Application for data mapping and import from other databases
On some occasions, data teams will want to import external data sets into OCCAMS. This tool will facilitate the pipelines necessary to continuously integrate external data into a "master" OCCAMS installation.
Some goals of this product:
- PID translation
- External codebook parsing
- Schema mapping
- External data upload
- Python 2.7+
- npm
- redis
- PostgreSQL 9.5+
Because many organizations have their politics of authentication, this app tries to not force any authentication paradigm on the client and instead uses repoze.who to allow clients to supply their own authentication via customized-organization-specific plugins.
This application uses Docker to setup a development environment with dummy user accounts. It is recommended you familiarize yourself with some basic knowledge of how it works.
Install Virtualbox from:
This is required to install boot2docker on containers.
You will neeed to install Docker Compose and Machine in order so setup your environment. To do so, follow the instructions the following instructions based on your host environment:
- macOS:
- Windows:
- Linux:
Provision a new Docker machine called "imports-develop" by running the following command:
> docker-machine create -d virtualbox imports-develop
Point Docker to the development machine:
> eval $(docker-machine env imports-develop) > docker-machine ls NAME ACTIVE DRIVER STATE URL SWARM DOCKER ERRORS imports-develop * virtualbox Running tcp:// v1.12.1
Note the asterisk in the "ACTIVE" column.
Clone the application and build the containers:
> git clone > cd occams_imports > docker-compose build
This will take a moment, so it's a good idea to refill on coffee at this time.
Back? Ok, spin up the containers, there will some additional building for dependencies, this is normal:
> docker-compose up -d
Build the static assess:
> docker-compose run app bower install
Build the database tables:
> docker-compose run app occams_initdb develop.ini
Build the participant number generator tables:
> docker-compose run app or_initdb develop.ini
Get the IP address of the machine and use it to navigate to
> docker-machine ip imports-develop
You now should have a working IMPORTS app.
Modify the data setting in the [plugin:dev_users] section of the develop.ini file. There is already a test user there for you, so use that a template.
Create a test user and database to run the tests.
> psql -U occams -h `docker-machine ip imports-develop` -c "CREATE USER test" > psql -U occams -h `docker-machine ip imports-develop` -c "CREATE DATABASE test OWNER test" > docker-compose run app py.test --db postgresql://test@postgres/test --redis redis://redis/9
> docker-compose logs -f
Install the Postgres client on the host machine and run:
> psql -U occams -h `docker-machine ip imports-develop`
> docker-compose restart app
> docker-compose down > docker volume rm occams_db > docker-compose up -d > docker-compose run app occams_initdb develop.ini
> npm start
> py.test --db=postgresql://USER:PASS@/yourtestdb tests/
> npm test
Navigate to and open: occams_imports/htmlcov/index.html
> celery worker --autoreload --app occams --loglevel INFO --without-gossip --ini your_config.ini
> gunicorn --paste your_config.ini