles. But don't worry ! It's simple and intuitive enough to be used without this background.
👍 Its main benefit is to help having a codebase more robust (null
free) and more structured (separation of data flow and control flow).
👉 The design is object-oriented: the type exposes methods like map
and filter
, so that they can be chained, offering simpler syntax and idiomatic usage in TypeScript than using external functions, at least as long as TypeScript will not have operators like |>
(pipe right) and >>
(compose right).
- Much more than a simple
substitute! - Easy to grasp due to similarity with
and its methodsfilter
- Robust and safe: in all cases, no runtime error by design (no
billion dollars mistake) - Ease splitting a business operation to improve the domain expression and simplify the code
is a generic type to model the absence of value.
🗯 We have
option to keep us safe withnull
. Why not usingnull
in this case ❓
is a great improvement: every function that return either a value or null
(or undefined
, implicitly included for now) must indicate it in its signature: T | null
. For instance, find
method of an array items: T[]
has return type T | undefined
: it returns undefined
when no item has been found.
Still, null
is in itself problematic as it can lead to:
- Branches in the client code, in various forms:
- Null Guard :
if (o != null) { useNonNull(o); }
- Syntactical sugar:
- Ternary operator:
o ? o.key : null
- Falsy/Nullish coalescing :
find(...) || defaultValue
or with??
(C♯, Ts 3.7) - Optional chaining (a.k.a. Null Propagation) :
(C♯, Ts 3.7)
- Ternary operator:
- Null Guard :
- Cumulative negative effects:
blocks chained or, worst, nested (arrow anti-pattern)- ❌ Raises cyclomatic complexity
- ❌ Looses readability
is a "box" that can contain:
- either some value of a given type
, - or none (a.k.a. nothing, empty).
👉 This is how Maybe
type models the absence of value.
is useful as a return type of a function defining a partial operation, i.e. a function that computes a value but may not do it for some input values.
Example: inverting a number is not possible when it's zero. It's a partial operation.
- In JavaScript,
causes no errors returning a edge case valueInfinity
, but not indicated in the signature (stillnumber
). - We can return
to indicate that the invert computation is a partial operation.- When
n !== 0
, instead of returning1/n
, we wrap this value in theMaybe
instance, using the factory functionMaybe.some(1/n)
- When
n === 0
, instead of returningnull
, we return an emptyMaybe
instance, using the factory functionMaybe.none()
- When
- 2 styles of implementation are possible:
// 1. Explicit return type
const invert = (n: number): Maybe<number> =>
// -------------------- ☝️
n ? Maybe.some(1 / n)
: Maybe.none();
// 2. Inferred return type
const invert = (n: number) =>
n ? Maybe.some(1 / n)
: Maybe.none<number>();
// ------ ☝️
When there's no value in the box, we don't want to throw an error or to return undefined
. We don't want to put the burden upfront, on the client code side that has to rely on the Tester/Doer pattern (if (hasValue) use(value)
) for its own safety. We better provide intrinsic safety by design.
👉 There's neither get value()
nor get hasValue()
in the Maybe
The box is fully opaque, encapsulating its optional inner value, but lets us:
- Perform some filtering/mapping operation on the optional value in the box
- Match exhaustively both cases to converge to a final "value" or do a final "IO" operation
- @see
- @see
- Unwrap the optional value if we give a default value when there's none
- @see
- @see
Context: we are dealing with a business operation that is partial. It's complex enough so that we have split it in sub operations, some being partial too.
We want the client code to be responsible only of the data flow because it's the purest expression of the domain modeling. We don't want any control flow regarding whether some operation returned no value. This logic is delegated to the box itself.
This control flow is expressed through:
- Array-like methods that can be chained:
function for "mass processing"
✔️ They respects functional programming principles that make code much safer because deterministic:
- Immutability :
instance are immutable. If it has to change its value or toggle its status, it will do it in a new instance and return it. No other part in the codebase can interact / mutate the current object. - Purity : as long as the mapping/filtering function are pure, the overall operation will be pure = side-effect free = no mutation, no change out of scope => repeatability: same inputs will produce same outputs.
Since map
, flatMap
, filter
methods can be chained, we can split an partial operation into sub operations, some of them being partial too.
✔️ Advantages:
- Each sub operation is simpler to understand and to test.
- Express the happy path, the nominal case where every sub operations return a value.
