The Heroku Ruby Client is used to interact with the Heroku API from Ruby.
For more about the Heroku API see
Start by creating a connection to Heroku with your credentials:
require 'heroku-api'
heroku = => API_KEY) # use API Key
heroku = => USERNAME, :password => PASSWORD) # use username and password
heroku = => {'User-Agent' => 'custom'}) # use custom header
NOTE: You can leave out the :api_key
is set instead.
Now you can make requests to the api.
What follows is an overview of commands you can run for the client.
For additional details about any of the commands, see the API docs.
heroku.delete_addon(APP, ADD_ON) # remove the ADD_ON add-on from the app named APP
heroku.post_addon(APP, ADD_ON) # add ADD_ON add-on to an the app named APP
heroku.put_addon(APP, ADD_ON) # update the ADD_ON add-on on the app named APP
heroku.get_addons # see a listing of all available add-ons
heroku.get_addons(APP) # see listing of installed add-ons for the app named APP
heroku.delete_app(APP) # delete the app named APP
heroku.get_apps # get a list of your apps
heroku.get_app(APP) # get info about the app named APP
heroku.post_app # create an app with a generated name and the default stack
heroku.post_app_maintenance(APP, '1') # toggle maintenance mode for the app named APP
heroku.post_app('name' => 'app') # create an app with a specified name, APP
heroku.put_app('name' => 'myapp') # update an app to have a different name
heroku.delete_collaborator(APP, '') # remove '' collaborator from APP app
heroku.get_collaborators(APP) # list collaborators for APP app
heroku.post_collaborator(APP, '') # add '' collaborator to APP app
heroku.delete_config_var(APP, KEY) # remove KEY key from APP app
heroku.get_config_vars(APP) # get list of config vars for APP app
heroku.put_config_vars(APP, KEY => 'value') # set KEY key to 'value' for APP app
heroku.delete_domain(APP, '') # remove the '' domain from the APP app
heroku.get_domains(APP) # list configured domains for the APP app
heroku.post_domain(APP, '') # add '' domain to the APP app
heroku.delete_key('user@hostname.local') # remove the 'user@hostname.local' key
heroku.delete_keys # remove all keys
heroku.get_keys # list configured keys
heroku.post_key('key data') # add key defined by 'key data'
heroku.get_logs(APP) # return logs information for APP app
heroku.get_ps(APP) # list current processes for APP app
heroku.post_ps(APP, 'command') # run 'command' command in context of APP app
heroku.post_ps_restart(APP) # restart all processes for APP app
heroku.post_ps_scale(APP, TYPE, QTY) # scale TYPE type processes to QTY for APP app
heroku.post_ps_stop(APP, 'ps' => 'web.1') # stop 'web.1' process for APP app
heroku.post_ps_stop(APP, 'type' => 'web') # stop all 'web' processes for APP app
heroku.post_ps_restart(APP, 'ps' => 'web.1') # restart 'web.1' process for APP app
heroku.put_dynos(APP, DYNOS) # set number of dynos for bamboo app APP to DYNOS
heroku.put_workers(APP, WORKERS) # set number of workers for bamboo app APP to WORKERS
heroku.post_ps_scale(APP, 'worker', WORKERS) # set number of workers for cedar app APP to WORKERS
heroku.get_releases(APP) # list of releases for the APP app
heroku.get_release(APP, 'v#') # get details of 'v#' release for APP app
heroku.post_release(APP, 'v#') # rollback APP app to 'v#' release
heroku.get_stack(APP) # list available stacks
heroku.put_stack(APP, STACK) # migrate APP app to STACK stack
heroku.get_user # list user info
For testing (or practice) you can also use a simulated Heroku account:
require 'heroku-api'
heroku = => API_KEY, :mock => true)
Commands will now behave as normal, however, instead of interacting with your actual Heroku account you'll be interacting with a blank test account. Note: test accounts will have NO apps to begin with. You'll need to create one:
heroku.post_app(:name => 'my-test-app')
To run tests, first set ENV['HEROKU_API_KEY']
to your api key. Then use bundle exec rake
to run mock tests or MOCK=false bundle exec rake
to run integration tests.
Released under the MIT license.