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Gym Low Cost Robot

License Python Version

This repository provide comprehensive gymnasium environments for simulated applications of the Low Cost Robot. These environments are designed to facilitate robot learning research and development while remaining accessible and cost-effective.



  • Action Definitions: The environments support both Cartesian and Joint control, allowing for diverse tasks.
  • State Definitions: The state of the robot is defined using proprioception (joint position) and visual input from multiple cameras, enabling advanced perception capabilities on non-equipped environments.
  • Rearrangement Tasks: A set of rearrangement tasks involving single and multiple cubic objects is provided as a starting point. These tasks are designed to help users begin experimenting with and developing robotic manipulation skills.
  • Dataset Recording: Included is a recording script that allows users to build datasets in the LeRobotDataset format. This format is defined by the 🤗 Hugging Face LeRobot library, allowing to share and mutualize experiments among users and tasks.


The primary objective of these environments is to promote end-to-end open-source and affordable robotic learning platforms. By lowering the cost and accessibility barriers, we aim to:

  • Advance Research: Provide researchers and developers with tools to explore and push the boundaries of robotics and AI.
  • Encourage Innovation: Foster a community of innovators who can contribute to and benefit from shared knowledge and resources.
  • Educate and Train: Serve as a valuable educational resource for students and educators in the fields of robotics, computer science, and engineering.

By leveraging these open-source tools, we believe that more individuals, research institutions and schools can participate in and contribute to the growing field of robotic learning, ultimately driving forward the discipline as a whole.


To install the package, use the following command:

pip install rl_zoo3
pip install git+


Simulation Example: PickPlaceCube-v0

Here's a basic example of how to use the PickPlaceCube-v0 environment in simulation:

import gymnasium as gym
import gym_lowcostrobot # Import the low-cost robot environments

# Create the environment
env = gym.make("PickPlaceCube-v0", render_mode="human")

# Reset the environment
observation, info = env.reset()

for _ in range(1000):
    # Sample random action
    action = env.action_space.sample()

    # Step the environment
    observation, reward, terminted, truncated, info = env.step(action)

    # Reset the environment if it's done
    if terminted or truncated:
        observation, info = env.reset()

# Close the environment

Real-World Interface

For real-world interface with the real-world robot, just pass simulation=False to the environment:

env = gym.make("PickPlaceCube-v0", simulation=False)


Currently, the following environments are available:

  • LiftCube-v0: Lift a cube.
  • PickPlaceCube-v0: Pick and place a cube.
  • PushCube-v0: Push a cube.
  • ReachCube-v0: Reach a cube.
  • StackTwoCubes-v0: Stack two cubes.

Headless Mode

To run the environment in an headless machine, make sure to set the following environment variable:

export MUJOCO_GL=osmesa
export DISPLAY=:0

Training Policies with Stable Baselines3 and RL Zoo3 - step-by-step guide

To train a reinforcement learning policy using Stable Baselines3 and RL Zoo3, you need to define a configuration file and then launch the training process.

Step 1: Define a Configuration File

Create a YAML configuration file specifying the training parameters for your environment. Below is an example configuration for the ReachCube-v0 environment:

  n_timesteps: !!float 1e7
  policy: 'MultiInputPolicy'
  frame_stack: 3
  use_sde: True
  • n_timesteps: The number of timesteps to train the model. Here, it is set to 10 million.
  • policy: The policy type to be used. In this case, it is set to 'MultiInputPolicy'.
  • frame_stack: The number of frames to stack, which is 3 in this example.
  • use_sde: A boolean indicating whether to use State-Dependent Exploration (SDE). It is set to True.

Step 2: Launch the Training Process

After defining the configuration file, you can start the training of your policy using the following command:

python -u -m rl_zoo3.train --algo tqc --env ReachCube-v0 --gym-packages gym_lowcostrobot -conf examples/rl_zoo3_conf.yaml --env-kwargs observation_mode:'"both"' -f logs
  • python -u -m rl_zoo3.train: Executes the training module from RL Zoo3.
  • --algo tqc: Specifies the algorithm to use, in this case, TQC (Truncated Quantile Critics).
  • --env ReachCube-v0: Specifies the environment to train on.
  • --gym-packages gym_lowcostrobot: Includes the necessary gym packages for your environment.
  • --conf rl_zoo3_conf.yaml: Points to the configuration file you created.
  • --env-kwargs observation_mode:'"both"': Passes additional environment-specific arguments.
  • -orga <huggingface_user>: Specifies the Hugging Face organization/user where the model will be stored.
  • -f logs: Specifies the directory where the training logs will be saved.

For more detailed information on the available options and configurations, refer to the RL Zoo3 documentation.


We welcome contributions to the project! Please follow these general guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Commit your changes with clear messages.
  4. Push your branch to your fork.
  5. Create a pull request with a description of your changes.

Format your code with Ruff

ruff format gym_lowcostrobot examples tests --line-length 127

and test your changes with pytest:


For significant changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Currently, our todo list is:

  • Load and replay one LeRobotDataset in simulation
  • Implement inverse kinematics in each environment, improvements remain very welcome


  • Train policies with SB3
  • Provide reward shaping functions, get inspired from meta-world


  • Implement controller interface for simulation, like lowcostrobot-leader
  • Implement the real-world interface, seemless interface with real-world observations, motor


  • Parameter identification
  • Mesh simplification; dissociate visual and collision meshes?


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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