- Dealing with absence of value: only once, at the end
- With
to get the final value, unwrapped or defaulted- For instance a
with the formatted value or an error message
- For instance a
- With
for a final operation producing a value (that can be of another type) or not (see Angular example oftraverse
- With
- Aim: executing a mapping operation which is total (= not partial)
- Expressed as a function with signature
(value: T) -> U
- Expressed as a function with signature
- Schema:
- Case count: 2 → tracks some and none not connected:
Input Operation Output
1. some(x) ───► map( x -> y ) ───► some(y)
2. none() ───► map( .... ) ───► none()
const maybeThree = Maybe.some(3);
// Returned by a previous partial operation
const double = (n: number) => n * 2;
// Next operation (total)
const result =;
// Equivalent of `Maybe.some(6)`
- Aim: executing a mapping operation which is partial
- Expressed as a function with signature
(value: T) -> Maybe<U>
- Expressed as a function with signature
- Why not use
?- Because we will have nested box
which is not practical.
- Because we will have nested box
- Solution: flatten the result
- Case count: 3 → "tracks" some and none are connected:
Input Operation Output
1a. some(x) ─┬─► flatMap( x -> some(y) ) ───► some(y)
1b. └─► flatMap( x -> none() ) ─┐
2. none() ───► flatMap( .... ) ─┴─► none()
👉 "Bowling gutter" effect: once in the gutter, no way to get out of it.
Example: compute the average price of the orders of a client -> 2 partial operations to combine:
- Getting the client orders
- Computing the average order price, impossible when there's no orders
type Order = { price: number };
declare function getOrders: (clientId: number) => Maybe<Order[]>;
// Return `none` when client is unknown
declare function sum: (numbers: number[]) => number;
const computeAveragePrice = (orders: Order[]): Maybe<number> =>
? Maybe.some(sum( => x.price)) / orders.length)
: Maybe.none();
const computeAverageOrderPrice = (clientId: number) =>
→ mapping of valeurfilter
→ skip a value when it does not satisfy a condition, evaluated by the given predicate- Signature 1:
filter(predicate: (value: T) => boolean): Maybe<T>
- Signature 2:
filter<S extends T>(guard: (value: T) => value is S): Maybe<S>
- Signature 1:
- Cases: 3 - tracks some and none connected - same "gutter effect" as
Input Predicate Output
1a. some(x) ─┬─► filter( x -> true ) ───► some(y)
1b. └─► filter( x -> false ) ─┐
2. none() ───► filter( .... ) ─┴─► none()
- Signature:
fillWhenNone(defaultValue: T): Maybe<T>
- Description:
method has an opposite purpose compared tofilter
: populating some value when it is missing.
Input Value Output
1a. some(x) ─┬─► fillWhenNone(…) ─┬─► some(x)
2. none() ───► fillWhenNone(x) ─┘
// Simulate "OR" operator between 2 optional numbers
function combineResults(results1: Maybe<number>, results2: Maybe<number>): Maybe<number> {
return results1.match({
some: x => => x + y).fillWhenNone(x),
none: () => results2,
combineResults(Maybe.none<number>(), Maybe.none<number>()); // → Maybe.none()
combineResults(Maybe.some(1), Maybe.none<number>()); // → Maybe.some(1)
combineResults(Maybe.none<number>(), Maybe.some(2)); // → Maybe.some(2)
combineResults(Maybe.some(1), Maybe.some(2)); // → Maybe.some(3)
☝️ Notes:
- It reverts the "gutter" effect.
- It's different from
because the former keeps the value in a box while the later unwraps it.
This method mimics F♯ pattern matching of the Option
union type. It's a variation of the Visitor design pattern, match
being the equivalent of accept(visitor)
- Signature:
match<U>(visitor: { some: (value: T) => U, none: () => U }): U
- Description: exhaustive pattern matching of the 2 cases (some value vs none), converging to a final unwrapped type
(that can bevoid
Example #1:
const threeOrUndefined = [1, 2, 3, 4].find(x => x === 3);
// ↑ Type: `number | undefined`
const maybeThree = Maybe.ofNullable(threeOrUndefined);
// ↑ Type: `Maybe<number>`
// In F♯
const message = maybeThree.match({ // match maybeThree with
some: x => `the value is ${x}`, // | Some x -> sprintfn "the value is %A" x
none: () => `the value is None`, // | None -> sprintfn "the value is None"
Example #2:
const average = (total: number, count: number): Maybe<number> =>
.filter(x => x > 0)
.map(x => total / x);
const testAverage = (total: number, count: number): void => {
const message = average(total, count).match({
some: x => `given positive count (${count}), the average is ${x}`,
none: () => `given count 0, the average is None`,
testAverage(100, 0); // > given count 0, the average is None
testAverage(100, 25); // > given positive count (25), the average is 4
☝️ Note: match({ some, none })
is equivalent to chaining map(some).valueOrGet(none)
- Signature:
valueOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T
- Description: unwrap the value if there is some or return the given
. - Example:
declare function tryGenerateNumber(): Maybe<number>;
const result =
.map(square) // >= 0
.valueOrDefault(-1); // < 0 expresses the "failure", the absence of value, like `Array::indexOf` does
☝️ Note: valueOrDefault
method is conceptually similar to nullish coalescing operator ??
