Python package to calculate work related CO2 emissions from heating and electricity consumption as well as business trips and commuting.
This package is part of Pledge4Future, a project to quantify, monitor and reduce work-related emissions collectively and sustainably.
PyPi release coming soon!
To install this package from source, clone the repository as usual, for example with:
git clone
cd co2calculator
This package requires Python 3.10, 3.11 or 3.12 and can be installed using poetry. You can install it in your (virtual) environment with:
$ pip install -U poetry
$ poetry install --no-root
Learn how to use co2calculator
in our detailed documentation. [...]
The CO2 Calculator uses the OpenRouteService (ORS) API to obtain distances between the locations provided by the user to calculate CO2 emissions of business trips. This requires an API key, which is read from an .env
- Go to and create an account (or sign up with GitHub).
- In the Dev dashboard, switch to the tab
and request a free token. - Once you have the key, click on it to copy it to clipboard.
- Insert the key into sample.env and rename the file to
If you want to contribute to this project, please fork this repository and create a pull request with your suggested changes.
To ensure coding style we use pre-commit hooks. Install them locally using
$ pre-commit install
They will be run automatically every time you try to create a commit. black
will adapt the code automatically to
conform to PEP8 code style. After this has been done you may need to add the file again to the staging area.
After you have made changes to the code, run the units tests by executing
$ pytest
- Carbon footprint (2023). International electricity factors
- GOV.UK (2023). Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion factors 2023
- mobitoool (2023). mobitool-Faktoren v3.0
- BAFA (2020): Merkblatt zur Ermittlung des Gesamtenergieverbrauchs
- Krajnc, N. (2015): Wood fuels handbook, FAO
- Detour constant of 95 km for plane trips:
- CSN EN 16258 - Methodology for calculation and declaration of energy consumption and GHG emissions of transport services (freight and passengers), European Committee for Standardization, Brussels, November 2012
- Méthode pour la réalisation des bilans d’émissions de gaz à effet de , Version 4, p. 53
- Detour coefficients for train trips (1.2) and bus trips (1.5):
- Adapted from GES 1point5, who were advised by Frédéric Héran (economist and urban planner).
See License