Ceci est le code source du site web www.taxi-gestion.ch
Créer un fichier appsettings dans ./TaxiGestion/
"JWTSettings": {
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=CHANGERICI; database=taxi-gestion; user id=CHANGERICI; password=CHANGERICI;",
"DevConnection": "Server=localhost; database=taxi-gestion; user id=sa; password=MyCompleXPassW0rd!;"
"Email": {
"LetsEncrypt": {
// Set this to automatically accept Let's Encrypt's terms of service.
// If you don't set this in config, you will need to press "y" whenever the application starts
"AcceptTermsOfService": true,
// You must at least one domain name
"DomainNames": [ "www.taxi-gestion.ch", "taxi-gestion.ch" ],
// You must specify an email address to register with letsencrypt.org
"EmailAddress": "CHANGERICI"
Variables pour le pipeline azure devOps
$(email-letsencrypt) -> E-mail pour le certificat ssl
$(ftp-server) -> Adresse ftp du serveur pour upload de l'artefact azure devOps
$(JWTSettings) -> Clé secrète JWT
$(smtp) -> Serveur smtp pour l'envoi d'e-mail (je n'ai pas prévu d'envoi d'e-mail avec authentification)
$(smtp-port) -> Port 25
$(SqlServerConnection) -> Serveur Sql Server 2019
$(ftp-password) -> Mot de passe ftp
$(ftp-user) -> User ftp