but without increasing the cyclomatic complexity:
- With nullish value:
null ?? -1
- With
- Signature:
valueOrGet(getDefaultValue: () => T): T
- Description: unwrap the value if there is some or call the given function
and return its result. - Example:
declare function tryGenerateNumber(): Maybe<number>;
const result =
.map(square) // >= 0
.valueOrGet(() => -1);
The Maybe
package provides additional features that simplify dealing with several Maybe
Signature: function traverse<T, U>(items: T[], tryMap: (item: T, index: number) => Maybe<U>): Maybe<U[]>
Utility of such function:
which is not practical ❌- Aim: having the nesting done the other way around:
- With Either all values that the partial operation
managed to produce - Or none when no values have been produced
- With Either all values that the partial operation
Example: Search feature in a file Explorer application (like Windows Explorer)
- Display either the found files only, with a highlighting of the matched part in the file name
- Or a message similar to "No files found"
Pseudo-Angular component:
declare function highlight(element: Element, search: string): Maybe<Element>;
@Component() class GridComponent {
@Input() allElements: Element[] = [];
elements: Element[] = [];
noResults = false;
find(search: string): void {
const result = traverse(this.allElements, element => highlight(element, search));
// ↑ Type: `Maybe<Element[]>`
some: xs => { this.elements = xs; this.noResults = false; },
none: () => { this.elements = []; this.noResults = true; },
- Signature:
function apply<T, U>(fun: Maybe<(value: T) => U>, arg: Maybe<T>): Maybe<U>
- Purpose: as its name implies, the
function is related to calling a functionfn
, in case both function and its arguments came from partial operations. We will be able to callfn
only if everything is present.
In a functional language like F♯, functions are automatically curried. For instance, a function with 2 arguments, (a: A, b: B) => C
, becomes (a: A) => (b: B) => C
once curried, i.e. a function with one argument (a: A
) returning another function with one argument (b: B
) returning the final value of type C
. The advantage is that both functions have the same generic signature T => U
: T = A, U = (B => C)
for the first one, T = B, U = C
for the second one.
So, we can "apply" arguments one at a time with the apply
function. But from theory to practice (in TypeScript), there's some pitfalls! Let's look at a example:
type OrderItem = { sku: string; discount: string; };
declare function tryGetPrice(sku: string): Maybe<number>;
declare function tryGetDiscount(discount: string): Maybe<Discount>;
declare function applyDiscount(price: number): (discount: Discount) => number; // ☝️ Curried
const computeOrderItemPrice = (orderItem: OrderItem): Maybe<number> =>
With the help of the pipe operator |>
, the syntax would be readable:
const computeOrderItemPrice = (orderItem: OrderItem): Maybe<number> =>
|> apply(tryGetPrice(orderItem.sku))
|> apply(tryGetDiscount(;
But we don't have the pipe operator yet. Without it, it's more cumbersome in either cases:
// V1: nested calls are hard to code due to parenthesis
const computeOrderItemPrice = (orderItem: OrderItem): Maybe<number> =>
// V2: Temporary variables help reading in order but bloat code too
const computeOrderItemPrice = (orderItem: OrderItem): Maybe<number> =>
const fn2 = Maybe.some(applyDiscount); // Type: Maybe<(price: number) => (discount: Discount) => number>
const fn1 = apply(fn2, tryGetPrice(orderItem.sku)); // Type: Maybe<(discount: Discount) => number>>
return apply(fn1, tryGetDiscount(;
Why not proposing a method on the Maybe
object? With such a method, we will be closed to the syntax using the pipe operator:
const computeOrderItemPrice = (orderItem: OrderItem): Maybe<number> =>
Coding such a method is a challenge cause we have the interface Maybe<T>
but the apply
method must be proposed only with the type Maybe<(arg: T) => U>
👉 To sum up the issues of the theoretical apply
- It cannot be coded as a method easily.
- As a function, it's not practical.
- It works well only with a curried function which is not idiomatic in TypeScript.
- It's possible to curry a function in JavaScript, for instance using Ramda, but its type is another challenge to code in TypeScript.
In practice in TypeScript, it's much simpler to use the mapN
Let's explain the utility of mapN
by comparisons with other methods and functions of the Maybe
works well with curried functions, in order to apply arguments one by one. Also the functions are optional i.e. wrapped in aMaybe
works with regular N-ary functions (i.e. not curried), with the idea to do only one call, specifying all N potential values to pass as arguments to the N-ary function. This way is often more practical in TypeScript than using a curried function and several call to theapply
N = 1
argumentfunction mapN<A, B>(fn: (a: A) => B, maybeA: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B>
- 💡 Better call
N = 2
argumentsfunction mapN<A, B, C>(fn: (a: A, b: B) => C, maybeA: Maybe<A>, maybeB: Maybe<B>): Maybe<C>
- Etc.
