cl2nc is an open source command-line Python program for converting Vaisala CL51, CL31 and CT25K ceilometer DAT and HIS L2 files to NetCDF.
On the command-line:
cl2nc input.dat
where input.dat
is a Vaisala CL51, CL31, or CT25K DAT file and
the name of a NetCDF output file.
See for examples of input and output.
It is recommended to run cl2nc on Linux.
On Debian-derived distributions (Ubuntu, Devuan, ...), install the required system packages with:
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip pipx
On Fedora, install the required system packages with:
sudo yum install python3 pipx
Install cl2nc:
pipx install cl2nc
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/man/man1
ln -s ~/.local/pipx/venvs/cl2nc/share/man/man1/cl2nc.1 ~/.local/share/man/man1/
Make sure that $HOME/.local/bin
is included in the PATH
variable if not already. This can be done with pipx ensurepath
You should now be able to run cl2nc
and see the manual page with man cl2nc
To uninstall:
pipx uninstall cl2nc
rm ~/.local/share/man/man1/cl2nc.1
Open the Terminal. Install cl2nc with:
python3 -m pip install cl2nc
Make sure that /Users/<user>/Library/Python/<version>/bin
is included in the
environment variable if not already, where <user>
is your system user
name and <version>
is the Python version. This path should be printed by the
above command. This can be done by adding this line to the file .zprofile
your home directory and restart the Terminal:
You should now be able to run cl2nc
and see the manual page with man cl2nc
To uninstall:
python3 -m pip uninstall cl2nc
Install Python 3. In the installer, tick Add python.exe to PATH
Open Command Prompt from the Start menu. Install cl2nc with:
pip install cl2nc
You should now be able to run cl2nc
To uninstall:
pip uninstall cl2nc
cl2nc is a command-line program to be run on a terminal (Linux and macOS) or the Command Prompt (Windows).
] [--debug
] input output
input is an input .dat
or .his
(L2) file. output is an output .nc
file. If directories are supplied for input and output, all .dat
, .his
and .HIS
files in input are converted to .nc
files in
: Enable DAT checksum verification (slow).--debug
: Enable debugging output.-h
: Show help message and exit.-q
: Run quietly (suppress output).-s
: Profile sampling rate in seconds for use with files with no timestamps.-t
: Initial time as year-month-dayThour:minute:second for use with files with no timestamps.-v
: Show program's version number and exit.
On Linux and macOS, see also the manual page with:
man cl2nc
Please see Vaisala CL51, CL31, or CT25K User's Guide for a complete description of the variables.
The DAT files can alternatively contain values in feet (instead of meters), in which case all values are converted by cl2nc to meters.
Time in DAT and HIS files is assumed to be UTC.
Missing values are encoded as NaN (floating-point variables) or -2147483648
(integer variables). The _FillValue
attribute contains the missing value used
in the given variable.
DAT files produce the following NetCDF output:
Variable | Description | Units | Dimensions |
background_light | Background light | mV | time |
backscatter | Attenuated volume backscatter coefficient | | time, level |
backscatter_sum | Backscatter sum | sr-1 | time |
cbh_1 | Lowest cloud base height | m | time |
cbh_2 | Second lowest cloud base height | m | time |
cbh_3 | Highest cloud base height | m | time |
detection_status | Detection status | time | |
highest_signal | Highest signal detected | time | |
id | Ceilometer identification string | time | |
laser_temperature | Laser temperature | °C | time |
layer | Layer number | layer | |
layer_cloud_amount | Layer cloud amount | octas | time, layer |
layer_height | Layer height | m | time, layer |
level | Level number | level | |
measurement_mode (CT25K) | Measurement mode | time | |
message_number | Message number | time | |
message_subclass | Message subclass | time | |
pulse_energy | Pulse energy | % | time |
pulse_length | Pulse length | time | |
pulse_count | Pulse count | time | |
receiver_bandwidth | Receiver bandwidth | time | |
receiver_gain | Receiver gain | time | |
receiver_sensitivity (CT25K) | Receiver sensitivity | % | time |
sampling | Sampling | Hz | time |
self_check | Self check | time | |
sky_detection_status | Sky detection status | time | |
software_level | Software level ID | time | |
status_alarm | Status alarm | time | |
status_internal | Status internal | time | |
status_warning | Status warning | time | |
tilt_angle | Tilt angle | degrees | time |
time | Time | seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC | time |
time_utc | Time (UTC) | ISO 8601 | time |
unit | Unit identification character | time | |
vertical_resolution | Vertical resolution | m | time |
vertical_visibility | Vertical visibility | m | time |
window_transmission | Window transmission estimate | % | time |
window_contamination | Window contamination | mV | time |
HIS L2 files produce the following NetCDF output:
Variable | Description | Units | Dimensions |
backscatter | Attenuated volume backscatter coefficient | | time, level |
ceilometer | Ceilometer name | time | |
level | Level number | level | |
period | Period | time | |
time | Time | seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC | time |
time_utc | Time (UTC) | ISO 8601 | time |
Background light (mV)
Millivolts at internal ADC input.
