This bot allows your subscribers to suggest image posts to publish it in your channel with scheduling system.
Bot is under the progress now.
✔️Receive images from users and store it
✔️Moderate received images and store accepted images
⏳ Post instantly from moderation mode
✔️Send accepted images in the channel with a scheduler
⏳ Undo last accepted image
✔️SQL support
✔️User stats with send/accepted/denied counters
First you need to create a bot using @BotFather. Add it to your channel and allow it to post messages.
Install pyTelegrambotAPI:
pip install pyTelegramBotAPI
Run At first start a new config file will be generated. You need to open it and set your token, channel name and moderator id's list. Now you can run again, and it will be ready to work with.