This is the RESTful-API use Golang. With Gin and Gorm technology to make this project more efficient and clean. Also, use S3 bucket to implement the file upload feature in this project.
cmd: handle the arguments in the command line. In this case, to handle --migrate and --seed for the database
internal/config: setup the project needed. In this case, to setup the database and all the requirements for the project to go up🆙.
internal/dto: Contains data transfer objects that define how data is structured when transferred between layers or exposed through APIs.
internal/handlers: Handles HTTP requests and responses, acting as the entry point for the API.
internal/middleware: Provides reusable logic executed before or after the main route handlers to handle cross-cutting concerns. Also handle the cors problem if exist.
internal/migration: Handles database migration and seeding operations to initialize or populate the database.
internal/models: Represents the database structure and defines ORM mappings.
internal/pkg: Contains reusable utility functions and helper modules that are independent of the main application logic.
internal/repository: Handles database queries and abstracts data access logic.
internal/router: Defines and registers routes for the API.
internal/service: Implements business logic and orchestrates interactions between repositories and handlers.
- Authentication use JWT
- Authorization
- Uploading use AWS S3
- Rate Limiter with Redis
This project implements authentication with user registration and login functionalities. It also includes authorization, restricting access to certain endpoints based on user roles, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive data. Additionally, users have the ability to upload a profile picture to personalize their accounts.
- Golang installed (im using v1.23.4)
- PostgreSQL (im using v16.4 server)
- AWS Knowledge and Account
for the AWS S3 Setup, you can refer to this blog
Simple, understandable installation instruction, go to your terminal and paste this!
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Go to the project folder
cd RESTful-API-with-Golang
- Install package dependency for this project
go mod tidy
- Copy the .env.example to .env and configure with your credentials
- If you dont configure the posgresql before, open the postgresql you installed before.
psql -U postgres
\c name_of_db
- if you haven't installed postgres and redis, you can use docker with :
docker-compose up -d
- To add the table and seed them, run this
go run main.go --migrate --seed
or if you just want to run the program (dont forget to migrate the table first)
go run main.go
And be sure to specify any other minimum requirements like Prerequisite above.