Hi there! I'm Herana, a passionate developer from Madagascar. Here's a brief overview of my journey, skills, and current projects. Feel free to explore and contribute!
- Programming Languages: PHP, Java
- Frameworks: Laravel, Flight PHP
- Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle DB, Access Database
- An ORM to handle relations and regular database operations.
- Lorm is currently written in 2 languages, PHP and Java
- Java has more functionalities, reading from a config file, generating models from database.
- PHP is un-maintained for the moment, so needing more people to work on it.
php tools to write code faster like :
- Piewpiew : a customizable view renderer (with a built-in php and xml based)
- CheckInput : a data ruling tool (required;number;in:9,3,2,'test';and_many_more)
- Lorm : ORM
- ConfigReader : a simple config reader
- Auth : Easy authentification using Lorm
- DataType : currently working to implement List and Dict based on C-Sharp'List and Dict
- Suggestions and pull requests are welcome!
- If you'd like to collaborate, drop a message or open an issue on any of the projects.
- GitHub: Herana
- Email: [razherana@gmail.com]
Thanks for visiting! Let's build something amazing together. 🚀