A Python module that provides the tools you need to authenticate with, and use the Qubole Data Service API.
The SDK is available on PyPI.
$ pip install qds-sdk
Get the source code:
- Either clone the project:
git clone git@github.com:qubole/qds-sdk-py.git
and checkout latest release tag from Releases. - Or download one of the releases from https://github.com/qubole/qds-sdk-py/releases
- Either clone the project:
Run the following command (may need to do this as root):
$ python setup.py install
Alternatively, if you use virtualenv, you can do this:
$ cd qds-sdk-py $ virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate $ python setup.py install
This should place a command line utility qds.py
somewhere in your
$ which qds.py /usr/bin/qds.py
allows running Hive, Hadoop, Pig, Presto and Shell commands
against QDS. Users can run commands synchronously - or submit a command
and check its status.
$ qds.py -h # will print detailed usage
run a hive query and print the results
$ qds.py --token 'xxyyzz' hivecmd run --query "show tables" $ qds.py --token 'xxyyzz' hivecmd run --script_location /tmp/myquery $ qds.py --token 'xxyyzz' hivecmd run --script_location s3://my-qubole-location/myquery
pass in api token from bash environment variable
$ export QDS_API_TOKEN=xxyyzz
run the example hadoop command
$ qds.py hadoopcmd run streaming -files 's3n://paid-qubole/HadoopAPIExamples/WordCountPython/mapper.py,s3n://paid-qubole/HadoopAPIExamples/WordCountPython/reducer.py' -mapper mapper.py -reducer reducer.py -numReduceTasks 1 -input 's3n://paid-qubole/default-datasets/gutenberg' -output 's3n://example.bucket.com/wcout'
check the status of command # 12345678
$ qds.py hivecmd check 12345678 {"status": "done", ... }
If you are hitting api_url other than api.qubole.com, then you can pass it in command line as
or set in as env variable$ qds.py --token 'xxyyzz' --url https://<env>.qubole.com/api hivecmd ... or $ export QDS_API_URL=https://<env>.qubole.com/api
An example Python application needs to do the following:
Set the api_token and api_url (if api_url other than api.qubole.com):
from qds_sdk.qubole import Qubole Qubole.configure(api_token='ksbdvcwdkjn123423') # or Qubole.configure(api_token='ksbdvcwdkjn123423', api_url='https://<env>.qubole.com/api')
Use the Command classes defined in commands.py to execute commands. To run Hive Command:
from qds_sdk.commands import * hc=HiveCommand.create(query='show tables') print "Id: %s, Status: %s" % (str(hc.id), hc.status)
contains a Hadoop Streaming example
- Want to report a bug or request a feature? Please open an issue.
- Want to contribute? Fork the project and create a pull request with your changes against
Qubole was acquired. All the maintainers of this repo have moved on. Some of the employees founded ClearFeed. Others are at big data teams in Microsoft, Amazon et al.