mvnw compile
mvnw clean package
mvnw spring-boot:run
mvnw clean package spring-boot:run
mvnw spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--port=3000"
mvnw spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--port=3000 --dataDir=c:\data"
mvnw clean test
git init (initial a local repo, doesn't link to remote yet)
git remote add origin https://github.com//.git
git add * (add new/updated files to be commited into local repo)
git status (to check files that are going to commit into local repo)
git commit -m "" (commit new/updated files to local repo)
git push -u origin master (create a master branch in github and push the code to github master branch)
<don't develop in master branch - final/latest working baseline>
git checkout -b develop master (clone a copy from master to develop branch locally)
git push -u origin develop (push from local develop branch to github develop branch)
git checkout develop (to switch between branches)
git branch -a (show all local branches and remote branch refernces)
git branch (show all local branches)
git add *
git commit -m ""
git push -u origin develop (push code on local develop branch to github develop branch)
git checkout master
git merge develop (after changes in develop branch are complete without errors, in master branch, merge changes from develop branch)
git push -u origin master (in master branch to push merged changes from develop branch to github master branch)
##Deploy to heroku (must be on master branch locally and remote)
Create/use an existing heroku account
On your project root, you need a system.properties file.
put the following line in system.properties files. java.runtime.version=18
git add *
git commit -m "added/updated system.properties"
git push -u origin master
heroku login (in your terminal window/command prompt in the project root directory)
heroku apps:create
git remote -v (all remote branches. you should see refernce URL to heroku)
git push -u heroku master
echo 'new file content' > test_file
echo 'append content' >> edited_file
git add test_file edited_file
git status
git ls-files -s
git reset HEAD
git add test_file edited_file
git commit -m "added test_file edited_file"
git log
git reset --soft xxxxxxxxxxx
git reset --hard
git tag -a v1.0.0
git tag --list
git push --tags
git ls-remote --tags
EPAT Aug19