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[Tiered Caching] Gate CacheStatsHolder logic behind FeatureFlags.PLUG…
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…GABLE_CACHE setting (opensearch-project#13238)

Stats rework step 2 of 4


Signed-off-by: Peter Alfonsi <>
Co-authored-by: Peter Alfonsi <>
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peteralfonsi and Peter Alfonsi authored Apr 28, 2024
1 parent 207bbad commit f84d28d
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- Add an individual setting of rate limiter for segment replication ([#12959](
- [Streaming Indexing] Ensure support of the new transport by security plugin ([#13174](
- Add cluster setting to dynamically configure the buckets for filter rewrite optimization. ([#13179](
- [Tiered Caching] Gate new stats logic behind FeatureFlags.PLUGGABLE_CACHE ([#13238](
- [Tiered Caching] Add a dynamic setting to disable/enable disk cache. ([#13373](
- [Remote Store] Add capability of doing refresh as determined by the translog ([#12992](
- [Tiered caching] Make Indices Request Cache Stale Key Mgmt Threshold setting dynamic ([#12941](
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import org.opensearch.common.cache.serializer.ICacheKeySerializer;
import org.opensearch.common.cache.serializer.Serializer;
import org.opensearch.common.cache.stats.CacheStatsHolder;
import org.opensearch.common.cache.stats.DefaultCacheStatsHolder;
import org.opensearch.common.cache.stats.ImmutableCacheStatsHolder;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +163,8 @@ private EhcacheDiskCache(Builder<K, V> builder) {
this.ehCacheEventListener = new EhCacheEventListener(builder.getRemovalListener(), builder.getWeigher());
this.cache = buildCache(Duration.ofMillis(expireAfterAccess.getMillis()), builder);
List<String> dimensionNames = Objects.requireNonNull(builder.dimensionNames, "Dimension names can't be null");
this.cacheStatsHolder = new CacheStatsHolder(dimensionNames);
// If this cache is being used, FeatureFlags.PLUGGABLE_CACHE is already on, so we can always use the DefaultCacheStatsHolder.
this.cacheStatsHolder = new DefaultCacheStatsHolder(dimensionNames);

@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
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package org.opensearch.common.cache.stats;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

* A class ICache implementations use to internally keep track of their stats across multiple dimensions.
* Not intended to be exposed outside the cache; for this, caches use getImmutableCacheStatsHolder() to create an immutable
* copy of the current state of the stats.
* Currently, in the IRC, the stats tracked in a CacheStatsHolder will not appear for empty shards that have had no cache
* operations done on them yet. This might be changed in the future, by exposing a method to add empty nodes to the
* tree in CacheStatsHolder in the ICache interface.
* @opensearch.experimental
* An interface extended by DefaultCacheStatsHolder and NoopCacheStatsHolder.
public class CacheStatsHolder {

// The list of permitted dimensions. Should be ordered from "outermost" to "innermost", as you would like to
// aggregate them in an API response.
private final List<String> dimensionNames;
// A tree structure based on dimension values, which stores stats values in its leaf nodes.
// Non-leaf nodes have stats matching the sum of their children.
// We use a tree structure, rather than a map with concatenated keys, to save on memory usage. If there are many leaf
// nodes that share a parent, that parent's dimension value will only be stored once, not many times.
private final Node statsRoot;
// To avoid sync problems, obtain a lock before creating or removing nodes in the stats tree.
// No lock is needed to edit stats on existing nodes.
private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();

public CacheStatsHolder(List<String> dimensionNames) {
this.dimensionNames = Collections.unmodifiableList(dimensionNames);
this.statsRoot = new Node("", true); // The root node has the empty string as its dimension value

public List<String> getDimensionNames() {
return dimensionNames;

// For all these increment functions, the dimensions list comes from the key, and contains all dimensions present in dimensionNames.
// The order has to match the order given in dimensionNames.
public void incrementHits(List<String> dimensionValues) {
internalIncrement(dimensionValues, Node::incrementHits, true);

public void incrementMisses(List<String> dimensionValues) {
internalIncrement(dimensionValues, Node::incrementMisses, true);

public void incrementEvictions(List<String> dimensionValues) {
internalIncrement(dimensionValues, Node::incrementEvictions, true);

public void incrementSizeInBytes(List<String> dimensionValues, long amountBytes) {
internalIncrement(dimensionValues, (node) -> node.incrementSizeInBytes(amountBytes), true);

// For decrements, we should not create nodes if they are absent. This protects us from erroneously decrementing values for keys
// which have been entirely deleted, for example in an async removal listener.
public void decrementSizeInBytes(List<String> dimensionValues, long amountBytes) {
internalIncrement(dimensionValues, (node) -> node.decrementSizeInBytes(amountBytes), false);

public void incrementEntries(List<String> dimensionValues) {
internalIncrement(dimensionValues, Node::incrementEntries, true);

public void decrementEntries(List<String> dimensionValues) {
internalIncrement(dimensionValues, Node::decrementEntries, false);

* Reset number of entries and memory size when all keys leave the cache, but don't reset hit/miss/eviction numbers.
* This is in line with the behavior of the existing API when caches are cleared.
public void reset() {

private void resetHelper(Node current) {
for (Node child : current.children.values()) {

public long count() {
// Include this here so caches don't have to create an entire CacheStats object to run count().
return statsRoot.getEntries();

private void internalIncrement(List<String> dimensionValues, Consumer<Node> adder, boolean createNodesIfAbsent) {
assert dimensionValues.size() == dimensionNames.size();
// First try to increment without creating nodes
boolean didIncrement = internalIncrementHelper(dimensionValues, statsRoot, 0, adder, false);
// If we failed to increment, because nodes had to be created, obtain the lock and run again while creating nodes if needed
if (!didIncrement && createNodesIfAbsent) {
try {
internalIncrementHelper(dimensionValues, statsRoot, 0, adder, true);
} finally {

