In this repository, you can find the source code for cryptographic algorithms implemented in Go.
- Vernam cipher
- GOST 34.12-2015 (64-bit block - Magma)
- SHA-1
Makefile help message:
$ make help
Available commands:
make help - print this help
make build - build crypto-stream and crypto-block
make clean - clean build directory
make test - run tests
After executing make build
, you can find the compiled binaries in the build
$ make build
$ tree build
├── crypto-block
├── crypto-hash
└── crypto-stream
More information about this CLI application can be found in the help message:
$ ./build/crypto-block --help
Block cipher to encrypt/decrypt a file
crypto-block [flags]
crypto-block [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
gost341264 GOST 34.12-2015 64-bit to encrypt/decrypt a file
help Help about any command
-h, --help help for crypto-block
-o, --output string Output file path
Use "crypto-block [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ ./build/crypto-hash --help
Hash a string
crypto-hash [flags]
crypto-hash [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
sha1 SHA1 hash a string
-h, --help help for crypto-hash
Use "crypto-hash [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ ./build/crypto-stream --help
Stream cipher to encrypt/decrypt a string
crypto-stream [flags]
crypto-stream [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
vernam Vernam cipher to encrypt/decrypt a string
-h, --help help for crypto-stream
Use "crypto-stream [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ echo "Hello, World!" > plain.txt
$ ./build/crypto-block gost341264 encrypt ./plain.txt -o encrypted.bin
$ ./build/crypto-block gost341264 decrypt encrypted.bin -o decrypted.txt
$ cat decrypted.txt
Hello, World!
$ ./build/crypto-hash sha1 Hello, World!
hash: 0a0a9f2a6772942557ab5355d76af442f8f65e01
$ ./build/crypto-stream vernam encrypt Hello, World!
key (hex): 7dc94c1628bab50dee784247e9
encrypted text (hex): 35ac207a4796955a810a2e23c8
$ ./build/crypto-stream vernam decrypt 7dc94c1628bab50dee784247e9 35ac207a4796955a810a2e23c8
decrypted text: Hello, World!
$ ./build/crypto-hash sha1 Hello, World!
hash: 0a0a9f2a6772942557ab5355d76af442f8f65e01 ptrvsrg@MacBook-Pro: ~/projects/nsu/crypto kube:(devrc/deploy-registry) git:(main) ✗
$ ./build/crypto-hash sha1 Hello, World
hash: 907d14fb3af2b0d4f18c2d46abe8aedce17367bd
This project is released under the MIT License.