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Merge pull request #737 from loreabad6/time-polygon
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Updates to st_extract() for time matching workflows
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edzer authored Feb 14, 2025
2 parents 3c268ac + e2add5a commit f1ec39e
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Showing 3 changed files with 112 additions and 12 deletions.
73 changes: 67 additions & 6 deletions R/extract.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,15 +7,22 @@ st_extract = function(x, ...) UseMethod("st_extract")

#' @name st_extract
#' @param x object of class \code{stars} or \code{stars_proxy}
#' @param at object of class \code{sf} or \code{sfc} with geometries, or two-column matrix with coordinate points in rows, indicating where to extract values of \code{x}
#' @param at object of class \code{sf} or \code{sfc} with geometries, or two-column matrix with coordinate points in rows, indicating where to extract values of \code{x}, or a \code{stars} object with geometry and temporal dimensions (vector data cube)
#' @param bilinear logical; use bilinear interpolation rather than nearest neighbour?
#' @param time_column character or integer; name or index of a column with time or date values that will be matched to values of the first temporal dimension (matching classes \code{POSIXct}, \code{POSIXt}, \code{Date}, or \code{PCICt}), in \code{x}, after which this dimension is reduced. This is useful to extract data cube values along a trajectory; see .
#' @param interpolate_time logical; should time be interpolated? if FALSE, time instances are matched using the coinciding or the last preceding time in the data cube.
#' @param FUN function used to aggregate pixel values when geometries of \code{at} intersect with more than one pixel
#' @param resampling character; resampling method; for method cubic or cubicspline,
#' `stars_proxy` objects should be used and GDAL should have version >= 3.10.0
#' @param sfc_attribute character; if \code{at} is of class \code{stars} should the aggregation be performed
#' for the attribute geometry rather than the dimension geometry? If \code{NULL} (default),
#' the aggregation is performed at the dimension geometries, else the name of the attribute geometry to perform the aggregation on.
#' If the given attribute geometry does not exist, the aggregation defaults to the dimension geometry.
#' @param ... passed on to \link{aggregate.stars} when geometries are not exclusively POINT geometries
#' @returns if \code{at} is of class \code{matrix}, a matrix with extracted values is returned;
#' if \code{at} is of class \code{stars} and a temporal dimension was passed to \code{time_column},
#' a \code{stars} object with the original \code{at} dimensions
#' and the extracted values as attributes.
#' otherwise: if \code{x} has more dimensions than only x and y (raster), an
#' object of class \code{stars} with POINT geometries replacing x and y raster
#' dimensions, if this is not the case, an object of \code{sf} with extracted values.
Expand All @@ -31,28 +38,69 @@ st_extract = function(x, ...) UseMethod("st_extract")
#' st_extract(r, pnt) %>% st_as_sf()
#' st_extract(r[,,,1], pnt)
#' st_extract(r, st_coordinates(pnt)) # "at" is a matrix: return a matrix
#' # Extraction on non-POINT geometries
#' poly = st_buffer(pnt, 1000)
#' st_extract(r, poly)
#' # Extraction with time matching
#' rdate = c(r, r*2, along = "date")
#' dates = c(Sys.Date()-1, Sys.Date())
#' rdate = st_set_dimensions(rdate, "date", values = c(dates))
#' pntsf = st_sf(date = dates, geometry = pnt)
#' st_extract(split(rdate, "band"), pntsf, time_column = "date") # POINT geometries
#' polysf = st_buffer(pntsf, 1000)
#' st_extract(split(rdate, "band"), polysf, time_column = "date") # POLYGON geometries
#' vdc = st_sf(rdm = rnorm(20), polygons = st_buffer(st_sample(st_bbox(pnt), 20), 500),
#' geometry = rep(pnt, 2), date = rep(dates, each = 10)) |>
#' st_as_stars(dims = c("geometry", "date"))
#' (vdc_new = st_extract(split(rdate, "band"), vdc, time_column = "date")) # stars vector data cube
#' merge(vdc_new, name = "band")
#' ### Extraction applied to the geometries inside the vector data cube (cell values)
#' (vdc_new2 = st_extract(split(rdate, "band"), vdc, time_column = "date",
#' sfc_attribute = "polygons")) # stars vector data cube
#' merge(vdc_new2, name = "band")
st_extract.stars = function(x, at, ..., bilinear = FALSE, time_column =
attr(at, "time_column") %||% attr(at, "time_col"),
interpolate_time = bilinear, FUN = mean,
resampling = c("nearest", "bilinear", "cubic", "cubicspline")) {
resampling = c("nearest", "bilinear", "cubic", "cubicspline"),
sfc_attribute = NULL) {

