Releases: qTranslate-Team/qtranslate-x pre-release
It needs a lot of testing, especially for term manipulation: create, update, tags/cats remove/add on post editor page, all editor modes (LSB, Raw, Single). Thanks a lot!
- Improvement: Consistent term framework. Database operation "Clean Legacy Term Names" (at plugin settings page
), which cleans up old imperfections of taxonomy framework. - Improvement: editing of categories and tags in Raw Editor Mode WP Topic
- Improvement: using now native code for editing of terms. Script
is no longer needed. - Improvement: ML fields are now also highlighted with a color bar in Raw Editor Mode.
- Information: Translators acknowledgement section has been moved from qtranslate.php to /lang/translators-notes.txt to keep all translation-related updates in one folder.
- New Tool: Database operation "Split database file by languages" on page
. - Language preset: locale 'kk' (Kazakh, Қазақ тілі). Release
- Imrovement: translation of taxonomies on page
. - Improvement: disable browsing caching before redirection based on languge Issue #306.
- Fix: proper tag editing on page
Issue #366.
Minor fixes:
- Fix: for
. Thanks to extremecarver. - Fix: unexpected menu behaviour for empty menu label when option "Hide Content which is not available for the selected language" is on: WP Topic.
- Fix: WP45, '/wp-admin/nav-menus.php': title of newly added menu item kept one language only.
- Fix: WP45, '/wp-admin/nav-menus.php': double quotation mark in menu label.
- Improvement: Option 'Show language names in "Camel Case"' has been added on Settings/Languages page
in order to handle absence of functionmb_convert_case
, as PHP modulembstring
may not be installed by default: WP Topic. - Enhancement: added preset for Welsh (Cymraeg, 'cy') language.
- Fix: regular expression to detect
in linepreg_match('/(^|&|&|&|\?)lang=([a-z]{2})/i',$url_info['query'],$match)
of fileqtranslate_core.php
: Issue #288. - Fix: smooth run of wp-cron.php from command line: WP Topic.
- Fix: consistency of option "Hide Content ..." to show single post without 404 error, like it is with single page: Issue #297.
- Fix: Predefined locales are changed to match WordPress locales:
Estonian (Eesti) 'et_EE' renamed to 'et',
Basque (Euskera, in native alphabet, Euskara, in WordPress, both correct) eu_ES renamed to 'eu',
Greek (Ελληνικά) 'el_GR' renamed to 'el',
Finnish (Suomi) 'fi_FI' renamed to 'fi',
Croatian (Hrvatski) 'hr_HR' renamed to 'hr'.
Old .mo files are kept in order not to break the sites that may be currently using them, but they should now switch the locale appropriately.
qtranslate-el_GR. renamed to qtranslate-el.
qtranslate-es_CA. renamed to qtranslate-ca.
qtranslate-hr_HR. renamed to qtranslate-hr.*
This emerged from Topic #27. - Languages: Slovak (sk_SK) language preset has been added. Thanks to Andrej Leitner.
- Fix: WP45, LSB on term adit page '/wp-admin/term.php': Issue #342
- Fix: WP45, menu update problem '/wp-admin/nav-menus.php': Issue #347.
- Fix: PHP7, Warning 'Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP': Issue #.
- Improvement: Option 'Show language names in "Camel Case"' has been added on Settings/Languages page
in order to handle absence of functionmb_convert_case
, as PHP modulembstring
may not be installed by default: WP Topic. - Enhancement: added preset for Welsh (Cymraeg, 'cy') language.
- Fix: regular expression to detect
in linepreg_match('/(^|&|&|&|\?)lang=([a-z]{2})/i',$url_info['query'],$match)
of fileqtranslate_core.php
: Issue #288. - Fix: smooth run of wp-cron.php from command line: WP Topic.
- Fix: consistency of option "Hide Content ..." to show single post without 404 error, like it is with single page: Issue #297.
- Fix: Predefined locales are changed to match WordPress locales:
Estonian (Eesti) 'et_EE' renamed to 'et',
Basque (Euskera, in native alphabet, Euskara, in WordPress, both correct) eu_ES renamed to 'eu',
Greek (Ελληνικά) 'el_GR' renamed to 'el',
Finnish (Suomi) 'fi_FI' renamed to 'fi',
Croatian (Hrvatski) 'hr_HR' renamed to 'hr'.
Old *.mo files are kept in order not to break the sites that may be currently using them, but they should now switch the locale appropriately. This emerged from Topic #27. - Languages: Slovak (sk_SK) language preset has been added. Thanks to Andrej Leitner.
- Fix: WP45, LSB on term adit page '/wp-admin/term.php': Issue #342
- Fix: WP45, menu update problem '/wp-admin/nav-menus.php': Issue #347.
- Fix: PHP7, Warning 'Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP': Issue #.
3.4.6 release
Same as 3.4.6 release on WordPress repository.
Changes after 3.4.4:
- Feature: Type 'custom' with arbitrary format of items for widget "qTranslate Language Chooser". Arguments of function
are chenge to comply with WordPress standards. Compatibility with old arguments is preserved. - Enhancement: Translation of language names to other languages: Issue #264. Thanks to benique.
- Enhancement: Moved meta tag "generator" to a separate action: Issue #244.
- Enhancement: PNG files have been further compressed with advanced algorightms: PR #279. Thanks to benique.
- Enhancement: Translation of colon ':' to satisfy French language and may be some other.
- Fix: enabled back translation of posts in
with filter 'raw'. - Enhancement: integration with plugin bbPress started, file
. - Enhancement: integration with theme WPEX Elegant started, file
. - Enhancement: integration of WP Widget "Text" is enabled: WP Issue.
- Fix: position of flags in admin menu: Issue #269.
