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Projects from The Odin Project curriculum:

  • QoogleAssets: Qoogle logo and favicon for Qoogle projects
  • QoogleSearch (preview): an imitation of Google search home page. Features:
    • HTML and CSS only
    • Responsive design, compatible with high resolution screens
  • QoogleSearchResults (preview): an imitation of Google search results page. Features:
    • HTML and CSS only
    • Responsive design, compatible with high resolution screens
  • RockPaperScissors (preview): A Rock, Paper, Scissors game. Features:
    • Written in HTML, CSS and JS
    • Customizable through console:
      • Modify MAXIMUM_SCORE to change the score required to win a game (default: 5)
      • Modify players[i].name to change players' names (where i = 0 for player 1 and i = 1 for player 2; default: "Human" for player 1, "Computer" for player 2)
      • Modify players[i].type to change players' types (where i = 0 for player 1, i = 1 for player 2, players[i].type = "HUMAN" for human controlled players and players[i].type = "COMPUTER" for computer controlled player (ie. random choices); default: "HUMAN" for player 1, "COMPUTER" for player 2)
    • Ability to play human v. human or computer v. computer by changing players' types in console (see point above); to start the game in a computer v. computer configuration, press any button
  • CaesarCipher: a simple Caesar cipher method written in Ruby
  • Substrings: a simple Ruby method which counts occurences of dictionary entries in a phrase
  • StockPicker: a simple Ruby method which maximizes the profit given a chronologically ordered array of stock prices (the method returns the best day to buy and the best day to sell)
  • BubbleSort: a simple bubble sort algorithm implemented in Ruby


Projects from The Odin Project curriculum







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