stopifnot(inherits(at, c("sf", "sfc", "matrix")))
stopifnot(inherits(at, c("sf", "sfc", "stars", "matrix")))
resampling = match.arg(resampling)
if (bilinear) {
stopifnot(resampling %in% c("nearest", "bilinear"))
resampling = "bilinear"
at_orig = at
if (inherits(at_orig, "stars") & !is.null(time_column)) {
at = st_as_sf(at, long = TRUE)
if (!is.null(sfc_attribute)) {
sfc_dim = st_geometry(at)
sfc_dim_name = attr(at, "sf_column")
if(is.null(at[[sfc_attribute]])) at else st_geometry(at) = sfc_attribute
if (inherits(at, "matrix"))
pts = at
else {
stopifnot(st_crs(at) == st_crs(x))
if (! all(st_dimension(at, FALSE) == 0)) { # should check & branch here in case of MULTIPOINT?
stopifnot(is.null(time_column), !bilinear, !interpolate_time)
stopifnot(!bilinear) # bilinear interpolation not supported for time matching with lines/polygons
# from aggregate.stars_proxy:
by = st_geometry(at)
# this assumes the result is small, no need to proxy
l = lapply(seq_along(by), function(i) aggregate(st_normalize(st_as_stars(x[by[i]])), by[i], FUN, ...))
return(, c(l, along = list(which_sfc(l[[1]]))))) # RETURNS!
if(is.null(time_column)) {
return(, c(l, along = list(which_sfc(l[[1]]))))) # RETURNS!
} else {
# to pass to time matching
x_agg =, c(l, along = list(which_sfc(l[[1]]))))
sf_column = attr(at, "sf_column") %||% "geometry"

Expand All @@ -72,6 +120,10 @@ st_extract.stars = function(x, at, ..., bilinear = FALSE, time_column =
try_result = try(x0 <- st_as_stars(x, downsample = dim(x)/2), silent = TRUE)
lapply(x, function(y), lapply(get_names(y),
gdal_extract, pts, resampling)))
} else if (exists("x_agg")) {
# Allow time matching for lines and polygons using aggregate
x = st_normalize(st_upfront(x_agg))
lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) x[[i]])
} else {
x = st_normalize(st_upfront(x))
if (is_curvilinear(x)) { #
Expand All @@ -85,6 +137,7 @@ st_extract.stars = function(x, at, ..., bilinear = FALSE, time_column =
lapply(x, function(y)
array(y, dim = c(prod(dim(x)[1:2]), prod(dim(x)[-(1:2)])))[ix, , drop = FALSE])

# reset factors & units attributes:
for (i in seq_along(m)) {
if (inherits(x[[i]], "factor")) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,7 +209,15 @@ st_extract.stars = function(x, at, ..., bilinear = FALSE, time_column =
sf = st_as_sf(df)
if (!is.null(min_dist))
sf$min_dist = min_dist
if (!inherits(at_orig, "stars"))
else {
if (!is.null(sfc_attribute)) { # add dimension geometry back
st_geometry(sf) = sfc_dim
st_geometry(sf) = sfc_dim_name
st_as_stars(sf, dims = attr(attr(at_orig, "dimensions"), "names"))
Expand Down
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions R/stars.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -473,11 +473,15 @@ st_coordinates.dimensions = function(x, ...) {
#' @param add_coordinates logical; if `TRUE`, columns with dimension values preceed the array values,
#' otherwise they are omitted = function(x, ..., add_max = FALSE, center = NA, add_coordinates = TRUE) {
if (add_coordinates)
data.frame(st_coordinates(x, add_max = add_max, center = center, ...),
lapply(x, function(y) structure(y, dim = NULL)))
if (add_coordinates) {
coords = st_coordinates(x, add_max = add_max, center = center, ...)
data.frame(coords, lapply(x, function(y) structure(y, dim = NULL))),
c(names(coords), names(x))
else, function(y) structure(y, dim = NULL)))
setNames(, function(y) structure(y, dim = NULL))), names(x))

add_units = function(x) {
Expand Down
39 changes: 37 additions & 2 deletions man/st_extract.Rd

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