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Project implementing an application for the Persistence Core chain that all the other chains in the ecosystem connect to as a raised and open moderator for interoperability, shared security, and as a gateway to other ecosystems and chains.


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This project implements an application for the Persistence Core chain that all the other chains in the ecosystem connect to as a raised and open moderator for interoperability, shared security, and as a gateway to other ecosystems and chains.

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Hardware Requirements

  • Minimal
    • 1 GB RAM
    • 25 GB HDD
    • 1.4 GHz CPU
  • Recommended
    • 2 GB RAM
    • 100 GB HDD
    • 2.0 GHz x2 CPU

NOTE: SSDs have limited TBW before non-catastrophic data errors. Running a full node requires a TB+ writes per day, causing rapid deterioration of SSDs over HDDs of comparable quality.

Operating System

  • Linux/Windows/MacOS(x86)
  • Recommended
    • Linux(x86_64)

Installation Steps

Prerequisite: Go 1.23.6+ required. ref

Prerequisite: git. ref

Optional requirement: GNU make. ref

  • Clone git repository
git clone
  • Checkout release tag
cd persistenceCore
git fetch --tags
git checkout [vX.X.X]
  • Install
make all

Generate keys

persistenceCore keys add [key_name]


persistenceCore keys add [key_name] --recover to regenerate keys with your BIP39 mnemonic

Connect to a chain and start node

  • Install persistenceCore application
  • Initialize node
persistenceCore init [NODE_NAME]
  • Replace ${HOME}/.persistenceCore/config/genesis.json with the genesis file of the chain.
  • Add persistent_peers or seeds in ${HOME}/.persistenceCore/config/config.toml
  • Start node
persistenceCore start

Initialize a new chain and start node

  • Initialize: persistenceCore init [node_name] --chain-id [chain_name]
  • Add key for genesis account persistenceCore keys add [genesis_key_name]
  • Add genesis account persistenceCore add-genesis-account [genesis_key_name] 10000000000000000000stake
  • Create a validator at genesis persistenceCore gentx [genesis_key_name] 10000000stake --chain-id [chain_name]
  • Collect genesis transactions persistenceCore collect-gentxs
  • Start node persistenceCore start
  • To start rest server set enable=true in config/app.toml under [api] and restart the chain

Ledger Support

NOTE: If you are using Cosmos Ledger app: Persistence uses coin-type 750; generating keys through this method below will create keys with coin-type 118(cosmos) and will only be supported by CLI and not by current or future wallets.

  • Install the Persistence application on the Ledger device. ref
  • Connect the Ledger device to a system with persistenceCore binary and open the Persistence application on it.
  • Add key
persistenceCore keys add [key_name] --ledger
  • Sign transaction
persistenceCore tx [transaction parameters] --ledger

Reset chain

rm -rf ~/.persistenceCore

Shutdown node

killall persistenceCore

Check version

persistenceCore version




Project implementing an application for the Persistence Core chain that all the other chains in the ecosystem connect to as a raised and open moderator for interoperability, shared security, and as a gateway to other ecosystems and chains.



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