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add splom hover/selection/drag tests
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etpinard committed Apr 12, 2018
1 parent 31e34fa commit a79f5dc
Showing 1 changed file with 367 additions and 0 deletions.
367 changes: 367 additions & 0 deletions test/jasmine/tests/splom_test.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ var supplyAllDefaults = require('../assets/supply_defaults');
var createGraphDiv = require('../assets/create_graph_div');
var destroyGraphDiv = require('../assets/destroy_graph_div');
var failTest = require('../assets/fail_test');
var mouseEvent = require('../assets/mouse_event');
var drag = require('../assets/drag');

var customAssertions = require('../assets/custom_assertions');
var assertHoverLabelContent = customAssertions.assertHoverLabelContent;

describe('Test splom trace defaults:', function() {
var gd;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -545,3 +550,365 @@ describe('@gl Test splom interactions:', function() {

describe('@gl Test splom hover:', function() {
var gd;

afterEach(function() {

function run(s, done) {
gd = createGraphDiv();

var fig = Lib.extendDeep({},
s.mock || require('@mocks/splom_iris.json')

if(s.patch) {
fig = s.patch(fig);

var pos = s.pos || [200, 100];

return Plotly.plot(gd, fig).then(function() {
var to = setTimeout(function() {
failTest('no event data received');
}, 100);

gd.on('plotly_hover', function(d) {

var msg = ' - event data ' + s.desc;
var actual = d.points || [];
var exp = s.evtPts;
expect(actual.length).toBe(exp.length, 'pt length' + msg);
for(var i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) {
for(var k in exp[i]) {
var m = 'key ' + k + ' in pt ' + i + msg;
expect(actual[i][k]).toBe(exp[i][k], m);

// w/o this purge gets called before
// hover throttle is complete
setTimeout(done, 0);

mouseEvent('mousemove', pos[0], pos[1]);

var specs = [{
desc: 'basic',
nums: '7.7',
name: 'Virginica',
axis: '2.6',
evtPts: [{x: 2.6, y: 7.7, pointNumber: 18, curveNumber: 2}]
}, {
desc: 'hovermode closest',
patch: function(fig) {
fig.layout.hovermode = 'closest';
return fig;
nums: '(2.6, 7.7)',
name: 'Virginica',
evtPts: [{x: 2.6, y: 7.7, pointNumber: 18, curveNumber: 2}]
}, {
desc: 'skipping over visible false dims',
patch: function(fig) {[0].dimensions[0].visible = false;
return fig;
nums: '7.7',
name: 'Virginica',
axis: '2.6',
evtPts: [{x: 2.6, y: 7.7, pointNumber: 18, curveNumber: 2}]
}, {
desc: 'on log axes',
mock: require('@mocks/splom_log.json'),
patch: function(fig) {
fig.layout.margin = {t: 0, l: 0, b: 0, r: 0};
fig.layout.width = 400;
fig.layout.height = 400;
return fig;
pos: [20, 380],
nums: '100',
axis: '10',
evtPts: [{x: 10, y: 100, pointNumber: 0}]
}, {
desc: 'on date axes',
mock: require('@mocks/splom_dates.json'),
patch: function(fig) {
fig.layout = {
margin: {t: 0, l: 0, b: 0, r: 0},
width: 400,
height: 400
return fig;
pos: [20, 380],
nums: 'Apr 2003',
axis: 'Jan 2000',
evtPts: [{x: '2000-01-01', y: '2003-04-21', pointNumber: 0}]

specs.forEach(function(s) {
it('should generate correct hover labels ' + s.desc, function(done) {
run(s, done);

describe('@gl Test splom drag:', function() {
var gd;

beforeEach(function() {
gd = createGraphDiv();

afterEach(function() {

function _drag(p0, p1) {
var node ='.nsewdrag[data-subplot="xy"]').node();
var dx = p1[0] - p0[0];
var dy = p1[1] - p0[1];
return drag(node, dx, dy, null, p0[0], p0[1]);

it('should update scattermatrix ranges on pan', function(done) {
var fig = require('@mocks/splom_iris.json');
fig.layout.dragmode = 'pan';

var xaxes = ['xaxis', 'xaxis2', 'xaxis3'];
var yaxes = ['yaxis', 'yaxis2', 'yaxis3'];

function _assertRanges(msg, xRanges, yRanges) {
xaxes.forEach(function(n, i) {
.toBeCloseToArray(xRanges[i], 1, n + ' range - ' + msg);
yaxes.forEach(function(n, i) {
.toBeCloseToArray(yRanges[i], 1, n + ' range - ' + msg);

Plotly.plot(gd, fig)
.then(function() {
var scene = gd.calcdata[0][0].t._scene;
spyOn(scene.matrix, 'update');
spyOn(scene.matrix, 'draw');

