Using new features in Java 1.5 it is possibly to specify most iBATIS SqlMap instructions directly in Java files.
Implgen is a Java annotation processor that generates iBATIS SqlMap Java and XML files from annotated interfaces or abstract classes. SQL is specified in multi-line blocks starting with /sql{ and ending with }/.
This is probably best illustrated by an example:
public void updateName(int id, String name) throws SQLException /*sql{
update table_of_names set name = #name:VARCHAR# where id = #id:NUMERIC#
The generated XML:
<update id="updateName" parameterClass="map">
update table_of_names set name = #name:VARCHAR# where id = #id:NUMERIC#
And the class:
public void updateName(int id, String name) throws SQLException {
HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("id", id);
params.put("name", name);
sqlMapper.queryForObject("ExampleDaoOne.updateName", params);
The APT processor can be called via the APT ant task:
<path id="annotation-classpath">
<fileset file="dist/ibatis-implgen-0.0.2.jar"/>
<fileset file="${java.home}/lib/tools.jar"/>
<fileset file="lib/ibatis-"/>
<target name="generate-example" description="Generated implementations of annotated SQL methods">
<apt srcdir="src" preprocessdir="build/generated"
classpathref="annotation-classpath" compile="false" debug="true"
factory="com.ibatis.sqlmap.implgen.IbatisImplGenAnnotationProcessor" />
See the wiki for more info