ROCm Communication Collectives Library
RCCL (rickle) is implementation of MPI communication apis on ROCm enabled GPUs. It is a collective communication library whose aim is to provide low-latency and high-bandwidth communication on dense GPU systems. RCCL launches special-purpose compute kernels for parallel overlapping transfers. This involves distributed processing and exchanging data between participating peer-accessible GPUs in a logical ring within a single multi-GPU node.
- AllReduce
- Broadcast
- Reduce
- AllGather
- ROCm supported GPUs
- ROCm stack installed on the system (HCC)
RCCL directly depends on HIP runtime & HCC C++ compiler which are part of the ROCm SW stack.
git clone
mkdir rccl_build
cd rccl_build
CXX=/opt/rocm/bin/hcc cmake ../rccl
make package
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
RCCL install requires sudo/root access because it creates a directory called "rccl" under /opt/rocm/. This is an optional step and RCCL can be used directly by including the path containing
library install directory should be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/rocm/rccl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#include <rccl/rccl.h>
#include <vector>
int main() {
int numGpus;
std::vector<rcclComm_t> comms(numGpus);
rcclCommInitAll(comms, numGpus);
std::vector<float*> sendBuff(numGpus);
std::vector<float*> recvBuff(numGpus);
std::vector<hipStream_t> streams(numGpus);
// Set up sendBuff and recvBuff on each GPU
// Create stream on each GPU
for(int i=0;i<numGpus;i++) {
rcclAllReduce(sendBuff[i], recvBuff[i], size, rcclFloat,
rcclSum, comms[i], streams[i]);
- contains the public RCCL header exposing the RCCL interfacessrc
- contains source code for the implementation of the RCCL APIstests
- contains unit tests cases to validate RCCL
The RCCL library consists of two primary layers:
- rccl.h - C99 APIs as defined by the RCCL library.
- rccl.cpp - The interface layer implementation encapsulates the functionality by invoking the actual primitive specific C++ template functions.
- rcclDataTypes.h
- rcclTracker.h
- rccl{Primitive}Runtime.h
- rccl{Primitive}Kernels.h
- rcclKernelHelper.h
The initial implementation of the distributed broadcast and all-reduce designs are focused on the functionality and correctness and not tuned yet to obtain optimal performance for a specific input size and GPU count. Better strategies to determine optimal chunk sizes to allow overlapping of transfers for better pipelining are being explored.