This repository contains baseapp django packages to be reused accross projects based on TSL's BaseApp
The core contains the basics for BaseApp like Django Rest Framework's basic setup, custom ModelSerializer and fields, also base email template, testing helpers and other utilities. It also contains the base GraphQL setup, check baseapp-core/graphql for more info.
Contains the following apps:
baseapp_auth: Reusable user and authentication utilities. Authentication setup using AuthToken, JWT and Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
baseapp_referrals: Models and utilities for user referrals
Integration with Cloudflare Stream for file streaming
This app uses django provided permission and group model and provides the ability to add roles to a django model, and make views from the django-restframework check for them. A Permission represents the lowest single unit of access. A Group is a collection of Permissions. A Role can have many Permision Groups, many Permissions and many Excluded Permissions. The access of a Role is the aggregation of its single Permissions + the permissions on its Permission Groups - its Excluded Permissions.
Utilities for performing E2E (End-To-End) tests with front-end client. (Database initialization and seeding)
Reusable app to handle in-app, email and push notifications.
Utilities for payments
Reusable app to enable User's reactions on any model, features like like/dislike or any other reactions type, customizable for project's needs.
Login/signup using social networks (Facebook, Google and others)
Functionality for url shortening
Reusable app to enable any model follow/unfollow any model.
Reusable app to handle pages, URL's paths and metadata. It provides useful models and GraphQL Interfaces.
Comment threads on any model. With support for reactions, notifications and GraphQL subscriptions.
Each module of baseapp-backend has a demo project in testproject/
directory, which can be run as a standalone Django app to test. Then in baseapp-backend directory:
# Bring up docker containers
docker compose up -d --wait
# Enter backend docker container
docker compose exec backend bash
Run testproject inside the backend docker container:
# Install baseapp-APPNAME dependencies
pip3 install -r baseapp-APPNAME/testproject/requirements.txt
# Change folder to your app's testproject:
cd baseapp-APPNAME/testproject
python runserver
Clone the repository inside your project's backend dir:
git clone
And manually install the package:
pip install -e baseapp-backend/baseapp-APPNAME
The -e
flag will make it like any change you make in the cloned files will effect into the project, even with django's auto reload.
Running unit tests:
docker compose exec backend pytest baseapp-APPNAME/baseapp_APPNAME/tests
The packages follow this structure for testing:
All app tests in
directory -
A file in
directory- You can copy that from baseapp-core
A testproject directory in baseapp-APPNAME directory
In the testproject dir:
- A file
- It can/should import
- It can/should import
- A requirements.txt file that installs "install_requires" of the tested app.
- It must install app required packages:
# install "install_requires" from setup.cfg -e ./baseapp-APPNAME
- This file must only contain packages needed for testing. The
is being used as a basedrequirements.txt
for testing. If necessary, it is possible to add more specific packages that are not already inbaseapp-core/testproject/requirements.txt
- It must install app required packages:
- A file
In the
baseapp-APPNAME/tests dir
:- A pytest.ini that assigns the right settings:
# In baseapp-APPNAME/baseapp_APPNAME/tests/pytest.ini [pytest] DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = testproject.settings # -- recommended but optional: python_files = test_*.py *
To publish a new version to pypi you need to:
- update
of the respective baseapp package - make sure that builds pass
- create a release on github
- choose to create a new tag (named as
e.g. baseapp-core@v1.2.3), use the same version as insetup.cfg
- use the same name for release title
- optionally add changelog text
- choose to create a new tag (named as