Use this BOSH release to either:
- deploy a cluster of consul servers; OR
- upgrade an existing BOSH deployment to advertise or discover services
The redis-boshrelease is an example BOSH release that can use this consul release to advertise itself to other consul consumers.
To use this bosh release, first upload it to your bosh:
bosh upload release releases/consul/consul-19.yml
For bosh-lite, you can quickly create a deployment manifest & deploy a 3-node cluster:
templates/make_manifest warden
bosh -n deploy
View the Consul UI on
For AWS EC2, create a 3-node cluster:
templates/make_manifest aws-ec2
bosh -n deploy
The first time deployment will boot all VMs simultaneously. Afterwards we want to ensure at least one of the VMs is running at all times. So we need to change the manifest.
Running the make_manifest
command again for an existing deployment will change the manifest.
templates/make_manifest warden
bosh -n deploy
Will include this change:
± max_in_flight:
- 50
+ 1
Now onwards, each consul server node will be updated only when the other nodes are not being updated.
For AWS & Openstack, the default deployment assumes there is a default
security group. If you wish to use a different security group(s) then you can pass in additional configuration when running make_manifest
Create a file my-networking.yml
- name: consul1
type: dynamic
- consul
Where - consul
means you wish to use an existing security group called consul
You now suffix this file path to the make_manifest
templates/make_manifest openstack-nova my-networking.yml
bosh -n deploy
Requires Ruby 1.9+ for consul-ui's sass buildtool.
bundle install
bosh create release --force