Attenuated volume backscatter coefficient (
Backscatter sum (sr-1)
Sum of detected and normalized backscatter (0–0.0999 sr-1).
Lowest cloud base height (m)
Second lowest cloud base height (m)
Highest cloud base height (m)
Ceilometer name (HIS L2 variable CEILOMETER
Detection status
– no significant backscatter1
– one cloud base detected2
– two cloud bases detected3
– three cloud bases detected4
– full obscuration determined but no cloud base detected5
– some obscuration detected but determined to be transparent/
– raw data input to algorithm missing or suspect
Sky detection status
- 0-8 – cloud coverage of the first layer in octas
- 9 – vertical visibility
- -1 – data missing, sky condition option not active or ceilometer in standby mode
- 99 – not enough data (after start-up)
Highest signal detected
Laser temperature (°C)
Layer number
Layer cloud amount (octas)
Sky condition algorithm.
Layer height (m)
Sky condition algorithm.
Level number
Measurement mode
- N – normal
- C – close range
Message number
- 1 – message without sky condition data
- 2 – message with sky condition data
Message subclass
- 6 – 10 m ⨉ 1540 samples, range 15400 m (msg1_10x1540)
- 8 – without a backscatter profile (msg1_base)
Period (HIS L2 variable PERIOD
Pulse energy (% of nominal factory setting)
Pulse length
– long (100 ns)S
– short
Pulse count
Receiver bandwidth
– narrowW
– wide
Receiver gain
– highL
– low
High by default, may be low in fog or heavy snow.
Receiver sensitivity (%)
Sampling (Hz)
Self check
– self-check OKW
– at least one warning active, no alarmsA
– at least one alarm active
Software level ID
Status alarm
- 0x8000 – transmitter shut-off
- 0x4000 – transmitter failure
- 0x2000 – receiver failure
- 0x1000 – voltage failure
- 0x0400 – memory error
- 0x0200 – light path obstruction
- 0x0100 – receiver saturation
Flags (CT25K):
- 0x80 – laser temperature shut-off
- 0x40 – laser failure
- 0x20 – receiver failure
- 0x10 – voltage failure
Status internal
- 0x8000 – blower is on
- 0x4000 – blower heater is on
- 0x2000 – internal heater is on
- 0x1000 – working from battery
- 0x0800 – standby mode is on
- 0x0400 – self test in progress
- 0x0200 – manual data acquisition settings are effective
- 0x0080 – units are meters if on, else feet (note that units are always converted to m by cl2nc)
- 0x0040 – manual blower control
- 0x0020 – polling mode is on
Flags (CT25K):
- 0x800 – blower is on
- 0x400 – blower heater is on
- 0x200 – internal heater is on
- 0x100 – units are meters if on, else feet (note that units are always converted to m by cl2nc)
- 0x080 – polling mode is on
- 0x040 – working from battery
- 0x020 – single sequence mode is on
- 0x010 – manual settings are effective
- 0x008 – tilt angle > 45°
- 0x004 – high background radiance
- 0x002 – manual blower control
Status warning
- 0x8000 – window contamination
- 0x4000 – battery voltage low
- 0x2000 – transmitter expires
- 0x1000 – high humidity
- 0x0800 – blower failure
- 0x0100 – humidity sensor failure
- 0x0080 – heater fault
- 0x0040 – high background radiance
- 0x0020 – ceilometer engine board failure
- 0x0010 – battery failure
- 0x0008 – laser monitor failure
- 0x0004 – receiver warning
- 0x0002 – tilt angle > 45° warning
Flags (CT25K):
- 0x800 – window contamination
- 0x400 – battery low
- 0x200 – laser power low
- 0x100 – laser temperature high or low
- 0x080 – internal temperature high or low
- 0x040 – voltage high or low
- 0x020 – relative humidity > 85% (option)
- 0x010 – receiver optical cross-talk compensation poor
