MoviePocket is movie management system that will help you to orginize your movie collection and share it with other movie lovers. The more percise description of the service you can find in Documentation/ section:)
Explore world of movies with MoviePocket and create your personal unforgettable experience collecting sharing movies between users.
- Introduction
- Backend (Java Spring)
- Frontend (React.js)
- Mobile App Android
- Deployment
- Contributing
- License
MoviePocket is movie management system that will help you to orginize your movie collection and share it with other movie lovers. The more percise description of the service you can find in Documentation/ section:)
Explore world of movies with MoviePocket and create your personal unforgettable experience collecting sharing movies between users.
Backend Java Spring
- Java(at least 1.8), Spring boot version at least 2.7.10 and
Spring 5.X bounded with Maven for backend
- Cookie based authentication by Spring Security 2.7
- ORM: Hibernate v 5. + JPA
- port used for local: 8080
Info about API endpoints, request/response examples, and any required headers generated by Swageer UI and can be found
by {hostname}/swagger-ui.html
MVP pattern is used.
MySql is used. DB script can be found in DbScript
Cookie based authentication is implemented. Cookie expiration set to -1 and can be changed in file
Most errors are handled by ResponseEntity and Http status codes responses Main codes used are:
200 Ok
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not found
500 Server error
Frontend React.js
Describe the project directory structure and organization.
Document each React component, including its purpose, props, and usage.
- Component Buttons
- DislikedMovieButton
- Purpose: The DislikedMovieButton component is a reusable React component designed to represent a button that allows users to dislike a movie. It interacts with the server to check the current disliked state of the movie and enables users to toggle the dislike state by clicking the button.
- Props:
- idMovie (Required, Number): The unique identifier of the movie for which the dislike button is being displayed.
- className (Optional, String): Additional CSS class name(s) that can be provided to customize the styling of the button.
- Usage: the DislikedMovieButton is used within a MovieDetails component, where idMovie is set to the unique identifier of the movie being displayed. The optional className prop is used to customize the styling of the button.
- DislikedMovieButton
This component utilizes the AuthContext to check if the user is logged in before allowing them to dislike a movie. When the button is clicked, it toggles the dislike state and sends a request to the server to update the dislike status.
- FavoriteMovieButton
- Purpose: The FavoriteMovieButton component is a reusable React component designed to represent a button that allows users to mark a movie as a favorite. It interacts with the server to check the current favorite state of the movie and enables users to toggle the favorite state by clicking the button.
- Props:
- idMovie (Required, String): The unique identifier of the movie for which the favorite button is being displayed.
- className (Optional, String): Additional CSS class name(s) that can be provided to customize the styling of the button.
- Usage: the FavoriteMovieButton is used within a MovieDetails component, where idMovie is set to the unique identifier of the movie being displayed. The optional className prop is used to customize the styling of the button.
- RatingComponent
- Purpose: The RatingComponent is designed to provide a user interface for selecting a rating using star icons. It uses state to track the selected rating and updates the display dynamically.
- Props: rating: A state variable that holds the selected rating. It is initially set to null and gets updated when a star is clicked.
- ToWatchMovieButton
- Purpose: The ToWatchMovieButton component serves as a button that allows users to add or remove movies from their "To Watch" list. It displays a tooltip and changes its appearance based on whether the movie is in the "To Watch" list or not.
- Props:
- toWatch: A state variable that holds whether the movie is in the "To Watch" list. It is initially set to false and gets updated when the user clicks the button.
- isLoggedIn: The component uses the AuthContext to check if the user is logged in.
- WatchMovieButton.js
- Purpose: The WatchMovieButton component serves as a button that allows users to mark a movie as watched. It displays a tooltip and changes its appearance based on whether the movie has been watched or not.
- Props:
- watched: A state variable that holds whether the movie has been watched. It is initially set to false and gets updated when the user clicks the button.
- isHovered: A state variable that holds whether the button is being hovered. It is used to determine the button's appearance during hover.
- isClicked: A state variable that holds whether the button has been clicked. It is used to determine the button's appearance after being clicked.
