This repository contains data and code (learning agent) for the papers Graphhopper: Multi-Hop Scene Graph Reasoning for Visual Question Answering(ISWC 2021,Best Paper nomination) and Scene Graph Reasoning for Visual Question Answering (ICML workshop,2020) . For GQA scene graph has been generated through Relation Transformer Network github repo. If you like the paper, please cite our work:
title={Graphhopper: Multi-hop Scene Graph Reasoning for Visual Question Answering},
author={Koner, Rajat and Li, Hang and Hildebrandt, Marcel and Das, Deepan and Tresp, Volker and G{\"u}nnemann, Stephan},
booktitle={International Semantic Web Conference},
title={Scene graph reasoning for visual question answering},
author={Hildebrandt, Marcel and Li, Hang and Koner, Rajat and Tresp, Volker and G{\"u}nnemann, Stephan},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.01072},
This directory contains code for the agent - the reasoning submodule of the proposed Graphhopper.
This project is being developed with python3.7
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ sh # this line installs pytorch_geometric
In case of problem, refer to [here]( for more information about pytorch_geometric.
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/directory/to/VQA/
(Required) Download the word embeddings glove.6B.200d.pth into the directory of "VQA/data/glove.6B.200d.pth"
Data structure for the agent:
|- root e.g. scenegraphs
|- graphs: folder of idx.json graphs
|- *.json: dictionary files
|- *.txt: question files
Build the NetworkxGraphs for the RL agent from SG Predictor (pkl files, you can find a sample file at VQA/data/dicts/sample.pkl):
- Build the graphs. This will output the NetworkxGraphs in the directory of "scenegraphs/graphs":
$ cd codes/preprocessing
- Create some dictionaries. This will output some .json files in the directory of "scenegraphs"
$ cd scenegraphs
$ python ../
$ cd VQA
For debug:
$ python codes/ configs/test_toy_dataset.yaml
For real training:
$ python codes/ configs/query.yaml
$ python codes/ configs/binary.yaml
Please feel free to open an issue if you encounter trouble getting it to work.