The meta-exotic layer is a proof of concept layer to prove a generic method of creating the set of cross compiler tools needed to support a Microcontroller or other secondary processor in the Yocto environment.
The current stable branch is master
The current work in progress branch is elink-redesign
For full instructions for building a Yocto release for the parallella board using this layer see parallella-yoctobuild wiki.
For developer notes about the meta-exotic layer see the meta-exotic wiki.
For full instructions about parallella (a one stop environment for parallella development and the home project of this suite of repositories) see
Epiphany - See the meta-epiphany (elink-redesign branch) uses this layer to create the toolchain used for the Epiphany processor.
This layer depends upon:
URI: git://
URI: git://
layers: meta
Please report any issues with this layer at