_assertRanges('before drag', [
[3.9, 8.3],
[1.7, 4.7],
[0.3, 7.6]
], [
[3.8, 8.4],
[1.7, 4.7],
[0.3, 7.6]
.then(function() { return _drag([130, 130], [150, 150]); })
.then(function() {
var scene = gd.calcdata[0][0].t._scene;
// N.B. _drag triggers two updateSubplots call
// - 1 update and 1 draw call per updateSubplot
// - 2 update calls (1 for data, 1 for view opts)
// during splom plot on mouseup
// - 1 draw call during splom plot on mouseup

_assertRanges('after drag', [
[2.9, 7.3],
[1.7, 4.7],
[0.3, 7.6]
], [
[5.1, 9.6],
[1.7, 4.7],
[0.3, 7.6]

describe('@gl Test splom select:', function() {
var gd;
var ptData;
var subplot;

beforeEach(function() {
gd = createGraphDiv();

afterEach(function() {

function _select(path, opts) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
opts = opts || {};
ptData = null;
subplot = null;

var to = setTimeout(function() {
reject('fail: plotly_selected not emitter');
}, 200);

gd.once('plotly_selected', function(d) {
ptData = (d || {}).points;
subplot = Object.keys(d.range || {}).join('');

mouseEvent('mousemove', path[0][0], path[0][1], opts);
mouseEvent('mousedown', path[0][0], path[0][1], opts);

var len = path.length;
path.slice(1, len).forEach(function(pt) {
mouseEvent('mousemove', pt[0], pt[1], opts);

mouseEvent('mouseup', path[len - 1][0], path[len - 1][1], opts);

it('should emit correct event data and draw selection outlines', function(done) {
var fig = require('@mocks/splom_0.json');
fig.layout = {
dragmode: 'select',
width: 400,
height: 400,
margin: {l: 0, t: 0, r: 0, b: 0},
grid: {xgap: 0, ygap: 0}

function _assert(_msg, ptExp, otherExp) {
var msg = ' - ' + _msg;

expect(ptData.length).toBe(ptExp.length, 'pt length' + msg);
for(var i = 0; i < ptExp.length; i++) {
for(var k in ptExp[i]) {
var m = 'key ' + k + ' in pt ' + i + msg;
expect(ptData[i][k]).toBe(ptExp[i][k], m);

expect(subplot).toBe(otherExp.subplot, 'subplot of selection' + msg);

expect(d3.selectAll('.zoomlayer > .select-outline').size())
.toBe(otherExp.selectionOutlineCnt, 'selection outline cnt' + msg);

Plotly.newPlot(gd, fig)
.then(function() { return _select([[5, 5], [195, 195]]); })
.then(function() {
_assert('first', [
{pointNumber: 0, x: 1, y: 1},
{pointNumber: 1, x: 2, y: 2},
{pointNumber: 2, x: 3, y: 3}
], {
subplot: 'xy',
selectionOutlineCnt: 2
.then(function() { return _select([[50, 50], [100, 100]]); })
.then(function() {
_assert('second', [
{pointNumber: 1, x: 2, y: 2}
], {
subplot: 'xy',
selectionOutlineCnt: 2
.then(function() { return _select([[5, 195], [100, 100]], {shiftKey: true}); })
.then(function() {
_assert('multi-select', [
{pointNumber: 0, x: 1, y: 1},
{pointNumber: 1, x: 2, y: 2}
], {
subplot: 'xy',
// still '2' as the selection get merged
selectionOutlineCnt: 2
.then(function() { return _select([[205, 205], [395, 395]]); })
.then(function() {
_assert('across other subplot', [
{pointNumber: 0, x: 2, y: 2},
{pointNumber: 1, x: 5, y: 5},
{pointNumber: 2, x: 6, y: 6}
], {
subplot: 'x2y2',
// outlines from previous subplot are cleared!
selectionOutlineCnt: 2
.then(function() { return _select([[50, 50], [100, 100]]); })
.then(function() {
_assert('multi-select across other subplot (prohibited for now)', [
{pointNumber: 1, x: 2, y: 2}
], {
subplot: 'xy',
// outlines from previous subplot are cleared!
selectionOutlineCnt: 2

it('should redraw splom traces before scattergl trace (if any)', function(done) {
var fig = require('@mocks/splom_with-cartesian.json');
fig.layout.dragmode = 'select';
fig.layout.width = 400;
fig.layout.height = 400;
fig.layout.margin = {l: 0, t: 0, r: 0, b: 0};
fig.layout.grid.xgap = 0;
fig.layout.grid.ygap = 0;

var cnt = 0;
var scatterGlCnt = 0;
var splomCnt = 0;

Plotly.newPlot(gd, fig).then(function() {
// 'scattergl' trace module
spyOn(gd._fullLayout._modules[0], 'style').and.callFake(function() {
scatterGlCnt = cnt;
// 'splom' trace module
spyOn(gd._fullLayout._modules[1], 'style').and.callFake(function() {
splomCnt = cnt;
.then(function() { return _select([[20, 395], [195, 205]]); })
.then(function() {

expect(splomCnt).toBe(1, 'splom redraw before scattergl');
expect(scatterGlCnt).toBe(2, 'scattergl redraw after splom');

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