A Clojure project showing how to use the Elastic Search API. Fun times!!
Now using docker-compose
we can start and expose elastic search on port 9200
and also start kibana
and navigate to
its UI at http://localhost:5601
By running the command in the root directory docker-compose up -d
If you have errors please check the logs docker-compose logs
or docker logs [container-id]
, I saw exit code 78
had to increase the docker daemons
memory size.
Now lets get ready to build our docker image by building an uberjar first and then creating a docker image from our
. This DockerFile
is fancy as it will create our Uberjar
and then build our docker image.
$ docker build -t elasticsearch-example .
Now its going to run the image we just created with the tag name elasticsearch-example
$ docker run -it elasticsearch-example
Testcontainers make it easy to run tests which use Docker containers. In this example we can
simply run lein test
and as long as Docker instance is running then it will fire up Elasticsearch and run our applicaiton test
against it. Simple.
Create the RestHighLevelClient in Clojure using Java interop.
(defn rest-client ^RestHighLevelClient
([^String host ^Integer port] (rest-client host port "http"))
([^String host ^Integer port ^String scheme]
(-> (RestHighLevelClient. (RestClient/builder (into-array HttpHost [(HttpHost. host port scheme)]))))))
Create a IndexRequest document to be indexed by the rest client.
(requests/index-request index "2" (json/write-str
{:user "perkss"
:post-date (t/format (tick/now))
:message "Clojure and Elasticsearch"}))
Function defined to execute the document IndexRequest
(defn execute ^IndexResponse
[^RestHighLevelClient client
^IndexRequest request
^RequestOptions request-options]
(.index client request request-options))