- 0x008 – blower suspect
Tilt angle (degrees from vertical)
Time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, excluding leap seconds)
Time (UTC) (ISO 8601)
Unit identification character
Vertical resolution (m)
Vertical visibility (m)
Window transmission estimate (%)
90% to 100% means the window is clean.
cl2nc identification: cl2nc (
cl2nc version string. Follows semantic versioning.
Time when the NetCDF file was created (ISO 8601 UTC).
This software is open source and can be used, shared, and modified freely under the terms of the MIT License (see
If you encounter any issues with cl2nc you can contact me at Peter Kuma <> or submit a GitHub Issue.
There are many different undocumented variants of the CL31/CL51 format in use. cl2nc strives to support most of them, but if you encounter errors with your data files, it might be because it is yet another variant. In such a case, submit a GitHub Issue.
Please make sure that the Python package netCDF4 is installed. If it still does not work for you, contact me: Peter Kuma <>. There are small variations in the .DAT file format with instruments. cl2nc may need to be modified to be able to read a particular type of format.
Height can be determined from vertical_resolution. The instrument samples vertical bins at regular intervals.
MATLAB NetCDF implementation currently does not support reading NC_STRING
variables. You can use the time
variable instead or use the MATLAB HDF
functions to read the file (you may need to change the file extension to
cl2nc follows semantic versioning.
- Make processing more flexible by allowing Unicode replacement characters instead of the ASCII characters 0x01-0x04 and shorter line 3 blocks.
- Remove support for processing of records with a timestamp at the end of the record.
- Support for files without timestamps. Time can be set defined by setting the
initial time with
and a sampling interval with-s
. - Support for a CL51 file format where the checksum line has no special characters, and space at the beginning of the "line 3" format is trimmed.
- New option
for printing version.
- Added support for the CT25K ceilometer.
- Improved output metadata.
- Added support for the HIS L2 format.
- Added support for a CL51 format as in R/V Polarstern data.
- Issue a warning when no output was created because an input file is empty.
- Fixed an issue of the last record in DAT files being skipped.
- Fixed handling of certain types of time encoding.
- Issue a warning instead of an error when a line cannot be parsed.
- Fixed installation on Windows.
- Added manual page.
- Support for an alternative DAT format with UNIX timestamps.
- Improved error logging.
- New option:
- Support for Python 3.
- Accept directory input and output arguments.
- Changed
variable to contain time offset in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.time_utc
contains the original time values (UTC as ISO 8601 strings).
- Fixed parsing on Windows (line endings).
- Added support for a specific CL31 format (timestamp line instead of checksum).
- Fixed writing of NA integer values.
- Fixed scale factor of
- Important: Fixed units conversion for sky condition height data and vertical resolution. In previous versions, vertical_resolution is off by a factor of 0.3048 if input file units are ft. layer_height is off by a factor of 100 or 10 if units are ft or m, respectively.
- Added NetCDF file attributes:
. - Format time with
as a delimiter to conform to ISO 8601. - Improved error handling.