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Reliable Distributed PostgreSQL (RDPG) BOSH release


MIT, see LICENSE file.

Usage: Configuration & Deployment

We will walk through an example of using with Cloud Foundry.

Be sure to first target your BOSH Director:

bosh target $BOSH_HOST

If you are using bosh-lite you target like so:

bosh target lite

Now clone this release and cd into the directory:

git clone https://.../rdpg-boshrelease.git
cd rdpg-boshrelease

If you intend on using a final release upload it like so:

bosh upload release releases/rdpg-1.yml

Next download your manifest file for the deployment targeted so we can edit it and add the release.

mkdir -p ~/workspace/manifests
bosh download manifest rdpg-development ~/workspace/manifests/rdpg.yml
bosh deployment ~/workspace/manifests/rdpg.yml

Alternatively, you can make your manifest. For example to prepare a manifest for bosh-lite (warden) using the 'centos' stemcell we would do the following:

STEMCELL_OS=centos ./rdpg-dev manifest warden

Edit the manifest file you downloaded (~/workspace/manifests/rdpg.yml) and add settings as follows.

Add to the list of known releases:

- name: rdpg
  version: latest

For consistency also add to the releases: section under meta:

  environment: rdpg-development
  - name: cf
    version: latest
  - name: rdpg
    version: latest

Add properties such as tags.

# ... lots of properties ... at bottom put vv

Now, for every instances: entry you wish to collocate this release with under jobs: add the following in the templates: section:

  - name: rdpg
    release: rdpg

Now you can deploy,

bosh -n deploy

Note that for each job you create in your release that you want to run on a Job VM you must add a templates: entry with the name: of the template and the release: from which it comes.

Deployments Blobs

The script ./rdpg-dev blobs is used to prepare the blobs/ directory runs each package's prepare script from within the blobs/ directory. This will run each package's prepare script, if it exists, which should download and prepare that package's required blobs (source tarballs, etc...) into the {package}/ directory.


Download your manifest file for the deployment targeted.

Target your BOSH Director as explained above, if you already have a deploy be sure to also download your manifest as per above.

If this is your first time cloning the release repository for develompent first prepare all of the things:

./rdpg-dev prepare warden

This is equivalent to:

./rdpg-dev blobs
./rdpg-dev release
./rdpg-dev stemcell warden
./rdpg-dev manifest warden

Once these steps have all been completed

bosh -n deploy

More Information

For more information on the internal components used to manage PostgreSQL databases please refer to the documentation in src/rdpgd/docs/*.md

There is also a large treasure trove of "How To" and similar documents in the Wiki in this repository.

Debugging & QA

In order to gain access to one of the VMs, from a terminal bosh ssh rdpg {VM Index}, for example to ssh to the first node:

bosh ssh rdpg 0 # Hop on and have a look around...

If you want to destroy and recreate on specific node, say rdpg/0, you do the following:

bosh -n recreate rdpg 0 --force

See docs/ for release specific information.

To run acceptance tests:

bosh create release --force && bosh upload release && bosh -n deploy && bosh run errand acceptance_tests


This BOSH release is automatically built and tested upon every commit to master.

bosh release changes trigger deploy job

The deploy job will:

  1. Run bosh create release to ensure that the BOSH release can be successfully created
  2. Upload the release to a bosh-lite running on AWS
  3. Generate a manifest and deploy a cluster (via the ./rdpg-dev manifest warden manifest generator)
  4. Run the acceptance_tests errand

The deploy job is triggered when:

  • jobs or packages folders are modified - changing the BOSH release itself
  • templates folders are modified - changing how users might deploy the BOSH release
  • src folder is modified (see below for jobs that do this via Concourse)
  • config/blobs.yml is modified - changing the blobs that go into the BOSH release


Reliable Distributed Provisioning Grid BOSH Release







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