If you have ever wanted to meet your friend, but you couldn't describe where you are, this app is perfect for you!
Where Me At, you can send your location to your friend, and we will generate directions from his current location to you.
- The map on the homepage centers on where you are (you can drag the marker to adjust it though).
- Make a map name and enter his email and/or phone number.
- Click Create.
- Your friend will now receive a message with a link to see directions from his current location to you! (He can also drag the markers to adjust his starting and end points).
- Customized Google Maps with geolocation to find the user’s current location
- Generated directions with the Google Maps API to direct the user
- Set up Twilio and Mailgun gems to send users links of maps with directions
- Integrated a PostgreSQL database to persist map data
Make a pull request if you're interested in helping develop for this project.
Where Me At is MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for details.