The aim is to spin up infrastructure for a three-tier architecture consisting of an NGINX web-server, Java Apache Tomcat application server and Postgres Database Server on AWS.
Please find the Architecture diagram below:
As can be seen in the diagram above we have used
- A VPC in us-east-1 region
- Two Availability Zones - us-east-1a & us-east-1b
- A bastion host in public subnet to connect with app & web servers
- NAT gateway to allow internet access for web server
- Internet Gateway to allow resources in the VPC to access internet
- Internet facing Application Load Balancer which forwards traffic to web_server target group with is attached with an auto-scaling group too to scale if necessary
- EC2 instances for web and app servers (ECS or EKS could be used along with Docker in future if required)
- Auto-scaling group for app server too.
- RDS Postgresql DB and a Standby in us-east-1b AZ.
- Security groups for bastion, ALB, web servers, app servers & DB.
- We haven't specified an environment in the terraform scripts. The whole infra is environment-agnostic for now.
- Very basic terraform features have been used
- The architecture is very basic and is not cost optimised
- Prequisites: An AWS IAM Role with all permissions required to create the services mentioned in the scripts; An EC2 Key Pair;
of the IAM role. Pass them as variables in steps 2 & 3. - Run
terraform init
in terminal in the root folder to initialize the root directory and download plugins in provider - Then run
terraform plan
to see the changes which will be made in AWS terraform apply
for to physically create the infrastructure- Application Load Balancer DNS is printed as an output. Hit it to check the application.
terraform destroy
to destry everything
- Instead of manually running everything, we could configure Jenkins or Gitlab CI/CD pipeline to fetch the code and apply the terraform changes with required secrets (AWS Keys).
- Use advanced features of terraform such as modules to improve code reusability.
- We can use Route53 to map the ALB DNS to a better, readable domain name
- Create different .tfvars files for dev, qa & prod to use
- Instead of EC2 servers we can containerize the application and use ECS or EKS.