- Component Lists
- Component navbar
- Component pagination
- Component poster
- Component review
- Component spinners
- Component top
- Component Layout
Service is using external TMDB APi for several operations such as poster and movie info fetching etc.
Mobile App Android
Android 10+ should be used for running
App uses mainly MVC pattern and uses both backend api endpoints and TMDB API.
implementation 'androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0' implementation of 'com.tbuonomo:dotsindicator:4.2' compileOnly ' org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.30' annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.30' implementation of 'jp.wasabeef: blurry:4.0.0' implementation of '' implementation of "androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2: 1.0.0" implementation of '' implementation ' 0.1.4' implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.12.0' implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0' implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.4.1' implementation 'androidx.lifecycle: lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.4.1' implementation of 'androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment:2.5.2' implementation ' androidx.navigation:navigation-ui:2.5.2' implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.3.2' annotationProcessor ' com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.12.0' implementation of 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.9.1' implementation ' androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.1' implementation '' implementation ' androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.4' testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13.2' androidTestImplementation ' androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.5' androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.5.1'
These libraries are used in my Android application for various purposes like ViewPager2 support, adding dots indicator to ViewPager, blur support, JSON parsing with Gson library, ExoPlayer media player support, extensible text view, loading images with Glide, support for LiveData and ViewModel architecture with Lifecycle, navigation between fragments with Navigation, support for RecyclerView scroll list, support for network communication with OkHttp library, UI support with AppCompat, Material Design and ConstraintLayout, testing with JUnit and testing user interface using Espresso.
Remember to regularly update your libraries and track their versions to maintain security and compliance with the latest standards.
I'm using a Gradle build system for my Android app. Below is the build configuration:
- '' - Plugin for building Android applications.
- 'org.jetbrains.dokka' - Plugin for generating documentation from source code.
Android Setup:
- namespace - The namespace of the Android application.
- compileSdk - The SDK version the application uses.
- defaultConfig - Default configuration, including, among others: application ID, minimum and target SDK versions, version code, and version name.
- buildTypes - Configuration of build types, e.g. "release" mode with minification and ProGuard files enabled or disabled.
- compileOptions - Compilation settings such as source and target code compatibility with Java 11.
- buildFeatures - View Binding feature enabled.
Plugins version:
- '' and '' in version '8.1.4', but they are disabled (apply false).
The above configuration describes how to build, compile and configure Android applications using Gradle.
A general idea of the application architecture:
Your app uses an architectural approach using the Android Navigation Component to manage navigation between fragments. The application probably uses a Single Activity approach, where the main activity contains a container for displaying fragments and manages their visibility.
Basic components and their interactions:
- The main activity of the application, which contains a container for displaying fragments.
- Responsible for initialization and management of the Navigation Component.
- HomeFragment: Displays the home screen and contains links to various fragments such as movieFragment, loginFragment, movieListFragment and listFragment.
- SearchFragment: Responsible for displaying the search screen and contains links to various fragments such as movieFragment, personFragment, searchResultsFragment and others.
- UserFragment: Displays the user's screen and contains links to various fragments such as movieFragment, movieTokFragment, loginFragment and userEditFragment.
- MovieFragment, PersonFragment, MovieTokFragment, LoginFragment and others: Screens to display information about movies, people, reviews, etc.
- FeedFragment, FeedListFragment, FeedPostFragment: Screens related to displaying news and its components.
Navigation graphics:
- Defined in the navigation XML file (res/navigation/mobile_navigation.xml).
- Contains fragments and actions to manage navigation between them.
adapter: A package containing various adapters for displaying data in lists and other interface components.
- search: A subpackage with adapters related to search.
animation: A package where, presumably, the Animation class is located. It might be related to animations in the application.
api: A package containing classes for interacting with external APIs.
models: Data models designed for working with external APIs. Here, models for lists of movies, episodes, actors, etc., are presented.
MP: A subpackage, possibly related to the internal API of your project. It includes classes for various aspects of the API, such as ratings, authentication, lists, etc.
