REST API to manage observations of the Vigilo app.
Documentation can be found here.
# Start server with 10 observations
make install-with-data
# verify you can get all observations http://localhost/get_issues.php
# PHP unittest with mysql server
make ENV=unittest stop clean init-db start unittest
# make install-with-data (required)
make test-webserver
Test library :
# List all available commands
# Start server with data
make install-with-data
# PHP unittest without mysql server
make unittest
# PHP unittest with mysql server
make ENV=unittest stop clean init-db start unittest
# Test application with cleaned database
make ENV=dev SCOPE=montpellier stop clean init-db start test-webserver show-db
# Start server with backuped database
#make backup-db DBSERVER=
make SCOPE=montpellier BKDATE=20190412233147 stop clean restore-db start show-db
# Startserver with backuped bundle
#make backup-bundle DBSERVER=
make SCOPE=montpellier BKDATE=20190412233147 stop clean restore-bundle start show-db