Made For Kali Linux. No Support For Other Distros If There Are Problems. Tested and Working on MacOS for most Tools.
Developed by @maxbridgland
BabySploit is a penetration testing toolkit aimed at making it easy to learn how to use bigger,
more complicated frameworks like Metasploit. With a very easy to use UI and toolkit, anybody
from any experience level will find use out of BabySploit. Below are some screenshots of the framework.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install exploitdb netcat nmap perl php7.0
# on macOS
brew install exploitdb netcat nmap perl
pip3 install babysploit
In order to use search
command you must follow steps here to install the searchsploit binary!
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install exploitdb netcat nmap perl php7.0
# on macOS
brew install exploitdb netcat nmap perl
git clone
cd BabySploit/
python3 install
docker run --rm -idt --name babysploit xshuden/babysploit # container is deleted when you're done
docker run -idt --name babysploit xshuden/babysploit
BabySploit uses ConfigParser in order to write and read configuration. Your config file is automatically
generated and located at ./babysploit/config/config.cfg
. You can manually change configuration settings
by opening up the file and editing with a text editor or you can use the set command to set a new value for
a key. Use the set command like so:
set rhost
>> Enter Value For rhost: 10
>> Config Key Saved!
If before running this command the rhost key had a value of 80, the rhost key after running this command has a value of 10. You can also add configuration variables to the config by using the set command with a new key after it like so:
set newkey
>> Enter Value For newkey: hello
>> Config Key Saved!
Before running this there was no key named "newkey". After running this you will have a key named "newkey" in your config
until you use the reset
command which resets the saved configuration.
In order to run a tool all you have to do is enter the name of the tool into BabySploit. You can use the tools
to display a menu with all the currently available tools. If we run tools we get the depiction:
This menu will display the tools available and the description of each tool. To run a tool simply enter the tool name
into BabySploit. Ex: ftpbruteforce
- runs the ftpbruteforce tool.
Visit project board for tools.
- Information Gathering
- Exploitation
- Post Exploitation
- Bruteforcing
- Phishing
- Cryptography/Stenography
- Nmap
- IP Info
- Tcpdump (In The Works)
- Datasploit (In The Works)
- Censys Lookup
- DNS Lookup
- Raccoon
- Cloudflare Bypasser
- Searchsploit
- ReverseShell Wizard
- FTP Buffer Overflow Scan
- WPSeku WordPress Vuln Scanner
- In The Works
- FTP Bruteforcer
- WPSeku WordPress Login Bruteforce
- BlackEye Python
- MetaKiller
- PDFMeta
Feel free to contribute by making plugins or fixing bugs with a Pull Request. All contributions are helpful and will help make this a great tool.
Licensed Under MIT.
Copyright (c) 2018 Syndicated Intelligence
@linux_choice for BlackEye sites and base.
@M4ll0k for WPSeku.
@exploitdb for Searchsploit.