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This repository was archived by the owner on Jul 7, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Event calendar

React App

Node.js/Express API

Getting Started

Install dependencies:


Set environment (vars):

cp .env.example .env

Start server:

# Start server
yarn start

# Selectively set DEBUG env var to get logs
DEBUG=event-calendar:* yarn start

Refer debug to know how to selectively turn on logs.


# Run tests written in ES6
yarn test

# Run test along with code coverage
yarn test:coverage

# Run tests on file change
yarn test:watch

# Run tests enforcing code coverage (configured via .istanbul.yml)
yarn test:check-coverage


# Lint code with ESLint
yarn lint

# Run lint on any file change
yarn lint:watch


# compile to ES5
1. yarn build

# upload dist/ to your server
2. scp -rp dist/ user@dest:/path

# install production dependencies only
3. yarn --production

# Use any process manager to start your services
4. pm2 start dist/index.js