This repository contains sample templates and code for Anki flash card decks that I used to study for level N1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).
It is the companion repository to my blog post:
The templates are definitely more practical than pretty, so if you are looking for something better or nicer looking, you may have more luck looking up Anki's JLPT shared decks.
I used the 新完全マスター (Shin Kanzen Master) series of books as a basis to create my flash card decks; meaning that I straight-up adapted all content from all the books into flash card decks.
Therefore, regardless of my desire to want to share the entire content of the decks online, it would not be fair to the book authors, and I'm sure the book publishers would not be so happy with me if I did.
Right click on any of the .apkg
files in this repository, and save the file to
your computer.
Double-click on the file and it should open up the deck in Anki, where you can then add individual cards as you please.
If you want to delve a bit deeper into the code in each deck and are familiar with your computer's command line interface (eg Terminal/Command Prompt), then:
git clone
cd jlpt
Open the directory with your favourite text editor, and see the src/
for the sets of files related to each Anki deck.
There is a
file in each directory that should be able to help you if
you wanted to re-create the decks from scratch.
Good luck with your exam preparations! 頑張れ〜!🎌