🍎 Brewfile to install softwares in macOS for engineers
This brewfile is written by posquit0 to easily set up the development environment to macOS.
- If you want to override my configuration or add more configuration, just edit
$ git clone https://github.com/posquit0/brewfile
$ cd brewfile
# Install base packages in `base.Brewfile`
$ brew bundle --file base.Brewfile
# Install filesystem related packages in `filesystem.Brewfile`
$ brew bundle --file filesystem.Brewfile
# Install fonts in `font.Brewfile`
$ brew bundle --file font.Brewfile
# Install media related packages in `media.Brewfile`
$ brew bundle --file media.Brewfile
# Install messaging related packages in `messaging.Brewfile`
$ brew bundle --file messaging.Brewfile
# Install office related packages in `office.Brewfile`
$ brew bundle --file office.Brewfile
# Install secret related packages in `secret.Brewfile`
$ brew bundle --file secret.Brewfile
# Install web related packages in `web.Brewfile`
$ brew bundle --file web.Brewfile
# Install development packages
$ brew bundle --file dev-base.Brewfile
$ brew bundle --file dev-android.Brewfile
$ brew bundle --file dev-container.Brewfile
$ brew bundle --file dev-db.Brewfile
$ brew bundle --file dev-ide.Brewfile
$ brew bundle --file dev-jvm.Brewfile
$ brew bundle --file dev-network.Brewfile
$ brew bundle --file dev-terminal.Brewfile
$ brew bundle --file dev-vcs.Brewfile
$ brew bundle --file dev-web.Brewfile
# Install devops packages in `devops.Brewfile`
$ brew bundle --file devops.Brewfile
Like brewfile? Follow the repository on GitHub. And if you're feeling especially charitable, follow posquit0 on GitHub.
- dotfiles - Awesome configurations for the development environments.
- gitconfig - Git configurations.
- tmux-conf - TMUX Configuration for nerds with tpm.
- vimrc - Vim Configuration for nerds with vim-plug.
- zsh - Zsh Configuration for nerds with zplug.
Provided under the terms of the MIT License.
Copyright © 2018-2023, Byungjin Park.