- Improvement: admin configuration loading is moved to filter 'plugins_loaded', search for function
to see the change. - Fix: removed meta box "Languages" in any Editor Mode, except "Single Language".
- Enhancement: argument
. - Enhancement: removed limit of 5 characters in language form for locale: Issue #262;
- Fix: Crash on customize.php screen. No Language Switching Buttons on customize screen yet, some values are not translated, but raw multilingual values work. Issue #223.
- Fix: Remove children of parent menu item deleted: Issue #255.
- Fix: Obsolete widget constructor Issue #250
- Fix: Enable a language when gettext database fails to update on a private server: Issue #236.
- Fix: use table of list of languages for WP 4.3.
- Fix: disabled translation of posts in
with filter 'raw'. - Enhancement:
on admin side now returns url of current front end language - this helps on customize screen. - Enhancement: choice 'css_only' for $style argument in
: Issue #259. - Enhancement: Handle the CSRF vulnerability. (3.4.6 pre-release)
This is minor change, but still needs to be tested before the release. Mostly, it helps to integrate "Yoast SEO" plugin.
- Improvement: admin configuration loading is moved to filter 'plugins_loaded', search for function
to see the change. - Fix: removed meta box "Languages" in any Editor Mode, except "Single Language".
3.4.5 pre-release
Needs testing, especially of customize screen. Also watch for any untranslated strings at front end.
- Fix: Crash on customize.php screen. No Language Switching Buttons on customize screen yet, some values are not translated, but raw multilingual values work.
- Fix: Remove children of parent menu item deleted: Issue #255.
- Fix: Obsolete widget constructor Issue #250
- Fix: Enable a language when gettext database fails to update on a private server: Issue #236.
- Fix: use table of list of languages for WP 4.3.
- Fix: disabled translation of posts in
with filter 'raw'. - Enhancement:
on admin side now returns url of current front end language - this helps on customize screen. - Enhancement: choice 'css_only' for $style argument in
: Issue #259. - Enhancement: Handle the CSRF vulnerability.
3.4 release
- Includes all changes after version 3.3. Please, review Release Notes.
- Major new feature: Integration Framework is finalized in its first edition.
- Translation: a lot of thanks to all translators contributed.
- Fix: warning message on the first update from 3.3 due to new options creation.
- Enhancement: deep translation of options (
) including embedded serialized values. - Enhancement: allow absolute paths in 'src' attribute in configuration: Issue #186.
- Enhancement: Dealing with '&' in term name, filter 'get_terms_args'.
- Enhancement: option 'Locale at front-end' added. WP Topic.
- Feature: custom language switching menu with
. - Enhancement: in function qtranxf_collect_translations_posted, parse variables collected as a query string in an option.
- Enhancement: update option 'Configuration Files' on theme switch.
- Enhancement: search for i18n-config.json files under active theme, plugins and
folder. - Enhancement: more on error handling.
- Enhancement: translation of admin menu.
- Enhancement: display translation of h2 titles on post.php (for custom types).
- Feature: finalizing Integration Framework.
- Feature: swirly-bracket(brace) language encoding added to be used in places where square-bracket and comment encoding do not work. '[:]' sometimes conflict with shortcodes. '' does not survive tag clean up. '{:}'(swirly-bracket) seems to survive all.
- Enhancement: 'plugins' vs 'mu-plugins', links of sub-folders, etc. Issue #168.
- Enhancement: gettext filters in raw and single language modes.
- Enhancement: turn on 'Compatibility Functions' on first activation, if a file of one of the former forks is detected.
- Enhancement: translation of user metadata at front end WP Topic.
- Fix: handling non-standard language code: Issue #171.
- Fix: 'Head inline CSS' update on language list changes.
- Fix: pagination of posts under Query Mode of URL Modification (filter 'qtranxf_convertBlogInfoURL'): Issue #155. Filters 'home_url' and 'bloginfo_url' are disabled in Query mode.
- Fix: updated
to check for misconfigurations. - Fix: prev/next_post_link WP Topic.
- Feature: Integration Framework finalizing JSON file format.
- Enhancement: function
to show crucial error messages as admin notices on all admin pages and to update 'error_log' file. - Fix: function
: WP Topic. - Feature: Meta-box 'Language' with Language Switching Buttons is now ready for functionality testing.
- Feature: Integration Framework for PHP code.
- Fix: skip filter 'pre_get_posts' for post_type 'nav_menu_item': WP Topic.
- Fix: hreflang in
is now locale instead of language code: WP Topic. - Feature: Meta-box 'LSB' for Language Switching Buttons, which can be placed anywhere on a page (not finished, just to test an idea on how it will look and work).
- Feature: integration framework is finished in its first version as it is described in Integration Guide. The configuration is now loadable from JSON files, which 3rd-party themes or plugins may generate.
- Enhancement: pre-sets for option 'Highlight Style' are changed to use CSS property 'border' instead of 'box-shadow' and 'outline', otherwise the highlighting was not always visible, specifically when class 'widefat' is also in use.
- Fix: visual mode misbehaviour in field 'Details' for events managed by plugin Events Made Easy Issue #152.
- Enhancement: added class attributes
to the message about available languages to make it CSS-customizable: WP Topic. - Enhancement:
added to "Compatibility Functions". - Enhancement: tabs on configuration page, thanks to Pedro Mendonça for the idea and initial coding: Issue #135 & #153.
- Fix: pagination of posts under Query Mode of URL Modification (filter 'get_pagenum_link'): Issue #155, WP Topic and WP Topic.
- Fix: locale 'ja_JP' changed back to 'ja' as this is what WordPress uses. Files lang/ renamed to
3.4 alpha pre-release (
This is what most likely to be 3.4.
Need to finish documentation, draft of which you may read to suggest improvements:
More or less finished:
Drafts to be finished:
Main plugin description also changed: