This is a api Swagger definition
This ObjC package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version:
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.ObjcClientCodegen
The SDK requires ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) to be enabled in the Xcode project.
Install from Github using CocoaPods
Add the following to the Podfile:
pod 'SwaggerClient', :git => ''
To specify a particular branch, append , :branch => 'branch-name-here'
To specify a particular commit, append , :commit => '11aa22'
Install from local path using CocoaPods
Put the SDK under your project folder (e.g. /path/to/objc_project/Vendor/SwaggerClient) and then add the following to the Podfile:
pod 'SwaggerClient', :path => 'Vendor/SwaggerClient'
Import the following:
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGApiClient.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGDefaultConfiguration.h>
// load models
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGAccountFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGAccountSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGAddress.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGAddressListContacts.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGApplicationFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGApplicationSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGAvailableNumbersFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCallDetails.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCallFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCallLogFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCallNotifications.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCallbackObject.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCallerIdFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCallerIdPhoneNumber.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGContactAccount.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGContactFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGContactResponse.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGContactSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateCallParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateContactParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateDeviceParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateExtensionParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateGroupParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateListenerParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateMediaParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateMenuParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateOauthParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreatePaymentParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreatePhoneNumberParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreatePricingParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateQueueParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateRedirectUriParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateRouteParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateSmsParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateSubaccountParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCreateTrunkParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGDeleteEntry.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGDeviceFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGDeviceMembership.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGDeviceSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGEmail.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGExpressServiceCodeFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGExtensionFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGExtensionSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFilterCallLogs.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFilterIdArray.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFilterIdDirectionFrom.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFilterIdExtensionNameArray.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFilterIdGroupIdUpdatedAtArray.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFilterIdNameArray.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFilterIdNamePhoneNumberArray.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFilterListAvailableNumbers.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFilterListPhoneNumbersRegions.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFilterNameNumberArray.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFilterVoicemailArray.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGFromObject.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGGetOauthAccessToken.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGGreeting.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGGreetingInput.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGGroupFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGGroupListContacts.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGGroupSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGHoldMusic.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGLine.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListAccounts.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListApplications.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListAvailableNumbers.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListCallLogs.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListCallerIds.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListContacts.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListDevices.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListExpressServiceCodes.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListExtensions.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListGroups.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListListeners.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListMedia.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListMenus.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListOauthClients.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListOauthClientsRedirectUris.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListPaymentMethods.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListPhoneNumbers.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListPhoneNumbersRegions.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListPricings.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListQueues.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListRoutes.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListSchedules.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListSms.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListTrunks.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListVoicemail.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListenerFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGMediaFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGMediaSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGMember.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGMenuFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGMenuSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGNotification.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGOauthAccessToken.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGOauthClientFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGOauthClientRedirectUriFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGOption.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPatchPaymentParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPatchSmsParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPatchVoicemailParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPaymentFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPaymentSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPhoneNumberContact.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPhoneNumberFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPhoneNumbersRegionFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPingResponse.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPricingFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPricingObject.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGQueueFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGQueueSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGRecipient.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGRedirectUriFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGReplaceExtensionParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGReplaceMenuParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGReplacePhoneNumberParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGRouteFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGRouteSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGRuleSet.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGRuleSetAction.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGRuleSetFilter.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGRuleSetForwardItem.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGScheduleFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGScheduleSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGScopeDetails.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSipAuthentication.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSmsForwarding.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSmsForwardingParams.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSmsFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSortCallLogs.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSortId.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSortIdCreatedAt.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSortIdExtensionName.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSortIdName.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSortIdNamePhoneNumber.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSortIdUpdatedAt.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSortListAvailableNumbers.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSortListPhoneNumbersRegions.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSortNameNumber.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGTrunkFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGTrunkSummary.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGVoicemail.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGVoicemailFull.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGVoicemailInput.h>
// load API classes for accessing endpoints
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGAccountsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGApplicationsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGAvailablenumbersApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCalleridsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCalllogsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGCallsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGContactsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGDefaultApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGDevicesApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGExpressservicecodesApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGExtensionsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGGroupsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGListenersApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGMediaApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGMenusApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGNumberregionsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGOauthApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGOauthclientsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGOauthclientsredirecturisApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPaymentmethodsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGPhonenumbersApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGQueuesApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGRoutesApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSchedulesApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSmsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSubaccountpricingApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGSubaccountsApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGTrunksApi.h>
#import <SwaggerClient/SWGVoicemailApi.h>
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multi-threaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
SWGDefaultConfiguration *apiConfig = [SWGDefaultConfiguration sharedConfig];
// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: apiKey)
[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"Authorization"];
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"Authorization"];
NSNumber* *accountId = @56; // Account ID
SWGAccountsApi *apiInstance = [[SWGAccountsApi alloc] init];
// Retrieve details of an individual account
[apiInstance getAccountWithAccountId:accountId
completionHandler: ^(SWGAccountFull* output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
SWGAccountsApi | getAccount | GET /accounts/{account_id} | Retrieve details of an individual account |
SWGAccountsApi | listAccounts | GET /accounts | Get a list of accounts visible to the authenticated user or client. |
SWGApplicationsApi | getAccountApplication | GET /accounts/{account_id}/applications/{application_id} | Show details of an individual Application on a given account. |
SWGApplicationsApi | listAccountApplications | GET /accounts/{account_id}/applications | This service lists the Applications on a given account |
SWGAvailablenumbersApi | listAvailablePhoneNumbers | GET /phone-numbers/available | |
SWGCalleridsApi | getCallerIds | GET /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id}/caller-ids | Show the Caller ID options a given extension can use. |
SWGCalllogsApi | getAccountCallLogs | GET /accounts/{account_id}/call-logs/{call_id} | Show details of an individual Call Log entry |
SWGCalllogsApi | listAccountCallLogs | GET /accounts/{account_id}/call-logs | Get a list of call details associated with your account |
SWGCallsApi | createAccountCall | POST /accounts/{account_id}/calls | Make a phone call |
SWGContactsApi | createAccountExtensionContact | POST /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id}/contacts | Add a new address book contact for an extension. |
SWGContactsApi | deleteAccountExtensionContact | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id}/contacts/{contact_id} | Delete a contact from the address book. |
SWGContactsApi | getAccountExtensionContact | GET /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id}/contacts/{contact_id} | Retrieve the details of an address book contact. |
SWGContactsApi | listAccountExtensionContacts | GET /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id}/contacts | Show the Caller ID options a given extension can use. |
SWGContactsApi | replaceAccountExtensionContact | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id}/contacts/{contact_id} | Update the info of a contact in the address book. |
SWGDefaultApi | ping | GET /ping | The default API command |
SWGDevicesApi | createAccountDevice | POST /accounts/{account_id}/devices | Register a generic VoIP device. |
SWGDevicesApi | deleteAccountDevice | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/devices/{device_id} | Delete a VoIP device. |
SWGDevicesApi | getAccountDevice | GET /accounts/{account_id}/devices/{device_id} | Show details of an individual VoIP device. |
SWGDevicesApi | listAccountDevices | GET /accounts/{account_id}/devices | Get a list of VoIP devices associated with your account. |
SWGDevicesApi | replaceAccountDevice | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/devices/{device_id} | Update the details of an individual VoIP device. |
SWGExpressservicecodesApi | getAccountExpressSrvCode | GET /accounts/{account_id}/express-service-codes/{code_id} | Show details of an account Express Service Code |
SWGExpressservicecodesApi | listAccountExpressSrvCodes | GET /accounts/{account_id}/express-service-codes | Get the Express Service Code associated with your account in list format. |
SWGExtensionsApi | createAccountExtension | POST /accounts/{account_id}/extensions | Create an individual extension. |
SWGExtensionsApi | getAccountExtension | GET /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id} | Show details of an individual extension. |
SWGExtensionsApi | listAccountExtensions | GET /accounts/{account_id}/extensions | Get a list of extensions visible to the authenticated user or client. |
SWGExtensionsApi | replaceAccountExtension | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id} | Replace an individual extension. |
SWGGroupsApi | createAccountExtensionContactGroup | POST /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id}/contact-groups | Add a new contact group to an account extension. |
SWGGroupsApi | deleteAccountExtensionContactGroup | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id}/contact-groups/{group_id} | Delete a contact group from the address book. |
SWGGroupsApi | getAccountExtensionContactGroup | GET /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id}/contact-groups/{group_id} | Retrieve the information of a contact group. |
SWGGroupsApi | listAccountExtensionContactGroups | GET /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id}/contact-groups | Show a list of contact groups belonging to an extension. |
SWGGroupsApi | replaceAccountExtensionContactGroup | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/extensions/{extension_id}/contact-groups/{group_id} | Update the information of a contact group. |
SWGListenersApi | createAccountListener | POST /accounts/{account_id}/listeners | Add a listener object to your account that can be used to subscribe an event. |
SWGListenersApi | deleteAccountListener | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/listeners/{listener_id} | Delete an individual event listener. |
SWGListenersApi | getAccountListener | GET /accounts/{account_id}/listeners/{listener_id} | Show details of an individual listener. |
SWGListenersApi | listAccountListeners | GET /accounts/{account_id}/listeners | Get a list of listeners for an account. |
SWGListenersApi | replaceAccountListener | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/listeners/{listener_id} | Update the settings of an individual event listener. |
SWGMediaApi | createAccountMediaFiles | POST /accounts/{account_id}/media/files | Add a media object to your account that can be used as a greeting or hold music. Users may create a media by using the built-in Text-to-speech (TTS) facility or upload a file of their choice. (Note: The maximum size for media files or JSON objects included with a POST or PUT request is 10 MB) |
SWGMediaApi | createAccountMediaTts | POST /accounts/{account_id}/media/tts | Add a media object to your account that can be used as a greeting or hold music. Users may create a media by using the built-in Text-to-speech (TTS) facility or upload a file of their choice. (Note: The maximum size for media files or JSON objects included with a POST or PUT request is 10 MB) |
SWGMediaApi | deleteAccountMedia | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/media/{media_id} | Delete an individual media record |
SWGMediaApi | getAccountMedia | GET /accounts/{account_id}/media/{media_id} | Show details of an individual media recording (Greeting or Hold Music) |
SWGMediaApi | listAccountMedia | GET /accounts/{account_id}/media | Get a list of media recordings for an account. |
SWGMediaApi | replaceAccountMediaFiles | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/media/files/{media_id} | Update a media object to your account. Note: The maximum size for media files or JSON objects included with a POST or PUT request is 10 MB. |
SWGMediaApi | replaceAccountMediaTts | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/media/tts/{media_id} | Update a media object to your account. |
SWGMenusApi | createAccountMenu | POST /accounts/{account_id}/menus | Create an individual menu. |
SWGMenusApi | deleteAccountMenu | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/menus/{menu_id} | Delete an individual menu. |
SWGMenusApi | getAccountMenu | GET /accounts/{account_id}/menus/{menu_id} | Show details of an individual menu. |
SWGMenusApi | listAccountMenus | GET /accounts/{account_id}/menus | Get a list of menus for an account. |
SWGMenusApi | replaceAccountMenu | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/menus/{menu_id} | Replace an individual menu. |
SWGNumberregionsApi | listAvailablePhoneNumberRegions | GET /phone-numbers/available/regions | |
SWGOauthApi | createOauthAccessToken | POST /oauth/access-token | To create an access token via the /oauth/access-token API, an API user may choose any one of the grant types it supports: Authorization Code Grant, Client Credential Grant, Password Credential Grant or Refresh Token Grant. |
SWGOauthApi | createOauthAuthorization | GET /oauth/authorization | Create Authorization Code or Access Token. |
SWGOauthApi | getOauthAccessToken | GET /oauth/access-token | Retrieve details of an access token, such as scope, expiration and extension ID. |
SWGOauthclientsApi | deleteAccountOauthClient | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/oauth/clients/{client_id} | Delete an individual OAuth client. |
SWGOauthclientsApi | getAccountOauthClient | GET /accounts/{account_id}/oauth/clients/{client_id} | Show details of an individual OAuth client. |
SWGOauthclientsApi | listAccountOauthClients | GET /accounts/{account_id}/oauth/clients | Get a list of OAuth clients for an account. |
SWGOauthclientsredirecturisApi | createAccountOauthClientsRedirectUri | POST /accounts/{account_id}/oauth/clients/{client_id}/redirect-uris | Create an OAuth Client Redirect URI record. |
SWGOauthclientsredirecturisApi | deleteAccountOauthClientsRedirectUri | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/oauth/clients/{client_id}/redirect-uris/{uri_id} | Delete an OAuth Client Redirect URI record. |
SWGOauthclientsredirecturisApi | getAccountOauthClientsRedirectUri | GET /accounts/{account_id}/oauth/clients/{client_id}/redirect-uris/{uri_id} | Get details of an OAuth Client Redirect URI record. |
SWGOauthclientsredirecturisApi | listAccountOauthClientsRedirectUris | GET /accounts/{account_id}/oauth/clients/{client_id}/redirect-uris | Get a list of OAuth Client Redirect URIs for an account. |
SWGPaymentmethodsApi | createAccountPaymentMethod | POST /accounts/{account_id}/payment-methods | Create an individual payment method. |
SWGPaymentmethodsApi | deleteAccountPaymentMethod | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/payment-methods/{pm_id} | Delete an individual payment method. |
SWGPaymentmethodsApi | getAccountPaymentMethod | GET /accounts/{account_id}/payment-methods/{pm_id} | Show details of an individual payment method. |
SWGPaymentmethodsApi | listAccountPaymentMethods | GET /accounts/{account_id}/payment-methods | Get a list of payment methods for an account. |
SWGPaymentmethodsApi | patchAccountPaymentMethod | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/payment-methods/{pm_id} | Replace the status of an individual payment method. |
SWGPhonenumbersApi | createAccountPhoneNumber | POST /accounts/{account_id}/phone-numbers | Add a phone number to an account. |
SWGPhonenumbersApi | getAccountPhoneNumber | GET /accounts/{account_id}/phone-numbers/{number_id} | Show details of an individual phone number. |
SWGPhonenumbersApi | listAccountPhoneNumbers | GET /accounts/{account_id}/phone-numbers | Get a list of phone numbers registered to an account. |
SWGPhonenumbersApi | replaceAccountPhoneNumber | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/phone-numbers/{number_id} | Update the settings for an existing phone number on your account. |
SWGQueuesApi | createAccountQueue | POST /accounts/{account_id}/queues | Create a queue. |
SWGQueuesApi | deleteAccountQueue | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/queues/{queue_id} | Delete a queue. |
SWGQueuesApi | getAccountQueue | GET /accounts/{account_id}/queues/{queue_id} | Show details of an individual queue. |
SWGQueuesApi | listAccountQueues | GET /accounts/{account_id}/queues | Get a list of queues for an account. |
SWGQueuesApi | replaceAccountQueue | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/queues/{queue_id} | Replace a queue. |
SWGRoutesApi | createRoute | POST /accounts/{account_id}/routes | Add a new route to the account. |
SWGRoutesApi | deleteAccountRoute | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/routes/{route_id} | Delete a route from the account. |
SWGRoutesApi | getAccountRoute | GET /accounts/{account_id}/routes/{route_id} | Show details of an individual route. |
SWGRoutesApi | listAccountRoutes | GET /accounts/{account_id}/routes | Get a list of routes for an account. |
SWGRoutesApi | replaceAccountRoute | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/routes/{route_id} | Update the information of a route. |
SWGSchedulesApi | getAccountSchedule | GET /accounts/{account_id}/schedules/{schedule_id} | Show details of an individual schedule |
SWGSchedulesApi | listAccountSchedules | GET /accounts/{account_id}/schedules | Get a list of schedules for an account |
SWGSmsApi | createAccountSms | POST /accounts/{account_id}/sms | Send a SMS to one or a group of recipients. |
SWGSmsApi | getAccountSms | GET /accounts/{account_id}/sms/{sms_id} | This service shows the details of an individual SMS. |
SWGSmsApi | listAccountSms | GET /accounts/{account_id}/sms | Get a list of SMS messages for an account. |
SWGSmsApi | patchAccountSms | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/sms/{sms_id} | Update the is_new parameter in a sms record. |
SWGSubaccountpricingApi | createAccountSubaccountPricing | POST /accounts/{account_id}/subaccounts/{subaccount_id}/pricing | Add a pricing plan to a subaccount. |
SWGSubaccountpricingApi | deleteAccountSubaccountPricing | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/subaccounts/{subaccount_id}/pricing/{pricing_id} | Delete a pricing plan from a subaccount. |
SWGSubaccountpricingApi | getAccountSubaccountPricing | GET /accounts/{account_id}/subaccounts/{subaccount_id}/pricing/{pricing_id} | Get the details of a pricing plan for a subaccount. |
SWGSubaccountpricingApi | listAccountSubaccountPricing | GET /accounts/{account_id}/subaccounts/{subaccount_id}/pricing | Get a list of pricing plans for a subaccount. |
SWGSubaccountsApi | createAccountSubaccount | POST /accounts/{account_id}/subaccounts | Add a subaccount for the authenticated user or client |
SWGSubaccountsApi | listAccountSubaccounts | GET /accounts/{account_id}/subaccounts | Get a list of subaccounts for the authenticated user or client |
SWGTrunksApi | createAccountTrunk | POST /accounts/{account_id}/trunks | Add a trunk record with SIP information. |
SWGTrunksApi | deleteAccountTrunk | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/trunks/{trunk_id} | Delete a trunk from account. |
SWGTrunksApi | getAccountTrunk | GET /accounts/{account_id}/trunks/{trunk_id} | Show details of an individual trunk. |
SWGTrunksApi | listAccountTrunks | GET /accounts/{account_id}/trunks | Get a list of trunks for an account. |
SWGTrunksApi | replaceAccountTrunk | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/trunks/{trunk_id} | Replace parameters in a trunk. |
SWGVoicemailApi | getAccountVoicemail | GET /accounts/{account_id}/voicemail/{voicemail_id} | This service shows the details of an individual voicemail. |
SWGVoicemailApi | listAccountVoicemail | GET /accounts/{account_id}/voicemail | Get a list of voicemail messages for an account. |
SWGVoicemailApi | patchAccountVoicemail | PATCH /accounts/{account_id}/voicemail/{voicemail_id} | Update the is_new parameter in a voicemail record. |
- SWGAccountFull
- SWGAccountSummary
- SWGAddress
- SWGAddressListContacts
- SWGApplicationFull
- SWGApplicationSummary
- SWGAvailableNumbersFull
- SWGCallDetails
- SWGCallFull
- SWGCallLogFull
- SWGCallNotifications
- SWGCallbackObject
- SWGCallerIdFull
- SWGCallerIdPhoneNumber
- SWGContactAccount
- SWGContactFull
- SWGContactResponse
- SWGContactSummary
- SWGCreateCallParams
- SWGCreateContactParams
- SWGCreateDeviceParams
- SWGCreateExtensionParams
- SWGCreateGroupParams
- SWGCreateListenerParams
- SWGCreateMediaParams
- SWGCreateMenuParams
- SWGCreateOauthParams
- SWGCreatePaymentParams
- SWGCreatePhoneNumberParams
- SWGCreatePricingParams
- SWGCreateQueueParams
- SWGCreateRedirectUriParams
- SWGCreateRouteParams
- SWGCreateSmsParams
- SWGCreateSubaccountParams
- SWGCreateTrunkParams
- SWGDeleteEntry
- SWGDeviceFull
- SWGDeviceMembership
- SWGDeviceSummary
- SWGEmail
- SWGExpressServiceCodeFull
- SWGExtensionFull
- SWGExtensionSummary
- SWGFilterCallLogs
- SWGFilterIdArray
- SWGFilterIdDirectionFrom
- SWGFilterIdExtensionNameArray
- SWGFilterIdGroupIdUpdatedAtArray
- SWGFilterIdNameArray
- SWGFilterIdNamePhoneNumberArray
- SWGFilterListAvailableNumbers
- SWGFilterListPhoneNumbersRegions
- SWGFilterNameNumberArray
- SWGFilterVoicemailArray
- SWGFromObject
- SWGGetOauthAccessToken
- SWGGreeting
- SWGGreetingInput
- SWGGroupFull
- SWGGroupListContacts
- SWGGroupSummary
- SWGHoldMusic
- SWGLine
- SWGListAccounts
- SWGListApplications
- SWGListAvailableNumbers
- SWGListCallLogs
- SWGListCallerIds
- SWGListContacts
- SWGListDevices
- SWGListExpressServiceCodes
- SWGListExtensions
- SWGListGroups
- SWGListListeners
- SWGListMedia
- SWGListMenus
- SWGListOauthClients
- SWGListOauthClientsRedirectUris
- SWGListPaymentMethods
- SWGListPhoneNumbers
- SWGListPhoneNumbersRegions
- SWGListPricings
- SWGListQueues
- SWGListRoutes
- SWGListSchedules
- SWGListSms
- SWGListTrunks
- SWGListVoicemail
- SWGListenerFull
- SWGMediaFull
- SWGMediaSummary
- SWGMember
- SWGMenuFull
- SWGMenuSummary
- SWGNotification
- SWGOauthAccessToken
- SWGOauthClientFull
- SWGOauthClientRedirectUriFull
- SWGOption
- SWGPatchPaymentParams
- SWGPatchSmsParams
- SWGPatchVoicemailParams
- SWGPaymentFull
- SWGPaymentSummary
- SWGPhoneNumberContact
- SWGPhoneNumberFull
- SWGPhoneNumbersRegionFull
- SWGPingResponse
- SWGPricingFull
- SWGPricingObject
- SWGQueueFull
- SWGQueueSummary
- SWGRecipient
- SWGRedirectUriFull
- SWGReplaceExtensionParams
- SWGReplaceMenuParams
- SWGReplacePhoneNumberParams
- SWGRouteFull
- SWGRouteSummary
- SWGRuleSet
- SWGRuleSetAction
- SWGRuleSetFilter
- SWGRuleSetForwardItem
- SWGScheduleFull
- SWGScheduleSummary
- SWGScopeDetails
- SWGSipAuthentication
- SWGSmsForwarding
- SWGSmsForwardingParams
- SWGSmsFull
- SWGSortCallLogs
- SWGSortId
- SWGSortIdCreatedAt
- SWGSortIdExtensionName
- SWGSortIdName
- SWGSortIdNamePhoneNumber
- SWGSortIdUpdatedAt
- SWGSortListAvailableNumbers
- SWGSortListPhoneNumbersRegions
- SWGSortNameNumber
- SWGTrunkFull
- SWGTrunkSummary
- SWGVoicemail
- SWGVoicemailFull
- SWGVoicemailInput
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header