Karna is the goddess of retribution, a strict and fair Judge in whose hands is the Book of Fates. In this book she records all the deeds and actions of people. Karna works together with the goddess Makosh. Makosh weaves the destinies of people in accordance with the records of the goddess Karna.
(c) The Book of Kon, PoKon and ZaKon
What if Filesystem was a simple JSON file .filesystem.json
. What if you can transform JSON file with 🐊Putout code transformer and this changes modify Filesystem?
What if I tell you it is possible? 😱 Checkout in 🐊Putout Editor.
First time ever! Linter for your Filesystem 😏💾.
npm i redlint -g
You can choose interactively when run redlint
To scan your files use redlint scan

To convert file to JSON or JavaScript use:
To fix your files use redlint fix

You can also generate .filesystem.json
file with putout generate