To be able to use a 4 axes CNC Foam Cutter without the need of a attached computer. The Status screen has been modifed by DerAndere1 to show the axes XYUV with a few minor tweaks by myself. Many thanks. This is still in the testing phase with CNC Foam Cutter using an Arduino Mega 2560 and a RAMPS 1.4. Please use with caution until this has been completed. More details here
If you use the MKS GEN L V2.1 board change line 99 in Configuration.h
Pin D42 can't be used on this board so pin D19 is used for the U-axis endstop D19 is the Z-MAX pin which isn't used. Thanks to Anthony Gilbert for testing this.
repository DerAndere1/Marlin at, the Wiki
Please check my website for the build and electronics used in my 4 Axes CNC Foam cutter