- Generate loading data for server, and query data for client.
- Modify code in RTree.h to choose parallelization mode.
- Run server with loading data.
- run client with query data.
- Observe run time
#compile and execution
Step 1:
generate load data for server compile command: g++ genLoad.cpp -o genload -std=c++11
generate load data for server execute command: ./genload
sql/load_N10M.sql will be generated with 10M insert operation in it.
generate search data for client compile command: g++ genSearch -o gensearch -std=c++11
generate search data for client execute command: ./gensearch [number of query] [percentage of search area] [percetage of selectivity]
Example: ./gensearch 1000 5 30
Step 2:
change parallel exucution mode in RTree.h, comment the one not needed:
//SearchContain(m_root, &rect, foundCount, a_resultCallback, a_context, a_context_size);
//ParallelSearchContain(m_root, &rect, foundCount, a_resultCallback, a_context, a_context_size);
P2PSearchContain(m_root, &rect, foundCount, a_resultCallback, a_context, a_context_size);
Step 3:
server compile command: g++ server.cpp executor.cpp parser.cpp -o server -fopenmp -std=c++11
server execute command: ./server -l load_file
Example: ./server -l sql/load_test_int.sql
Step 4:
client compile commnad: g++ client.cpp -o client -std=c++11
client execute command: ./client -s hostname:portname -q search_file
Example: ./client -s beyster111.engin.umich.edu:17284 -q sql/search_test_int.sql
#Mysql source code load output: load.sql, search.sql
usage: mysql -u root 584test -p
source /home/ianzyc/Desktop/load.sql source /home/ianzyc/Desktop/search.sql
source /home/zhizhong/Desktop/eecs584/eecs584/load.sql
create index: ALTER TABLE gis ADD SPATIAL INDEX(g);
data structure: table(consists of (1)array of rows and (2) rtree index) (3) string map
row contains(rectangle and attribute)
rtree index
string map maps string to double
-parser: parse the 5 queries(drop table, create table, insert, delete, select)
return a struct
{query type, table name, rectangle, spatial function(intersect/ contain), attribute(as double), compare operator}
depend on query type:
drop table, create table, just change the table list,
insert: just insert the rectangle
- based on spatial function and compare operator, pass two function pointer to rtree class, and collect result.
execution mode: 1.parallel check 2nd attribute in the tree search process. 2.store all row id into a data structure and sort afterwards, parallelize scan process again.
-mini spatialdb client: client is only in charge of reading queries from file, and send it to server one by one, also receive result. -sql client: TBD
-mini spatialDB Server: revieve string only, need a parser to parse the 5 queries(drop table, create table, insert, delete, select).
-mini spatialDB: 1. two attribute query(parallelize), 2. spatial query only(),
#Rtree implementation -serial legacy implementation: https://github.com/nushoin/RTree
-execution plan: 1.parallel check 2nd attribute in the tree search process. 2.store all row id into a data structure and sort afterwards, parallelize scan process again.