* Use the incrementer function to increment/decrement a value in the stats for a set of dimensions.
* If createNodesIfAbsent is true, and there is no stats for this set of dimensions, create one.
* Returns true if the increment was applied, false if not.
private boolean internalIncrementHelper(
List<String> dimensionValues,
Node node,
int depth, // Pass in the depth to avoid having to slice the list for each node.
Consumer<Node> adder,
boolean createNodesIfAbsent
) {
if (depth == dimensionValues.size()) {
// This is the leaf node we are trying to reach
return true;

Node child = node.getChild(dimensionValues.get(depth));
if (child == null) {
if (createNodesIfAbsent) {
boolean createMapInChild = depth < dimensionValues.size() - 1;
child = node.createChild(dimensionValues.get(depth), createMapInChild);
} else {
return false;
if (internalIncrementHelper(dimensionValues, child, depth + 1, adder, createNodesIfAbsent)) {
// Function returns true if the next node down was incremented
return true;
return false;

* Produce an immutable version of these stats.
public ImmutableCacheStatsHolder getImmutableCacheStatsHolder() {
return new ImmutableCacheStatsHolder(statsRoot.snapshot(), dimensionNames);

public void removeDimensions(List<String> dimensionValues) {
assert dimensionValues.size() == dimensionNames.size() : "Must specify a value for every dimension when removing from StatsHolder";
// As we are removing nodes from the tree, obtain the lock
try {
removeDimensionsHelper(dimensionValues, statsRoot, 0);
} finally {

// Returns a CacheStatsCounterSnapshot object for the stats to decrement if the removal happened, null otherwise.
private ImmutableCacheStats removeDimensionsHelper(List<String> dimensionValues, Node node, int depth) {
if (depth == dimensionValues.size()) {
// Pass up a snapshot of the original stats to avoid issues when the original is decremented by other fn invocations
return node.getImmutableStats();
Node child = node.getChild(dimensionValues.get(depth));
if (child == null) {
return null;
ImmutableCacheStats statsToDecrement = removeDimensionsHelper(dimensionValues, child, depth + 1);
if (statsToDecrement != null) {
// The removal took place, decrement values and remove this node from its parent if it's now empty
if (child.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
return statsToDecrement;

// pkg-private for testing
Node getStatsRoot() {
return statsRoot;

static class Node {
private final String dimensionValue;
// Map from dimensionValue to the DimensionNode for that dimension value.
final Map<String, Node> children;
// The stats for this node. If a leaf node, corresponds to the stats for this combination of dimensions; if not,
// contains the sum of its children's stats.
private CacheStats stats;

// Used for leaf nodes to avoid allocating many unnecessary maps
private static final Map<String, Node> EMPTY_CHILDREN_MAP = new HashMap<>();

Node(String dimensionValue, boolean createChildrenMap) {
this.dimensionValue = dimensionValue;
if (createChildrenMap) {
this.children = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
} else {
this.children = EMPTY_CHILDREN_MAP;
this.stats = new CacheStats();

public String getDimensionValue() {
return dimensionValue;

protected Map<String, Node> getChildren() {
// We can safely iterate over ConcurrentHashMap without worrying about thread issues.
return children;

// Functions for modifying internal CacheStatsCounter without callers having to be aware of CacheStatsCounter

void incrementHits() {

void incrementMisses() {

void incrementEvictions() {

void incrementSizeInBytes(long amountBytes) {
public interface CacheStatsHolder {
void incrementHits(List<String> dimensionValues);

void decrementSizeInBytes(long amountBytes) {
void incrementMisses(List<String> dimensionValues);

void incrementEntries() {
void incrementEvictions(List<String> dimensionValues);

void decrementEntries() {
void incrementSizeInBytes(List<String> dimensionValues, long amountBytes);

long getEntries() {
return this.stats.getEntries();
void decrementSizeInBytes(List<String> dimensionValues, long amountBytes);

ImmutableCacheStats getImmutableStats() {
return this.stats.immutableSnapshot();
void incrementEntries(List<String> dimensionValues);

void decrementBySnapshot(ImmutableCacheStats snapshot) {
void decrementEntries(List<String> dimensionValues);

void resetSizeAndEntries() {
void reset();

Node getChild(String dimensionValue) {
return children.get(dimensionValue);
long count();

Node createChild(String dimensionValue, boolean createMapInChild) {
return children.computeIfAbsent(dimensionValue, (key) -> new Node(dimensionValue, createMapInChild));
void removeDimensions(List<String> dimensionValues);

ImmutableCacheStatsHolder.Node snapshot() {
TreeMap<String, ImmutableCacheStatsHolder.Node> snapshotChildren = null;
if (!children.isEmpty()) {
snapshotChildren = new TreeMap<>();
for (Node child : children.values()) {
snapshotChildren.put(child.getDimensionValue(), child.snapshot());
return new ImmutableCacheStatsHolder.Node(dimensionValue, snapshotChildren, getImmutableStats());
ImmutableCacheStatsHolder getImmutableCacheStatsHolder();

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