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Plugin Name Registry

Mark Feit edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 9 revisions

This page serves as a registry for all names used by pScheduler plugins in production code. The registry's purpose is to ensure that their meanings are consistent globally (e.g., that a latency test has the same semantics everywhere).

Naming Guidelines

NOTE: The key words must, must not, required, shall, shall not, should, should not, recommended, may and optional in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

  • Names must consist of lowercase letters, digits and hyphens.
  • Names must be unique within a plugin type.
  • Names must not collide between the following plugin types:
    • Test and Tool
  • Names must not begin with a hyphen.
  • Names must not begin with x-. This prefix is reserved for experimental plugins and is not guaranteed to be globally-unique.
  • Names should begin with a lowercase letter, except in the case where the name refers to a specific product whose name begins with a digit.
  • Names for test plugins must refer to what is being measured and not the tool that carries out the measurement. (E.g., a test measuring the amount of time it takes for packets to propagate a network path would be named latency and not owamp.)
  • Names must be accompanied by the identity of and contact information for the maintainer.
  • Names must be reviewed by the perfSONAR development team (contact before inclusion.


Names without a maintainer and contact information are registered by the perfSONAR Development Team, which can be reached at

Some registrations may be placeholders for future projects.

Name Plugin Class Maintainer Contact
bitbucket Archiver
bwctliperf2 Tool
bwctliperf3 Tool
bwctlping Tool
bwctltracepath Tool
bwctltraceroute Tool
changefail Context
changenothing Context
clock Test
curl Tool
disk Test
dns Test
dnspy Tool
esmond Archiver
failer Archiver
globus Tool
http Archiver
http Test
idle Test
idlebgm Test
idleex Test
iperf2 Tool
iperf3 Tool
kafka Archiver
latency Test
latencybg Test
linuxnns Context
linuxvrf Context
net Tool
netreach Test
nmapreach Tool
nuttcp Tool
owping Tool
paris-traceroute Tool
ping Tool
powstream Tool
psclock Tool
psurl Tool
pysmmp Tool
pundit Archiver PuNDIT Project PuNDIT Project
pysnmp Tool
rabbitmq Archiver
rtt Test
simplestream Test
simplestreamer Tool
sleep Tool
sleepbgm Tool
snmpget Test
snmpgetbgm Test
snmpset Test
snmptrap Archiver
snooze Tool
syslog Archiver
throughput Test
trace Test
tracepath Tool
traceroute Tool
twping Tool