A noise library designed specifically for usage with Roblox (luau), easily create a noise map in seconds. You might've found this git page from this devforum post.
This noise library serves to easily and quickly generate hundreds - if not thousands - of noise values almost immediately. Noise is an extremely useful tool for game developers (especially those making procedural terrain). This library allows you to run 1 function and get a noise value whilst still remaining performant and easy to use.
You can find the latest release - or past version - of this module here. You may select from the regular non-typed version or the luau-typed* version.
Once you have downloaded the .lua files, you can put it into your preferred development environment and simply require it just like a regular module.
* Typed version still in development
Below you will find the functions included in the library, and how to use them.
This generates a 2D Noise map asynchronously (does not yield the thread) and returns a RBXScriptSignal which is fired every time a new noise value is added. (This is also used internally by the preferred generate function.
generate2DPartialMap(<float> width, <float> height, <float> [optional] seed, <float> scale, <int> [optional] octaves, <float> persistence, <float> lacunarity, <Vector2> [optional] offset, <boolean> normalize)
generate2DPartialMap(Dictionary NoiseSettings)
Allowed values in the NoiseSettings Dictoinary:
width = 1,
height = 1,
seed = 1, -- *optional
scale = 1,
octaves = 1, -- *optional
persistence = 0.5,
lacunarity = 1,
offset = Vector2.new(0, 0), -- *optional
normalise = false -- *optional
-- Using the function to generate the noise event
-- * means optional
local NoiseGeneratedEvent = QubitNoise.generate2DPartialMap(xSize, ySize, seed*, scale*, octaves*, persistence, lacunarity, offset, normalizeValues*)
-- Using the noise event to detect when a noise value is generated
NoiseGeneratedEvent:Connect(function(x, y, noise)
print(string.format("%d, %d = %f", x, y, noise))
-- Using a NoiseSettings table allows you to skip optional arguments.
local NoiseSettings = {
width = x,
height = y,
scale = 15,
persistence = 0.5,
lacunarity = 1
-- Using the function to generate the noise event
local NoiseGeneratedEvent = QubitNoise.generate2DPartialMap(NoiseSettings)
-- Using the noise event to detect when a noise value is generated
NoiseGeneratedEvent:Connect(function(x, y, noise)
print(string.format("%d, %d = %f", x, y, noise))
This generates a 2D Noise map synchronously (yields the thread until completed). This is the Preferred Method of generation, as it internally calls generatePartial. It functions identially similiar to the partial generator however it returns a full table of noise values compared to an event.
generate2DNoiseMap(<float> width, <float> height, <float> [optional] seed, <float> scale, <int> [optional] octaves, <float> persistence, <float> lacunarity, <Vector2> [optional] offset, <boolean> normalize)
generate2DNoiseMap(Dictionary NoiseSettings)
Allowed values in the NoiseSettings Dictoinary:
width = 1,
height = 1,
seed = 1, -- *optional
scale = 1,
octaves = 1, -- *optional
persistence = 0.5,
lacunarity = 1,
offset = Vector2.new(0, 0), -- *optional
normalise = false -- *optional
-- Using the function to generate the noise event
-- * means optional
local noise = QubitNoise.generate2DNoiseMap(xSize, ySize, seed*, scale*, octaves*, persistence, lacunarity, offset, normalizeValues*)
-- Outputting every noise value from 0-50
for x=1, 51, 1 do
for y=1, 51, 1 do
print(string.format("1, 1 = %f", noise[x][y]))
-- Using a NoiseSettings table allows you to skip optional arguments.
local NoiseSettings = {
width = 50,
height = 50,
scale = 15,
persistence = 0.5,
lacunarity = 1
-- Using the function to generate the noise event
local noise= QubitNoise.generate2DNoiseMap(NoiseSettings)
-- Outputting every noise value from 0-50
for x=1, 51, 1 do
for y=1, 51, 1 do
print(string.format("1, 1 = %f", noise[x][y]))