TMDB: A subpackage related to The Movie Database (TMDB) API.
ui: A package containing classes for the user interface.
dialog: Classes for working with dialogs, including RatingDialog.
feed: Classes related to the news feed, including fragments and view models.
firstRun: The FirstRunActivity class, associated with the first launch of the application.
home: Classes associated with the home screen of the application.
list: Fragments and view models for working with various lists.
login: Classes related to the login process.
lostPassword: Classes related to password recovery.
movie: Classes related to displaying information about movies.
movieTok: The MovieTokFragment class, possibly associated with some movie-related functionality.
person: Classes related to displaying information about individuals.
post: Classes related to posts and their editing.
registration: Classes related to the registration process.
review: Classes related to movie reviews.
search: Classes related to search functionality.
settings: Classes related to application settings.
style: The StyleActivity class, associated with styling the application.
user: Classes related to users.
utils: Utility classes, such as date conversion, image handling, internet connection checking, and other auxiliary functions.
view: A package containing custom widgets or widgets with modified behavior.
circularImageView: A widget for circular images.
roundedImageView: A widget for images with rounded corners.
- The main class of your application, which is likely the entry point.
- The application class where application initialization and setup occur.
- Possibly a class related to the API of your application.
- An automatically generated file containing references to resources.
- Plugin for building Android applications.
- org.jetbrains.dokka: Plugin for generating documentation from code.
Android Settings:
- Namespace: Application namespace com.example.moviepocketandroid.
- Compile SDK: SDK version for compilation - 33.
Primary Configuration:
- Application ID: Application identifier in the package - com.moviepocket.
- Minimum SDK Version: 28.
- Target SDK Version: 33.
- Application Version: Version code - 2, version name - "2".
- Test Runner: Instrumentation runner used for tests - "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner".
Build Types:
- Release:
- Optimizations: Disabled (minifyEnabled false).
- Proguard: Proguard configuration files for optimization and code protection.
- Release:
Language Settings:
- Java Language Version: 11.
- View Binding: Enabled.
Handling errors in the application involves the following steps:
IllegalStateException: In the event of an IllegalStateException, the application takes the following steps:
Checks if the fragment is added to the activity (isAdded()). Checks if the context is not equal to null (getContext() != null). If both checks pass, corresponding actions are executed. In this case, the onDestroy() method is called to perform necessary cleanup or other actions. NullPointerException: In the event of a NullPointerException, the application takes the following steps:
Logs an error message containing information about the exception (Log.e(TAG, "NullPointerException occurred: " + e.getMessage())). Performs additional error handling according to the application's requirements. This may include notifying the user, displaying an error message, etc.
Network interactions:
Details of interactions with backend servers or APIs:
- The application communicates with backend servers using two secured protocols: HTTPS (HTTP Secure) to encrypt transmitted data and ensure the security of communication between the client and the server.
API endpoints and their functionality:
- Two APIs are used: The Movie Database (TMDb) and the MoviePocket API. Each of them provides API endpoints with various functionalities, such as obtaining information about videos, searching, updating data, and other operations necessary for the functioning of the application.
Handling HTTP requests and responses:
- All HTTP requests and responses are handled according to security policies. The application sends secured HTTP requests to APIs using HTTPS. Response processing includes checking statuses and processing data for display or further use in the application.
This ensures safe and effective interaction of the application with backend servers through secured data transmission protocols.
Authentication flow is depends on Backend part as it uses backend api see Backend (Java Spring)
Both front and back end are deployed on remote linux server provided by UAM WMI
Server information and connection credentials can be found Here
Android app is deployed to Google Play
Deployment provider: Schizo Cat
JUnit5 and Mockito libraries are used for backend testing Jacoco for static code coverage analysis
v. 1.0.0
Please add header to created files
* Copyright (C) {MoviePocket} - All Rights Reserved
* This source code is protected under international copyright law. All rights
* reserved and protected by the copyright holders.
* This file is confidential and only available to authorized individuals with the
* permission of the copyright holders. If you encounter this file and do not have
* permission, please contact the copyright holders and delete this file.
*/ ```