a HScript extension made to make the process of creating a script way easier.
Initializing a Iris Script should be fairly easy and very much self-explanatory
// *
// assets/scripts/hi.hx
// *
// import somepackage.SomeModule;
final greeting:String = "Hello from Iris!";
function sayHello() {
// if you try this, this function will crash as `greeting` is a constant value
greeting = "Uh Oh!";
// if SomeModule was imported, you can use it here!
var module:SomeModule = new SomeModule();
function countUpTo(number:Int) {
for (i in 1...number+1)
// *
// * src/Main.hx
// *
import crowplexus.iris.Iris;
import crowplexus.iris.IrisConfig;
class Main {
static function main():Void {
// reminder that the rules are completely optional.
final rules:RawIrisConfig = {name: "My Script", autoRun: false, autoPreset: true};
final getText:String->String = #if sys sys.io.File.getContent #elseif openfl openfl.utils.Assets.getText #end;
var myScript:Iris = new Iris(getText("assets/scripts/hi.hx"), rules);
// this is necessary in case the `autoRun` rule is disabled when initializing the script, if not it will initialize by itself.
myScript.call("sayHello"); // prints "Hello from Iris!"
myScript.call("countUpTo", [5]); // prints "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"