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Docker Notes

Mark Feit edited this page Jul 27, 2016 · 8 revisions

This page describes how to build a Docker container that runs a self-contained instance of pScheduler.

It's mostly notes, so don't take it as gospel.

The host system must be CentOS 7 or later.

The container must be in a

System preparation

# Configure the Docker repo
tee /etc/yum.repos.d/docker.repo <<-'EOF'
name=Docker Repository

# Install Docker
yum -y install docker-engine

# Start the daemon
systemctl enable docker.service
service docker start

# Test it
docker run hello-world

Building the Container

# Grab CentOS 6.  Don't use 7; DBus is a hassle.
docker pull centos:6

# Start a container with a shell
docker run -t -i centos:6 /bin/bash

# Inside the container:

yum -y install git
git clone

cd pscheduler

sed -i -e 's/^ADD_BACKPLANE_HOSTS/#ADD_BACKPLANE_HOSTS/' scripts/system-prep


Build image:

docker build -t pscheduler-demo .

Booting the Image

Launch the image, naming it psc1:

docker run --detach --hostname psc1 --name psc1 pscheduler-demo

Connect and

docker exec -i -t psc1 /bin/bash -c 'su - demo'

See if pScheduler works on the local machine:

psc task idle --duration PT1S

The output should look like this:

Task URL:
Fetching first run...

Next run:
Starts 2016-07-27T04:14:39Z (~8 seconds)
Ends   2016-07-27T04:14:40Z (~0 seconds)

Duration ... PT1S

Try a task that uses both:

psc task simplestream --timeout PT5S --dest psc2

Output should look like this:

Task URL:
Fetching first run...

Next run:
Starts 2016-07-27T07:14:50Z (~6 seconds)
Ends   2016-07-27T07:14:55Z (~4 seconds)

Dawdled ......... P0D
Text Sent ....... Data sent at 2016-07-27 07:14:50.507086
Text Received ... Data sent at 2016-07-27 07:14:50.507086
Elapsed Time .... PT0.130897S
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