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Plugin Library for Obsidian release

Library for Obsidian plugins.

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Repository · Changelog · Other things · Installation · Contributing · Security


This is NOT an installable plugin.


Contributions are welcome!

This project uses changesets to manage the changelog. When creating a pull request, please add a changeset describing the changes. Add multiple changesets if your pull request changes several things. End each changeset with ([PR number](PR link) by [author username](author link)). For example, the newly created file under the directory .changeset should look like:

"example": patch

This is an example change. ([GH#1]( by [@ghost](


The todos here, ordered alphabetically, are things planned for the plugin. There are no guarantees that they will be completed. However, we are likely to accept contributions for them.

  • (None)


Translation files are under assets/locales/. Each locale has its own directory named with its corresponding IETF language tag.

To contribute translation for an existing locale, modify the files in the corresponding directory.

For a new locale, create a new directory named with its language tag and copy assets/locales/en/translation.json into it. Then, add an entry to assets/locales/en/language.json in this format:

    // ...
    "en": "English",
    "(your-language-tag)": "(Native name of your language)",
    "uwu": "Uwuish",
    // ...

Sort the list of languages by the alphabetical order of their language tags. Then modify the files in the new directory. There will be errors in assets/locales.ts, which you can ignore and we will fix them for you. You are welcome to fix them yourself if you know TypeScript.

When translating, keep in mind the following things:

  • Do not translate anything between {{ and }} ({{example}}). They are interpolations and will be replaced by localized strings at runtime.
  • Do not translate anything between $t( and ) ($t(example)). They refer to other localized strings. To find the localized string being referred to, follow the path of the key, which is separated by dots (.). For example, the key refers to:
    // ...
    "youtu": {
        // ...
        "be": {
            // ...
            "/dQw4w9WgXcQ": "I am ''!",
            // ...
        // ...
    // ...
  • The keys under generic are vocabularies. They can be referred in translation strings by $t(generic.key). Refer to them as much as possible to standardize translations for vocabularies that appear in different places.
  • It is okay to move interpolations and references to other localized strings around to make the translation natural. It is also okay to not use some references used in the original translation. However, it is NOT okay to not use all interpolations.


We hope that there will never be any security vulnerabilities, but unfortunately it does happen. Please report them!

Supported versions

Version Supported

Reporting a vulnerability

Please report a vulerability by opening an new issue. We will get back to you as soon as possible.