As a frontend developer I have been actively involved in the field for more than five years, specializing in various aspects of web development. Additionally, I had the honor of collaborating with teams ranging from 5 to 15 members across different fields, including backend and front-end. I constantly seek opportunities and challenges for personal growth and effective team participation in developing practical products.
- nouyan ( 12 month
- fanam ( 12 month
- avajang ( 12 month
- hakupian ( 1 year 2 month
- drkarafarini( 1 year 5 month
- portfolio (
- ghanad ( nouyan (
- radar361 (
- golinoosh (
- panel-admin (
- portfolio-dashboard (
- weblog-articel (
- todo-app (
- surthland-jobs (
- resume-persian (
- shopping-cart-mobile-pinia (
- shopping-cart-watch-nuxt (
- flower (
- 🌱 I’m currently learning html css js typescript sass/less vue-js nuxt react nextjs
👯 Know about my resume experiences [resume-persian] (
👯 Know about my resume experiences [resume-english] (
- Ask me about html-css js vue.js nuxt-js react nextjs