N > 4
arguments⚠️ The function accepts more than 4 arguments. Nevertheless, too much arguments is not recommended - @see long parameter list code smell! Consider refactoring the code.
type OrderItem = { sku: string; discount: string; };
declare function tryGetPrice(sku: string): Maybe<number>;
declare function tryGetDiscount(discount: string): Maybe<Discount>;
declare function applyDiscount(price: number, discount: Discount) => number;
const computeOrderItemPrice = (orderItem: OrderItem): Maybe<number> =>
☝️ Note: apply
and mapN
are of more interest with another type, Result<Success, Error[]>
, which is conceptually similar to the union type { value: Success } | { errors: Error[] }
. With this type, the Failure case can have multiples values (here called errors) as opposed to none for the Maybe
type. apply
and mapN
applied to Result
will collect the errors which is called the "applicative style", as opposed to the "monadic style" of flatMap
which is keeping only the first error.
// V1 : with `null`
const result = find(...); // Result | nil
return result
? handle(result)
: handleNoResults();
// V2 : with `Maybe`
const result = tryFind(...); // Maybe<Result>
return result.match({
some: handleResult,
none: handleNoResults,
👉 Maybe
is a bit "heavy" but a bit safer, forcing to deal with the absence of value (none case)
→ null
is acceptable here 👌
// V1 : with `null`
const a = getA(...); // A | nil
const b = a ? getB(a) : null; // B | nil
return b ? getC(b) : null; // C | nil
// V2 : with `Maybe`
return tryGetA(...)
👉 Cyclomatic complexity goes down from 3 to 1, leading to code more understandable → Maybe
// V1 : with `null` + pattern Tester (`> 0`) / Doer (`invert`)
const num = generateNumber();
const result = num != null && num > 0
? invert(square(num))
: null;
// V2 : with `Maybe`
const result = tryGenerateNumber()
👉 V2 expressed more clearly the computation steps: one line per step, in the natural order (square then invert ≠ invert(square(num))
). invert step is handled entirely in tryInvert
(condition + operation). → Maybe
winner 🎌
Use either:
to wrap a valueMaybe.none()
if necessary, specifying the properT
) to indicate the absence of valueMaybe.ofNullable(nullableValue)
to convert a nullable value into aMaybe
instance, eithersome(value)
if the value is notnull
, elsenone()
☝️ Notes:
- It's possible to wrap the value
in aMaybe
instance (e.g.Maybe.some(null)
is possible) but it's not recommended! PreferMaybe.ofNullable()
to wrap a nullable value. - It's possible to wrap a function too. @see
Use one of the following methods: match
or valueOrDefault
or valueOrGet
. match
converges to another type which can be void
. In either cases, it is here where the possible absence of value is handled.
👉 Tips: Delay this "exit" as much as possible, until having the whole partial operation recombined. Otherwise, you probably will have to handle the 2 cases (presence or absence of value) by hand, instead of delegating it to the Maybe
- Cliché! It's in Java since 2014 as
→ it's MainStream! - You can use it right now in a TypeScript codebase, front or back.
Everywhere❌ ! TypeScript ecosystem is null friendly (a lot of functions returningnull
). We cannot change it, but ensafe some part of our codebase, the one that is the more valuable or complex.- It's a compromise to found between quality and pragmatism
can still be used in the simpler cases, with thestrictNullCheck
is preferable in the all other cases.
Not much more complicated than with a nullable value, since Maybe
instances are "equatable":
expect(result) |
With null |
With Maybe |
No value | toEqual(null) |
toEqual(Maybe.none()) |
Value | toBe(3) |
toEqual(Maybe.some(3)) |
The implementation of the Maybe
type is based on ad-hoc polymorphism, which is the better thing to do in TypeScript: the code is not bloated with if (hasValue) use(value) else useNone()
The 2 cases, Some
and None
are coded in separate objects. They are constructed using classes, not using object literals, so that the instances can be equatable i.e. usable with asserter like Jasmine/Jest expect(result).toEqual(Maybe.some(value))
. It's due to the fact that, since the methods are in the prototype, they are not used for comparison, contrary to object literals holding their methods as own members.
🔗 More information on map
, bind
, apply
, traverse
functions, F# for fun and profit, Scott Wlaschin.
🔗 🇫🇷 Pour ceux qui comprennent le français, j'ai donné une conférence sur le type Maybe
en TypeScript et en C♯ :